19 Apr 2024

The crucial role of mindset in achieving success and fulfillment in life. The importance of tackling challenges and doing hard things to strengthen one’s mental resilience. The personalized approach required for addressing individual goals and explores how mindset influences various aspects of life, from health to personal aspirations. Personal experiences and insights on reevaluating goals and finding true fulfillment beyond material possessions. Holistic approach to wellness and personal development.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:40 – Questions on is do I do anything with mindset?

01:51 – The stronger your mind

03:39 – To solve your own problems

04:57 – Where is your hormones at?

06:13 – The mental development work starts

07:32 – Do we have something that we’re feeling that we’re missing?

09:30 – What do I need now to make me happy?

12:36 – When we do the four pillars for people

13:29 – The psychedelics are coming in

14:28 – Where the mindset is then

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] Not letting me go live. So I don’t know if have angered the YouTube with, my discussions on medicine or Covid or something, but, I’ll have to look into that. So. This is why I want everybody to follow me on X. Doctor Chalmers, the number one, same social thing. Follow me on X, because apparently YouTube, I said something that YouTube didn’t like. And so now I can’t live stream YouTube, so I’ll have to go looking for that. My guess is it’s something about health or Covid or something like that. So, I guess we will have to see. So one of the things I’ve gotten lots of questions on is do I do anything with mindset? Mindset is critical to everything I do. I do tons and tons of work on mindset. I work with patience on it. I work with my cell phone. I work with my kids on it. Mindset is your mental function is the number one thing that dictates everything else. It is a stream for which it’s the it’s the life force or the stream, the fountainhead from which everything else counts.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:09] You know, I it’s funny because my my talk to my kids about this, I’ll tell you the story. So when I did one of my long fasts, my son was there and he had just made some hamburgers, and he was like, hey, dad, I mentioned hamburgers. Do you want one? And I was like, no, I’m not eating for a little bit. He was like, how long? I said, till Thursday, which it was a Monday. And I told him that he was like, wow, that sounds really hard. And, and, and he goes, but that’s probably why you’re doing it, because you like to do hard things. That’s kind of the genesis. That’s what that’s the whole function. It’s doing the hard things. The stronger your mind is, the easier everything in your life is. And the reason that you want to do hard things. Just pick them. Pick something that’s hard. I wrote a book. I did a Ted talk. I’m doing this, the fasting thing, like, all like all the different other things. Waking up for him to read and stuff like that. It all kind of compounds upon itself. If you’re used to doing a hard thing, there’s a level 3 or 4 in life. Throws a 5 or 6 at you. It can break you. It can crush you. It’s all this is too difficult. This is too much, you know, difficulties, too much uncomfortableness. I don’t know how to deal with this. I can’t deal with all of this all at once. And you just collapse in on yourself. If you’re used to doing things that are a five and a six.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:35] Finding solutions, finding ways of making yourself comfortable, finding the joy in the struggle. If you’re used to that and life throws you a 6 or 7, you can deal with it. You can muster through it, you can capitalize, you can move the the most important things, the greatest amount of wealth, the greatest amount of success, has always come in the worst of times for everybody. If you look at the thing that has created the most millionaires outside of capitalism, would be the Great Depression. When the stock market collapsed, what happened was it created tremendous turmoil, chaos, massive numbers of problems. Well, here’s the thing. Depending on how you look at life, your mindset will greatly impact whether or not you will succeed and prosper, or you will crumble and die. If you can learn to solve problems, especially other people’s problems, then you succeed. You prosper. You become wealthy. You have needed the before. You can solve other people’s problems. You typically have to be able to solve your own problems. So that’s one of those things. So doing the hard things helps. Now, the reason I don’t talk about it as much as I have in I sure is because a lot of the mindset work that I do is individualized. I have people who.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:58] Their entire goal in life is to make more money. They want, you know, they have to have the Ferrari and the jet and the three houses and, you know, they have to spend $100,000 on vacations, like, that’s that’s how they view work. That’s how they view success. That’s how they view their personal identity. And. All right. That’s fine. That’s who you are. That’s what. That’s what it is, Greg. You know, I. And so we have to custom tailor their goals and their path to their goals that way. Some people have different goals. Some people. Their only goal is to get healthy. Some people, their only goal is to provide for their children. Some people that are only goal is to, you know, end an addiction. So, you know people have different goals. The, the the way I always tailor what we’re doing for those specific things. We use some of the same things as we go along. The first thing that we do is we always take people through the executive physical. So we make sure that they’re healthy. Where is your heart? Where is your hormones at? Where is your biochemistry at? Where’s all the things that are required to make your physical body right? Because working on your mind is a hell of a lot easier when you have all the neurotransmitters.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:10] For instance, we talk about this a lot. If your guts messed up, you’re not going to make the serotonin required to make your brain work properly. And so if you’re struggling with depression, with, you know, weird thoughts or you know you’re firing on 6 or 8 cylinders, it’s gonna be a lot harder to get your mental peace worked on. So if you look at, for instance, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, you know, the the higher end stuff. It’s funny cause I don’t I don’t know how many people know the higher end stuff. The higher end stuff only comes after the lower pieces have been fixed. So food, water, shelter, security, safety, financial independence. Then you can start working on according to Maslow. Then you start working on, you know, making your person better, making your soul better, making your society better. Things like that. Once you have once you’ve checked off the boxes for the lower pieces, then you can really focus your energy on dealing with the things that are at the top. That can be your business. That can be your charity work, that can be you as a human beings where a lot of the mental development work starts, those sort of things. So the first thing we do is we always get people as healthy as we can usually take some month, six weeks before we’re done with that. Then we sit down and we actually start going over goals. And this is where I. This is where the personality thing comes at. And so I’ll work with you to develop what it is their real goals are and why.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:35] Sometimes we work through the money thing. For instance, when people, you know, have a Ferrari and a Mercedes and they’re like, I’ve seen that. I got to get a McLaren now. And so we go, all right, well, let’s find money and property and items can be your your goals. That’s fine. We can do that. But let’s take a second and walk through what? Like if you’re a car freak and I have lots of friends who are car freaks, they would literally like their house. Could be a garage with a bathroom and a pantry and that’s it. And they’d be totally happy with life. All right. For those guys that they’re passionate to be like somebody who loves art. Because cars for a lot of people are art. And I totally understand that. It is something that they’re just enthralled with. And if that’s the thing, I get it, I get it. But a lot of times will walk through it and be like, why is it that you feel you need another Ferrari? And we go through that, we make sure that is that really the goal we’re after psychologically? Do we have something that we’re feeling that we’re missing? Because it doesn’t matter how many Ferraris you stick in your garage, if that piece is covering up a hole that you can’t fill in another in a different way, you’re always going to feel like you’re lacking. This is where we start talking about this is where the people talk about money has money has problems. Money has no problems at all. There’s zero problems with money is completely inanimate. It doesn’t have. It’s not evil, it’s not good. It is just a tool.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:57] Like a screwdriver, green or whatever, any, any tool. You can use it for good or for bad. I can’t think of a tool that would be functional in a to build a house, or to build a car that you couldn’t use to kill someone. So it’s just a tool how you use it. What a lot of times I see is that the problem, though, is that people start to have a hole in them, and they think that the way to fix that hole, to fill that hole, to be fulfilled, to be, to feel, and so their purpose is, is being productive. Is to get that new thing. And so they end up what I. The easiest way to tell is if, let’s say you want to buy a Ferrari, you know, it’s $200,000. You have to save up $200,000 to $180,000. And you go. Do I really? Do I really want the Ferrari? That’s how you instantly know that that probably isn’t a thing that your body is the whole new is for. So that’s the thing, because that’s where I see a lot of people get in trouble. Yes, I have to have the Ferrari. And so they work really hard and increase their income and they buy the Ferrari. Well, they were they were living paycheck to paycheck when they had the Mercedes and now they made more money, but now they’re still living paycheck to paycheck because now they have a Ferrari. But you know what? It wasn’t the Ferrari. It was the I need a Ferrari and a Lamborghini, but I don’t have the room for it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:18] So to buy a bigger house. And so they work. Can they buy the bigger house? And now they can buy the Ferrari. So they work in the other Lamborghini. They buy the Lamborghini. Now they have a bigger house, a Ferrari, a Lamborghini. And now they’re like, well, what do I need now to make me happy? If. If the first one didn’t get there, the house didn’t get there, the extra car didn’t get there. That might not be what you really are longing for. And so we try to examine that. And when we look at goals like, what are your real goals? And when they come out and, you know, we go through this, that’s what we usually come up with typically. Not always like the art thing, the art example like typically physical possessions are not your actual goals. So, you know, for instance, I’ll give you a great example of a physical goal that I had when I was younger. A long time ago when I was in school, I went to a club that was a really high end club, yet to be invited. I knew one of the bouncers, and he got me in. And that that’s that that’s a little my connections at that point when I was in college, like I do bouncers right now, I know the club owners. It’s a little different.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:24] But. So I got in because the bouncers were there. I was really cool, and the guys were pulling up in Rolls-Royces and Bentleys and stuff like that. And I remember seeing a continental GT, a Bentley, and thinking, that’s when I know I’ve made it. When I can buy a Bentley, I’ll know I’ve met. And so I got one, couple some years ago, and every time I garage door would open, I would giggle a little bit for years. I love seeing the badge. I love seeing the car. And that’s when I realized the reason I love the car so much, because it was a representation of symbolic civil to me that I had finally made it. However, I didn’t feel like I made it. There’s there’s the car in the garage. Experience? Yeah. That was that was the symbol. You knew you’d made it when you could buy a Bentley and you bought. There it is. It’s in the garage. Do you feel like you’ve made it? I didn’t I didn’t feel like I. I climbed to the top of the mountain. I was looking down and everything. I all I could see was the higher part of them. I was like, well, you know, the Rolls Royce Wraith is really nice. And I’ve got buddies who have jacks and, you know, be really cool to have a jet, because once you have a jet, that means you’ve really made it. And that’s when I started realizing that for me again, for reals. But for me. I was never going to have a material possession that satisfied that. You’ve made it time.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:46] So that’s when I started reevaluating my goals and started changing how I ran things in my personal life. So mindset is very, very important, but it’s also very, very personal. So we have to figure out what is your actual goal, what is the thing that is going to drive you to your purpose, to what is it you really, really want? For me, it is an amazing legacy. I want to use the gifts that God has given me to change the world that is around. That’s my goal. So, you know, if there’s private jets and cars in the future. Okay. I don’t think they’re going to be because I don’t care. So that’s where that is. But before I can actually start focusing on what I’m doing now, I had to realize what my actual goals were. And that’s a big part of mindset. So one of the things we do when I, when we do the four pillars for people. So the pillars of wellness, the biochemical and the biomechanical, that’s the nutrition, that’s the hormones, that’s the exercise. That’s the I feel good, I can move. Those are those two, the other two which are that can only be done when these two are completed. The spiritual and the psychological.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:57] So the spiritual, the psychological. I don’t spend as much time talking on me because we haven’t gotten through phase one yet. We’ll start talking more about it, because people keep asking me about it. But you have to understand that it’s going to be when people ask me questions like, well, you said this and like, well, that was for someone who has this goal line. Your goal line is different. You’re in a different place in your life. So before you can get to step five, you got to go through step 3 or 4. And sometimes these steps are a little bit different for everybody. I’ll try to condense them into the things that everybody needs to do. but this is also where the psychedelics are coming in. This is where the. The things like 75 hard come in when you learn dedication and sacrifice, towards a goal. That’s where those things come in. So that is substantially more important than the rest of the things.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:51] Because everything is driven by the way your mind functions and the way your mind works, the way your relationships are, the way you treat your kids, the way you treat yourself, your your success towards your goals. Everything is directly as flows from mindset. So we’ll start talking a little bit more about it. You guys can ask more questions about it. I’ll start answering some of the questions as much as I can. But that’s. That’s kind of where some of this is going to go. We’ll walk through some of that. I’ve got a whole list of questions people have been asking. So we’ll go through that as we go. But that’s where it’s kind of where the mindset is then. Yes, it’s the most important piece. The reason we have talked about that is because it’s the hardest piece. But that’s going where it is. So, if you guys have any more questions, 10 or 2 questions at Thomas, Walmart.com, and, we’re good to go. So thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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