14 Apr 2024

The crucial role of recovery in training protocols, emphasizing the importance of holistic body maintenance beyond just exercise and diet. His personal regimen, including chiropractic adjustments, massages, and hyperbaric chamber sessions, highlighting the significance of tissue work for optimal performance and injury prevention. Insights on dietary supplementation and announces upcoming videos featuring wellness tips and recipes on his website.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:45 – A little bit of damage to yourself

01:41 – A state of regeneration and healing

02:28 – The chiropractic piece is very much joint oriented

03:22 – The massages

04:18 – Trying to save time and energy

05:50 – The tissues is gigantic

07:04 – The maintenance stuff and recovery stuff

08:18 – Tremendous amounts of chemicals

09:15 – The chemicals that are used in the plants

10:35 – A bunch of recipes that we’ve either used already

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] The biggest thing that we have to worry about. So people even ask me more and more about, what I’m doing to, stay healthy and keep functioning. The recovery piece is a gigantic piece of any training protocol. What I’m doing is I’m getting adjusted a couple times a week. I’m going to I’m going to start doing that every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And I’m getting two massages a week, usually about an hour. And that’s really, really beneficial. Doing tissue work when you’re trying to. Train for growth or movement or anything like that is really, really, really important. Because. When you’re doing a little bit of damage to yourself because that’s what you’re doing in the training. You’re doing a little bit of damage to yourself, hoping that your body has the ability to recover, regrow and polish that piece off. So let’s say if you break yourself down three units, but your body has the ability to rebuild 4 or 5, that’s positive. The problem we get into is that sometimes because we don’t get enough sleep, or we have too much stress, or we push ourselves a little bit too hard 4 or 5 days in a row, your body can’t regenerate at the same level. It needs to.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:12] And a lot of people are like, well, I worked arms yesterday, I’m working chest today, I’m working legs tomorrow. So my body has time to regenerate and heal. You have to think of it as a holistic unit. You’re not just arms or legs or back or by a push pull, whatever it is. You’re not just that your entire body has a heal, regenerate repair. That’s also your brain, your heart, your intestines, your bones. All those things have to even this stuff is not going to quit working. You still have to regenerate, repair and heal. So you’re constantly in a state of regeneration and healing. And so that’s what all this augmentation is for. That’s what everything else is for. And we talk about this limitation where it is more that the sweet. But the big thing is that you have to do the things that are physically, dealing with the tissues. So getting adjusted helps the joints move in the right, in the right plane and the right range of motion, making sure that you don’t have or touch points.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:05] A lot of times people are like, oh, it’s just irritating. Well, that irritation is changing the way your body moves. So lots of times we’ll see people who have an ankle issue or a foot issue, and it changes the way they walk or their gait, and that affects their ankle, their hip, their knee, the low back, their mid-back, the whole fact. So that’s a big, big piece. You have to make sure everything’s where it’s supposed to be in order to do everything you’re trying to do. The other thing is that the chiropractic piece is very much joint oriented, but there’s a tremendous amount of neurology that goes into it. Whatever the muscles clacked on those nerves, it decreases the function of that nerve. It will also change the way that that joint complex moves. So if you have, for instance, a an issue in your upper in your upper back, lower neck that can greatly affect the way the shoulder blade moves, where the shoulder itself moves. And so you don’t necessarily feel it. But after a while you’re like, and I get this big, not my shoulder. .

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:57] Now I don’t know how it got there or got there because you had an issue a day, three days a week a month ago. It wasn’t corrected. And so that muscle tension held lactic acid and it created a knot. And so now you have an issue. And so long before things hurt, they’re causing an issue. How big of an issue that is depends on the person where it is, that type of thing. So we’ve got to get those things knocked out. That’s why I’m getting adjusted so often. The massages are really, really helpful. It’s funny. I noticed this myself, and I talk to the people, and they’re like, you know what? When I’m training, as long as being massage, is this part of my back or my shoulder, my hip doesn’t hurt. But whenever I stop doing the massage, it starts hurting. And it affects the way I work out or the way I train performance or whatever. That’s very, very common. Too many people rely on pain as the motivator to have them do something therapeutic for the body. The problem is, is that by the time it hurts enough for you to do something about it, it’s been there a long time, and it’s gonna take us a while to walk that pain back down and then restore function.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:59] I’ve seen athletes who wait till they hurt, and instead of coming in once or twice a week, now they come in. And three times a week for 3 or 4 weeks. Now, the pain subsided after 3 or 4 weeks. But their their actual proper joint mechanics and joint function don’t restore for another, you know, two, three weeks after that. So instead of coming in once or twice a week, you know, trying to save time and energy. Now they’ve come in three times a week for a month. So it just kind of depends on when you want to pay for your issues, you want to pay for it, and a maintenance form where you do a little bit all the time. What do you want to do a whole lot and hope that you can regain function in the middle of it. And we’ve seen tons and tons of athletes who choose the oh, wait till it hurts. And they get to the point where I’m like, you’ve got to stop for 3 or 4 days, because the way the tone is set up, like you can get adjusted every day, but you got to kind of pull back just a little bit. And we try really hard never to take you off another sport. But sometimes athletes do it themselves. So as you’re starting to do something, when something becomes uncomfortable, not hurting, but uncomfortable for more than, say, 2 or 3 days.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:03] So if you’re working out, you’re like, oh, my shoulder, my elbow, my left, my left pinky toe, whatever feels weird. Give it a day or two. If it doesn’t stop feeling weird, you need to go and get it checked because that can really derail a lot of what you’re trying to do. And so that’s what I’m trying to do. I’ve had an elbow thing for a little bit. And it’s weird because curls don’t hurt it. Like the weird stuff, like distractive things hurt like. So we’re not going to doing, lateral, crunches or something like that. So. But as I get adjusted, it feels a lot better. So I’m getting that worked on. Last week I got worked on almost every day. So but that’s kind of keeping that. The other thing is I’m in my head chamber for five hours a week. And that’s really, really beneficial. Increasing that oxygenation of the tissues is gigantic. It’s amazing how, like, my athletes will say the same thing. This is like all my NFL athletes, all my pro in the Al. Oh, my pro athletes have hyperbaric chamber in their house. Is because the amount of that lactic acid that burn, that ache, that joint pain really helps kidney nature and flushed out with all that extra oxygen. So, because you can get increased oxygenation of the tissue by 1,000% with hyperbaric.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:16] So it fills the red blood cells and it fills the plasma of the water between red blood cells. So you’re carrying tremendous amounts, more oxygen. And that’s always beneficial for regeneration, healing health. That’s the thing. So, those are some of the things we’re doing. The massages are fantastic. You can feel it as they go over those little knots, and suddenly you can feel it loosening up and breaking up. So. That’s fantastic. I also use a lacrosse ball. Probably one of my favorite physio tools is my lacrosse ball. And I’ll lay on that. I’ll wiggle around and I’ll break ups, you know, tensions like that as well. So there’s a lot of tissue work that, that I’m doing, on an almost daily basis. And where I pick that up a little bit, because that’s, that’s a, that’s a giant piece of staying, keeping the machine where it needs to be. That’s I think probably the maintenance stuff and recovery stuff is the is the piece that people don’t talk about enough. They talk about the training and talk about the lifting. That’s the fun part. They talk about the diet. That’s not as fun. Very rarely do we see people talking about supplementation of it’s not, you know, testosterone or whey protein, which is, you know, the whey protein I don’t even take away.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:24] I think it’s completely useless, because your body doesn’t want protein, it wants amino acids. So I use collagen, I use, leucine, isoleucine, the branch chains to activate muscle protein synthesis. And then he uses the collagen proteins, the amino acids there to regenerate and build everything. Whey protein has to be digested, broken down, stored, and then has to be activated. The reason why whey is used the most is because you’re going to pick a protein. Whey has the highest concentration of, leucine. And leucine has the highest concentration of muscle protein synthesis factor of any of the amino acids. So again it goes back to chemistry whether you knew why you were taking something or not. He is very similar to where that action. And that’s why you’ll see the plant based ones all based on pig, plant based is normally worse for you than animal based. Just as a general amount of stuff in the populace. The plant based stuff has tremendous amounts of chemicals in it. You’re going to have more, you know, things like glyphosate, things like atrazine, things like that in them. Even if they’re, you know, organic and that type of thing. There’s there’s a lot of. So like, for instance, soy is organic. You can have all kinds of soy.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:36] There’s a lot of something that isn’t organic, and it makes it into most of the stuff. Because the labels on what’s organic, allow for certain things that are bad for you. But soy is one of the biggest producers of, estrogen. And estrogen is counterproductive to growth. It’s highly catabolic, which means it makes you fall, body kind of dissolve and fall apart. When you really want to minimize the amount of estrogens that are in the body, so you really got to wash the plant based stuff because that stuff is typically bad. But you can do a vegetarian like a base diet, as long as it’s fresh vegetables that you grow yourself or you get from, you know, a farmer’s market where, you know, the chemicals that are used in the plants. And I mean the the surrounding things that are grown and the soil composition it’s grown in, that you can do generally supplement, you know, just as much the, with that one. So watching your recovery is a big, big, big, big. So getting adjusted, getting a massage where you’re doing your stretching, doing your physio work like I do with, you know, you can use foam rollers, which are fine, especially for it and stuff like that. But the big I’m a much bigger fan of lacrosse balls.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:46] They can really get in there and can work stuff out. So those are the type of things that you guys need to kind of focus on that. I don’t think a lot of people are talking about because one is not sexy and fun, and two, it makes nobody in your mind be telling you to grab a lacrosse ball and roller out of the ground doesn’t benefit me in any way. So I think anyone who’s telling you that. So I think that’s one of the things. So we’re going to make some videos on that, just for fun. But the other cool thing is that a lot of you guys have been asking about the diet. How do you make food and stuff like that? So my wife, Lu, has been nice enough to agree to make some videos, and she’s going to start doing that this weekend. And hopefully we’ll have some, videos about a week or two to post, tours of wellness.com website so you guys can check that out. This is kind of a work in progress. So we’re going to do some stuff and you guys have some comments on if it was helpful or that sort of thing. But we got a bunch of recipes that we’ve either used already or that things we want to try or things other people have. And to us that we have tons and tons of recipes that we can kind of walk through and figure out. This was difficult, this wasn’t. And so we’ll kind of put that out. So those are coming to the post on its website. So start checking that out. And we’ll get everything going. So thanks for your time and we’ll talk to you guys later today.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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