As a positive force in the wellness market, Dr. Chalmers is on a mission. That mission is to help others to get the most out of life through knowledge and accountability. Connect with Dr. Chalmers and run down the wellness path with a team. Start with the Chalmers Facebook Group, and check out the wellness tips and tricks. Dr. Chalmers new book “Pillars of Wellness” is available on Amazon and through special promotions.


The concept of anger is explored, emphasizing that it is often a reaction to deeper emotions rather than a primary feeling. Anger can surface when individuals feel loneliness, sadness, guilt,…

Challenges common misconceptions about weight loss, arguing that the focus should shift from losing weight to losing fat while preserving muscle. He explains that the traditional "calories in, calories out"…

In this episode, the critical role of sleep in overall health and fitness is explored, emphasizing its impact on everything from energy levels to long-term recovery. Sleep apnea, often overlooked,…

As the weather gets colder, it's common to see an increase in flu and colds, but there are several factors at play beyond just the drop in temperature. A lack…

Consistency in exercise is crucial, but it's equally important to focus on proper form and avoid movements that cause pain. If an exercise leads to discomfort in your joints, such…

This episode explores the differences between research peptides and pharmaceutical peptides, highlighting that although they are chemically identical, pharmaceutical versions tend to be more expensive due to regulatory factors. There's…

Peptides are now available for various health benefits, including hair regrowth, muscle development, and growth hormone support. Options include research-grade and pharmaceutical versions, with coaching offered to guide safe use.…

Going beyond just macronutrients like proteins, fats, and carbs is essential for achieving optimal health. Many crucial nutrients, especially methylated B vitamins, are often missing from our diets but play…

In this enlightening episode, we explore the profound connection between safety and healing. Our guest delves into the critical role that a safe environment plays in fostering emotional well-being and…

GLP-1 receptor agonists, used to promote fat burning by shutting off the glucose pathway, can lead to significant metabolic changes. While effective for weight loss, they can pose risks like…

Hormones play a critical role in maintaining overall health by regulating body functions such as repair, regeneration, and energy production. Testosterone, often misunderstood as a male-only hormone, is essential for…

In this episode, the focus is on the profound connection between mental health and physical wellness, particularly gut health. Stress and unresolved emotional trauma can keep the body in a…

This video challenges the traditional understanding of calories, arguing that they are not as relevant to health and weight management as commonly believed. It highlights the damaging effects of chemicals…

This overview delves into the complexities of using peptides, steroids, and supplements for muscle growth and performance enhancement. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on foundational health elements, like sleep…

In this episode, the discussion dives into the complexities of weight loss and body composition, highlighting the importance of understanding how the body processes fat, muscle, and protein. It’s explained…

This episode dives into the link between diabetes and neurological conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer's. It explains how issues with insulin regulation in diabetes can lead to increased glucose…

In this episode, a viral meme about the "Ideal Woman" is dissected to explore societal expectations and relationship dynamics. The traits listed—such as modesty, wanting to marry and have kids,…

The critical role of Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) in digestion and immune defense. HCL is highlighted as a key player in protecting the body from harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites, with…

Depression and anxiety are often misunderstood, with many people not recognizing the subtle signs until the issues have become severe. One key indicator of depression is apathy, where an individual…

The most important factor for long-term health isn't a supplement or a specific diet—it's mental work. Developing a strong, resilient mindset can enhance quality of life far beyond physical health…

Mindset plays a crucial role in achieving success across various areas of life, including health, relationships, and personal growth. Free will is seen as the foundation of personal empowerment, allowing…

This episode explores various approaches to managing mental health, focusing on anxiety and its underlying causes. It delves into the connection between kidney health and anxiety, along with natural remedies…

Short or abridged lifting movements can be highly effective for bodybuilders focused on shaping specific muscles for symmetry and aesthetics. While these exercises target small muscle groups, they aren't as…

This discussion explores the limitations of degrees and certifications, arguing that they often reflect the ability to recall institutional knowledge rather than the accuracy of that information. It highlights examples…

This episode explores the flaws in the conventional medical approach to treating diabetes, focusing on the mismanagement of insulin resistance. Most doctors fail to address the root cause of diabetes—insulin…

The benefits and limitations of peptides like BPC-157 and TB-500 are outlined, with a focus on their effectiveness in healing minor injuries and promoting tissue regeneration. Combining these compounds with…

The discussion centers on comparing vegan and carnivore diets, focusing on the superior nutrient density of carnivore options. Essential nutrients in steak are analyzed versus those in various plant-based sources…

This episode explores the fundamentals of building and revealing strong abdominal muscles, focusing on the crucial role of diet. While muscle can be built, abs won't be visible without reducing…

The discussion highlights the importance of setting clear intentions before using psychedelics, likening the process to tackling the dirtiest rooms in a house first. Psychedelics often bring unresolved trauma and…

This exploration delves into the crucial steps women should take before, during, and after pregnancy to ensure their health and the health of their baby. It emphasizes the importance of…

The discussion explores the intricate relationship between insulin resistance and diabetes management, challenging conventional beliefs about insulin production. It delves into the role of glucagon in weight loss and metabolism,…

The discussion centers around the concept of hierarchy, exploring its role in both personal and social contexts. Hierarchy is defined by the value or authority assigned to different aspects of…

The impact of financial changes on relationships, drawing parallels to the 2008 economic downturn. It discusses how shifts in financial stability can strain relationships, especially when material wealth and status…

The focus is on the important considerations for working out when you're feeling under the weather. The discussion covers the circumstances under which you should avoid exercise altogether, such as…

The critical role of mental health within functional medicine. While physical health protocols, such as nutrition and supplementation, are well-established, the mental aspect is often neglected. The importance of addressing…

This video explores key questions about testosterone, emphasizing its importance for both men and women. It covers how testosterone levels vary individually, with women typically needing levels between 100-300 and…

This discussion delves into the complexities and potential risks of using semaglutide, a powerful metabolic tool often employed for fat loss. The importance of understanding the drug's effects on the…

This video covers the crucial aspects of hormone tracking, offering insights on how to effectively monitor both physical and mental changes during hormone therapy. Key areas of focus include tracking…

The common misconceptions about bulking, challenging the "calories in, calories out" theory. The emphasis is on the importance of macronutrient balance over merely increasing calorie intake. Examples like chocolate milk,…

As the school year begins, the importance of effective time management for parents comes to the forefront. With the demands of back-to-school schedules, it's crucial for parents to prioritize their…

In this episode, the discussion centers on common questions about favorite supplements and pre-workout routines, with a focus on the importance of sourcing supplements directly from trusted suppliers to avoid…

A father shares a humorous and insightful story about the unexpected challenges of raising a smart child. After a disagreement with his 11-year-old about proper knife care, the son quickly…

Talk delves into the complexities of metabolic function, challenging the widely accepted "calories in, calories out" model. It explains that the calorie system oversimplifies how proteins, carbohydrates, and fibers are…

The focus is on transforming the way we view and handle bad workouts. The key takeaway is that the purpose of a workout is to fatigue the muscles, not just…

The pitfalls of making decisions based on emotion, particularly fear, in the context of market fluctuations, are discussed. Panic can arise from sudden economic downturns, such as a recent market…

The essential aspects of pregnancy preparation, emphasizing the importance of starting early. It explains the necessity of beginning preparation 5-6 months ahead of time to ensure optimal health for both…

A holistic approach to health, emphasizing that nutrition extends beyond the physical realm. The discussion highlights the crucial role of mental input, such as music, books, social media, and continual…

The world of detox supplementation, debunking common misconceptions and highlighting its crucial role in maintaining optimal health. Detox supplements are explained as essential providers of nutrients necessary for the body's…

Highlights the value of attending mastermind events and how free market capitalism shapes what we buy. He points out the benefits of connecting with top-notch individuals in VIP groups to…

The hardest part of any fitness or lifestyle plan is making the decision to commit. Once that mental commitment is made, everything else, including diet changes and regular workouts, becomes…

In October, a devastating injury changed everything. While playing third base, a line drive struck the left side of the face, fracturing the skeletal system and leading to a challenging…

The significant differences between opioids and cannabis in terms of addiction and mortality rates. He shares personal experiences of using cannabis for pain management and highlights its benefits for various…

This video explores the link between internal health and healthy skin. It explains how diet, digestion, and liver health affect conditions like acne, wrinkles, and pigmentation. The focus is on…

The importance of tailoring workouts to individual goals. From addressing the needs of beginners to more advanced athletes, covers how to align training with specific objectives, such as improving performance…

This insightful talk emphasizes the paramount importance of mental health for overall well-being. It discusses the awakening in society about misleading health guidelines from authoritative bodies and challenges traditional beliefs…

The holistic approach to healthcare is explored, highlighting the intricate connections between the mind, body, and gut health. The session outlines practical methods for managing health conditions through holistic means,…

Moms often find themselves at the center of family life, constantly giving and rarely taking time for themselves. This video explores the critical need for self-care among moms, emphasizing how…

There are some widespread misconceptions about hormone therapy, specifically with regard to bioidentical hormones. The advantages of testosterone shots for females, the dangers of progesterone and estrogen medication, and the…

The discussion revolves around the diverse benefits of muscle development for individuals of all genders, dispelling common myths surrounding women and muscle bulkiness. The speaker underscores how building muscle not…

The discussion addresses the multifaceted uses and considerations of Botox, emphasizing its effectiveness in treating medical issues like migraines, lockjaw, and muscle overactivity due to trauma or genetics. It explains…

The flawed concept of Calories In, Calories Out (CICO) and its shortcomings are addressed. The CICO model oversimplifies weight management by treating all calories as equal, failing to account for…

The concept of holistic health, emphasizes a comprehensive approach to well-being that considers both physical and mental aspects. Topics include the importance of addressing root causes rather than symptoms, the…

Explains how barometric pressure changes associated with hurricanes can cause a variety of physical symptoms, including congestion, headaches, nausea, and joint pain. It details how the body's natural response to…

The pervasive issue of heavy metals in everyday life, from car exhaust to food and water. It emphasizes the importance of detoxifying kidneys and liver before starting heavy metal detoxification…

The importance of mental work and personal development, drawing on influences from notable philosophers and thinkers. The insights on addressing psychological stress and its impact on biochemical function, emphasizing the…

This article explores practical solutions for managing depression and anxiety. It covers strategies such as exercise, therapy, nutritional support, and mindfulness techniques like breathing exercises and gratitude. The discussion also…

The significance of brain and body supplements, particularly omega-3s and minerals. Explains the critical role of omega-3s in brain function and inflammation reduction, emphasizing proper storage and consumption. Also highlights…

He shares his personal experience of heart damage during Covid and his journey to recovery. The benefits of specific supplements for heart health, including niacin, CoQ10, and N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC).…

Addresses questions from his audience, emphasizing the critical role of mindset in overall health. Explains why mindset, though crucial, is less frequently discussed compared to topics like supplementation and hormone…

Explains the crucial role of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in digestion, Emphasizing its primary function to sanitize food by killing harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Stress can hinder HCl production, leading…

The significance of methylated B vitamins for optimal health. He highlights how modern stress keeps the body in a sympathetic state, hindering nutrient absorption and overall wellness. The roles of…

The benefits and process of coffee enemas for liver detoxification. Explains how coffee enemas work through the hepatic portal system to cleanse the liver and improve overall health. Highlights the…

Shares daily workout supplement routine, highlighting the benefits and usage of Pure Energy, Superior Collagen, and Cardio Flow. He explains how these supplements support energy levels, muscle recovery, and overall…

Emphasizing that cholesterol levels alone are not sufficient indicators of heart health. He advocates for advanced testing such as calcium scores and echocardiograms, arguing that many individuals with normal cholesterol…

A compelling talk on the paramount importance of mindset in shaping personal success and well-being. Argues that a positive outlook and focusing on gratitude are pivotal in achieving positive outcomes…

Dr. Matt Chalmers shares highlights from his two-week family trip across Europe, covering London, Paris, Italy, and Greece. He praises the cleanliness and safety of the cities, recounts his culinary…

The journey and motivation behind his advocacy for using psychedelics and ketamine to treat mental health issues such as PTSD, depression, and addiction. The significant success rates of these treatments…

Discusses various aspects of preparing for his bodybuilding competition. Addresses questions about his carb-up strategy, the impact of ketosis on glycogen levels, and how barometric pressure affects his body. The…

The importance of in-depth medical research, proper coaching, and personalized supplementation for optimal health and fitness. The significance of understanding biochemistry and physiology, tailored approaches to nutrition and training, and…

Preparation for an upcoming bodybuilding competition during "peak week." The process of carbohydrate loading to enhance muscle fullness and definition by increasing glycogen stores, which attract water into the muscles.…

The importance of investing in your health despite rising costs and economic challenges. A compelling patient story and practical advice, The critical need for preventative care, regular check-ups, and smart…

Sharing tips for staying healthy during the summer season. Discusses remedies for sunburns, advises on sun exposure and tanning, emphasizes the importance of electrolytes, and offers advice for moms on…

The critical role of mitochondria in maintaining energy levels and overall health. The effects of long COVID. Dr. Chalmers emphasizes the importance of ATP production and suggests that repairing mitochondrial…

The importance of range of motion and proper form over heavy weights. Targeting individual muscle groups each day and prefers using dumbbells and cables over bars to avoid joint issues…

Dives into his personal fasting regimen used for cutting before bodybuilding competitions. The importance of reaching a fat-oxidizing state and maintaining proper nutrient levels through supplementation. Debunks the calorie myth,…

Addresses criticism of his views on the "calories in, calories out" model, arguing it oversimplifies health. Emphasizes that personal trainers are crucial healthcare providers, discussing their roles in exercise, nutrition,…

The use of DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) and other psychedelics like ibogaine and ketamine for mental health improvement. He explains the profound effects DMT can have on consciousness, aiding in the resolution…

The importance of finding purpose and fulfillment in life for mental well-being. Experiences with ketamine therapy and personal growth, The significance of aligning one's actions with their passions and values.…

Various factors contributing to mental health issues, particularly depression. The importance of checking testosterone levels, as low testosterone has been linked to depression since 1935. The significance of sleep studies…

The importance of Mental Health Awareness Month, The crucial role of mothers in maintaining family well-being. The tendency of mothers to prioritize everyone else over themselves and stresses the need…

Tree of Life, which aids veterans and first responders in overcoming PTSD, addiction, and depression through ketamine and psychedelic therapies. The transformative effects these treatments can have, sharing anecdotes of…

Treatments for sports injuries, sharing his personal experience with a chronic back issue. The importance of chiropractic care, dry needling, and cross-friction techniques. Advocates for dry needling, citing its significant…

Provides an in-depth guide on steroid balancing, the iportance of proper knowledge and preparation. The need for detoxification, supplementation, and cardiovascular health checks to ensure safe and effective use of…

Addresses common misconceptions about hormones and anabolic steroids, emphasizing their safety when used correctly. The fear surrounding steroids, attributing it to a lack of proper research and a stigmatizing campaign…

Emphasizes thorough preparation for pregnancy to ensure maternal and baby health. Recommends detoxifying the body to clean the kidneys and liver, eliminate parasites, and address heavy metals, stressing that a…

The effects of taking testosterone and Anavar on her pregnancy. The lack of extensive research on this topic, particularly concerning women. Advises discontinuing Anavar due to potential liver issues but…

The medical industry operates, shedding light on the influence of pharmaceutical companies and the dissemination of healthcare guidelines. The importance of questioning established norms and encourages individuals to seek out…

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and its management strategies. Dr. Chalmers emphasizes a holistic approach addressing hormonal imbalances, inflammation, and detoxification. The importance of understanding the body's chemistry and suggests dietary…

The importance of chiropractic care and massage therapy for overall health and wellness. Explaining how these practices go beyond mere relaxation, Role in maintaining proper neurological function, reducing inflammation, and…

The potential of stem cell therapy while navigating legal limitations. Emphasizes that stem cells aid the body's natural healing process rather than acting as a direct cure, highlighting different types…

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