07 May 2024

The potential of stem cell therapy while navigating legal limitations. Emphasizes that stem cells aid the body’s natural healing process rather than acting as a direct cure, highlighting different types of stem cell treatments and their applications. The importance of caution and thorough research when considering stem cell therapy, encouraging viewers to share their personal experiences to contribute to ongoing research and understanding in the field.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:34 – Drugs don’t fix you, supplements don’t fix you

02:32 – Put all of the pieces together that your body needs

03:11 – The stem cells as a tool to regenerate and heal

05:06 – The inflammation a lot of your body to heal the knee

06:01 – The list of things that we can do

07:33 – A lot of times you guys use these things to

09:13 – The ways that you can kind of work through it

10:08 – Can stem cells help me?

12:48 – Get more information to people

13:58 – The number one thing we can do

15:53 – Researching within their life

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So today we’re gonna talk about stem cells. If there’s one area that we’ve got to be super duper careful about talking about it stem cells. The government’s very, very, very, very restrictive on what we’re legally allowed to say about stem cells. So, we’ll start off with just kind of a general overview. The number one question that you will ask is, will stem cells fixing no stem cells. And this is this is a big thing that the government’s picky on that I agree with. Stem cells don’t fix you. Drugs don’t fix you, supplements don’t fix you. They give their body information and abilities and tools for your body to then go back and fix you. So I don’t know why they’re making that. The extreme point on stem cells that stem cells don’t fix you, but the way your body uses them, your body heals you with stem cells. That’s fine. That’s very, very specific. And it’s accurate. So I problem with it. But that’s one of the biggest things. There’s a variety of different things that are being passed off as stem cells because they all kind of are. So if you have a Kia, Honda Civic and a Ferrari, you know, Italia and you’re like, those are all cars. Yes, they are, they are all cars. They are not the same. They don’t work the same. They’re not priced the same.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:20] They have different functions and features though. So yes, but they all are cars. So when people talk about PRP or protein rich plasma being stem cells. It’s in the umbrella. When people talk about Morton’s jelly bean, stem cells again in the vein. Sorry, in the in the umbrella. When we talk about, umbilical stem cells, you know, obviously, those are, you know, there as well the the research on stem cells is showing really cool stuff. Again, it’s illegal for me to say if you have this, stem cells will help you. So fall back on the idea that if you have a big problem, you might need bigger solutions. Now when we do them, I have a team we work with because they’re they’re really good at it. And it’s cool because the team’s all over the US, so we can send people wherever they want to go to where you live. But we do them as part of a process, like we do everything else. So, you know, if you’re going to say, hey, we want to use this tool to radically increase healing, then we want to put all of the pieces together that your body needs to heal with, right? You know, again, if you’re a bake the cake, you know all the ingredients out. So one of the things we look at is, you know, obviously testosterone. And are your detox portals open? You know, kidneys, liver. But can we get the waste out? Can we get that? You get good products.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:52] There’s a variety of ways that you can take these. So when you do I.V., that goes in the blood, that’s the best place for these things. Oxy. They need oxygenated blood. They need all the cofactors of your body because your body’s actually doing healing. Remember, it’s not the stem cells doing things to you. It’s your body. Using the stem cells as a tool to regenerate and heal, to increase communication, to, get. Products that they hadn’t had in a long time, but they can use to manipulate and change. For instance, the the standard torque lines that exosomes, once they’re in the body can alter and change and help the body create any type of tissue nerve tissue, blood vessel tissue, brain tissue, heart tissue, whatever it is. And more or less to extend. That’s what we say. The problem we get into, and the issues that have been raised that just doing straight I.V. is that whenever you hit a large resistance function, you’re gonna the blood’s gonna be, you know, cut pulled out in the stem cells will be pulled out as well.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:02] So there’s a large, contingency of stem cell guys I work with that believe that ivy stem cells, we’ll do awesome things until they get to the lungs. And they kind of stick in the lungs because the lungs kind of pull out all that stuff, which, you know, I don’t I’m not gonna necessarily make an argument for or against that. But if there’s one place that I really want to make sure that my body has all the tools it needs to heal stuff, my heart, my lungs and my brain. So, I mean, I’m not, I’m not. Let’s say that is true. Let’s say that, you know, hey, 60% or 40% of all your stem cells you put in ivy are going to cut in the lot. Okay. That’s that’s not a necessarily a downside. If you’re like, well, you’re trying to and you need effects. Yeah. But we’re trying to get the whole body to get fixed. That’s, that’s that’s really the goal. Because if. If, let’s say you had a knee injury, we gave you stem cells and it fix your lungs to fix your liver. That helped your, you know, clamp your blood a little bit and that decreased the inflammation a lot of your body to heal the knee. Five. Right. Like we’re going to argue over, you know, exactly what happened then. I think it’s academic and it’s fantastic. So we can figure out like, oh, well, maybe, you know, we should look at the long term chronic inflammation from the injuries that’s doing damage to the entire body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:25] And so just focusing on just the knee, more of a holistic view. I know, crazy. But that’s kind of how we want to look at that is exactly what’s going on now, if you’re if you have damage to cartilage, if you have mass, if you have Parkinson’s, if you have some of these things and people are telling you that, you know, stem cells will fix you. That’s technically illegal to tell you that. Is it a tool you should look into? Hundred percent? Yeah. You know, when we sit up. When I sit down, I give away all the options. Stem cells are usually on the list of things that we can do. But. I don’t want people to think that, you know, oh, you’re quadriplegic and, you know, we’re just giving you a shot of stem cells for, you know, $10,000. And six weeks later, you’re right. I’ll be fine. There’s a lot of things that you need to understand. It’s it’s it’s a multiple step approach. It’s like a lot of these things, especially the bigger ones, the inner ethical. So they actually like injected into your spinal canal for some of this stuff. And. Again as part of a larger process to help the body heal. We’ve seen them do really cool things. The research on them is very, very promising. It’s really, really good.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:43] There’s still, I would, you know, legally have to tell you that they’re not experimental stage. I would tell you that regardless what the law says, we have to say, because we haven’t gotten these things to the point where we can predictively we’re going to do X, Y, and Z, and it’s going to do this every single time. So, you know, there’s still an experimental phase. This is bleeding edge, legitimately cutting edge, bleeding edge. How we want to say, research, technology development stuff that we’re doing, safety wise, we’ve seen. And I haven’t read anything where somebody’s got a stem cells and the stem cells created a problem. Obviously you’ve got if you go to, interstitial injections, you know, injections into the spinal canal, there’s a tremendous amount of risk just with that. So you gotta factor that in. But a lot of times you guys use these things to. Aid and. It’s really hard for me to have to say certain things, to aid in, again, the body regenerating the tissue. What we’ve seen as far as success wise goes. Anything that has the more blood flow something has, obviously the better it’s be, because it’s going to have more oxygen and more nutrients. They have all sorts of things.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:58] So there’s like for instance, in the knee there’s a red zone and the white zone, the red zone has blood flow to it. The whites on this not and so getting the blood flow areas to heal has always, regardless of symptoms has always been easier and faster. So keep that in mind as far as how long you can take the effects. The other thing you have to factor in is if you’re going to do something and let’s say you’re working on a degenerative issue, you know, Parkinson’s or MRSA or something like that. Your body can only heal the rate your body can heal. So if you give it a whole bunch and can only heal this much, you’re gonna have to do it multiple times. And so sometimes I get this much out of the first treatment and then that much on the next one, and then you get a little bit more, a little bit more, because as the body has the resources and the abilities it needs to communicate with itself and heal, you’re going to see that just start speeding up. So, you know, if you look at it like, well, it’s $7,000 for treatment or $10,000 for a treatment, you know, and yeah, I think we can do that. You need to make sure that you talk to these guys and you know, how how many treatments would you suspect would be best for me? Because you can’t ask how many will it take you? Can you say how much would be best for me? And so those would be some of the ways that you can kind of work through it. There’s then, you know, we talk about these things a lot. I think we people have been talking about these a lot Rogan’s and a lot of stuff on this.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:22] There’s, actually, Roy, this clinic that’s in, Panama has done, you know, really, really great research. They’ve got Roy these up here in, Texas now. They’ve got I met him, spoke with them at a, charity conference the other day. So we’ve got we’ve got abilities up here, and then I’ve got teams that can do this all over the US. It’s one of those things that we need to start figuring out. How to increase communication in the body, and stem cells are a great way to enhance that. So. If you’re wondering. If you’re wondering if they can help you. This way. If you’re wondering, hey, I have this issue here. Can stem cells help me? The answer is a pretty solid chance they can help you, but I don’t. I’m not going to tell you that they can fix the problem you’re going after, right? So, you know, let’s say that you have brain fog and fatigue and, you know, your sleep’s messed up, and you’re just kind of this general limit and you have damage to your knee. If you go in and you do stem cells for your knee, will it fix the knee? Maybe. Maybe it’ll help. Will it help with the cognition the rest of the body function? The research is really promising on that. So, you know, that’s kind of where we’re at. When I recommend them for someone who, like a high end athlete who’s having surgery on a torn ACL or a torn Achilles, or, you know, they’ve got a car wreck and broke their femur and, you know, they need to heal faster. Yeah, absolutely. I think that it’s risk, you know, because what we’re looking at is not the if you take these, you might have these horrible, you know, issues with your body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:08] It’s more of, you spent ten grand. I didn’t do anything right. But the risk reward, I think for a high end athlete that might make, you know, 80,000 to $300,000 per game. Yeah, it’s it’s definitely worth the risk reward ratio, in my opinion. Should everybody be doing these? Nah, not right now. Let’s let’s get a little bit more research on them and see a little bit more, ability to actually have a real conversation with our patients and say, look, I don’t think this is right for you for these reasons, or I do think it’s right for you for these reasons. Like, for instance, like right now, the way we’re supposed to do it, if someone comes in and they say, doc, I have avascular necrosis of the femoral hat, you know what’s really a specific thing? Your will stem cells help me. The best we can do is go. Well, that’s funny, because here’s a bunch of research on stem cells, you know, doing things for avascular in the process of the femoral head. However, I can’t and won’t tell you it will or won’t help you until I can give you the research. And I can say, you can read this. And if you have questions about the research, I can answer questions with the research, but I can’t tell you it will or won’t help you. So it’s not illegal to use stem cells. It’s illegal to tell people they will get any benefit from them. So I’m hoping that with more research and more, you know. Let’s see how this is worked. We can kind of go through it and kind of. Get more information to people. Now, I will tell you this. I can’t say anything, but if you’ve had stem cells and they helped you and you’re not medical, you can say whatever you want about because that’s a testimonial. Let’s say I had this problem. I did this thing.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:05] This is where I’m at now. Those are fantastic. So if you guys have used themselves in any amount PRP, injections, you know, nasal stuff, the IVs, any type of thing that you guys have seen stem cells personally working you. Drop them in the comments. You know, you know, each other. We’re any of these type of things. Talk about what they’ve done for you. Talk about that done for your family. Because that’s gonna be a really big piece because they can’t they can’t come back and say your story. Is it something that you can tell because it’s your story is something that’s happened. It’s you know, you’re not making medical claims for somebody else. You’re telling a story of what’s happened to you. Those stories are by far the most important thing we can get for any further research. Any further utilization, any further helping other people? That’s that’s going to be the number one thing we can do. I can’t tell the stories of patients that I’ve had on them that they’ve done, because then it’s looked at as marketing and it’s looked at as, I guess, propaganda. But you guys can talk about anything you guys have personally seen with the use of stem cells. So drop them in the comments. And the nice thing is, if you guys say, hey, I had this issue, I did these things and this is what happened to me. I can say Ted dropped a comment in the section that said he had this issue. He did this and they get better. So according to Ted, it was very beneficial.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:32] That’s a great testimonial. So that’s going to help all of us who are trying to help other people with getting this information out. So if you guys have had it, you know, and if it’s your kids, if it’s your dad, it’s your brother, great. If it’s, hey, I knew this guy one time, don’t do that one. But actual this happened to me. This happened to a direct family member. If you guys have those, please drop them in the comments. Send me an email. I would love to have them because, again, the more stories, the better, because a lot of times the stories that directing us in research too. So send those in drop in the comments. I realize how unbelievably vague and kind of, you know, spotty this was, but this is kind of legally how we’re going to talk about it. So, it is a thing. It is legal. The research is really, really good on it. And I think that’s literally all I can say about it. So, will it help you? Maybe. So anyway, if you guys have questions, ask them. Maybe we can get some more. Reach out to you if you guys are looking for this type of stuff, you know, hit us up. Like I said, we’ve got guys all over who do this. They’re all. This is what they’ve trained in, what they’ve been researching within their life. They’ve been living for a long time. So these guys are really good at doing the stem cell stuff. So it is that I’ll be able to direct you guys all around the country, if not just any other questions. Like I said, questions at Chalmers. Com or drop in the comments and we’ll get to them. Thanks for your time. Have a great day.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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