If you have pain on the bottom of your foot it may be plantar fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a specialty of Chalmers Wellness. Plantar fasciitis is where the bottom of the foot hurts when you stand or walk on it. Many people that work on this issue try to stretch the calf muscle out thinking that will help. There are even foot braces that people ware at night in order to stretch the calf out longer. Unfortunately this technique does not work very well as the real issue is not in the calf muscle but in the brain. Using Chalmers Wellness special muscle tone technique, neurological reflexive inhibition, we can reset the muscles in the lower leg and allow for the plantar fascia to breathe and relax again.
This technique has allowed our runners to get off crutches and back out on the road in a matter of days instead of months. There is no surgery or injections involved in this technique and it is safe for all ages. This technique starts with an adjustment of the joints of the ankle and foot so that the foot will start to move properly again. Second the Achilles tendon is evaluated for fascial folds and these folds are worked out as you activate the muscle of the calf. This reduction in fascial ties and activation of the neurological receptors, golgi tendon organs, in the lower leg helps to reduce pressure on the lower leg and foot. If you have any questions please call the office for a free consult.
Risk Factors for Plantar Fasciitis
In many cases there is no identifiable cause of plantar fasciitis; however, factors that increase your risk for developing it include:
Heel Spurs and Plantar Fasciitis
Doctors once thought bony growths called heel spurs caused plantar fasciitis pain. Today they know this is not the case. Many people have heel spurs, but only half of those who have heel spurs also have foot pain. Plantar fasciitis pain can be treated without removing heel spurs in those who have them.
HeadPlantar Fasciitis Diagnosis
Your doctor will perform a physical exam of your foot, checking for areas of tenderness. He or she may also order imaging tests, including X-rays or an MRI to rule out other causes of your heel pain, such as a pinched nerve or stress fracture