27 Apr 2024

Discussing blood pressure, its underlying mechanics, and holistic approaches to managing it. The physiological aspects, such as fluid dynamics and kidney function, as well as the crucial role of stress management and overall lifestyle in regulating blood pressure. The importance of addressing both physical and psychological factors to achieve long-term health and well-being.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:34 – Standard hydraulic function

01:48 – Blood work done on a regular basis

03:18 – The medical option

04:52 – The body’s ability to produce cortisol

06:17 – The things that you eat on a daily basis

08:01 – Inflammatory processes

09:07 – The middle of the day and the beginning of the day

10:23 – Work out real hard

11:41 – Calming those things down and bringing those back

12:22 – The depression

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] All right. So we’re going to talk a little about blood pressure. I asked what you guys want to talk about. I got depression, I got blood pressure and I got some kidney stuff. So we’ll talk about blood pressure because that ties all three of mine. So the first thing we always want to talk about when we talk about pressure is what pressure actually is. So pressures resistance of love. That’s the little literal engineering definition. So the which you have to understand about hydraulic system which is the cardiovascular system is that do you have a pump your pipes. You have a fluid right. Standard hydraulic function. The pump cannot create pressure. Not the way it works. The pump creates flow pressures, resistance to flow. Right. So you can either resist that flow or two ways the pipe or the fluid. So if the pipe gets smaller, like sticking your thumb over the end of a garden hose, pressure goes up. If the viscosity or the thickness of the fluid goes up, pressure goes up because it’s harder to move a thicker fluid. So think, you know, moving. Moving water around in a tube versus moving jelly around in the tube.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:11] Moving the jelly around has a much higher viscosity. It can take longer for it to move around, so the amount of force required to push the jelly is higher than the amount of force required to push the water back, so more pressure is required. So, quick, two things that we always do we start having pressure issues is we pull blood and we look at the the nature of the hemoglobin, hematocrit. It’s one of the things we like. It’s not the only thing. But that’s the that’s a quick indication of, how thick the blood’s getting. We see it a lot with with hormone therapy, things like that. So if you’re not getting your, your blood work done on a regular basis, if you’re on hormone therapy, especially, you’re on a higher end hormone therapy using peptides and stuff like that or just a higher amount of test. You guys really need to check your blood every three months, so do that. But the nature is a big one on that. So if we pull the if you pull the blood and viscosity, your blood looks good. So the, the, the thickness of their blood looks good. We can typically go with the next option, which is kidney. Typically when we start talking about, you know, the pipe, you can have localized constriction of the blood vessel.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:27] We see that with Covid, which is the Covid vaccine that makes the pipes tighter, but it doesn’t increase blood pressure overall. Sometimes we’ll have migraine headaches. That’s a blood pressure issue inside the brain. It’s a lack of oxygen issue. And so there’s that’s a that’s actually a good point. I forgot the blood pressure in your left leg, your brain, your your right arm. All different. They can easily be different. So just taking our blood pressure one point isn’t always beneficial. So that is a that is just that. Now, when we start looking at the easiest way to manipulate, blood pressure is by working on the fluid itself. So again, if we take out 20% of the fluid that’s in your hydraulic system, pressure goes down because there’s less fluid, less things move around. That’s the medical option, which is why they give you Lasix and diuretics and things like that, because it works in the kidney to drop a lot of fluid out of your body. So that brings us into the kidney. The kidneys have a lot of a lot of, function over blood pressure. Because they’re the one of the major resistance points in the body. Liver is another one, but kidney is really the big one. This is where a lot of medical drugs are pointed at to pull fluid out of the body. So if we look at long term pressure issues, we’ve got a lot. We have faculty kidney in a lot.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:00] So cleaning the kidneys. I like to start with packing the kidneys and just doing simple kidney complex. And then using Allison Hassell. So, those work really well. And bringing out a lot of small infection, small issues. For worried about any calcification issues we’re worried about, you know, nano bacteria and things like that. There’s some other things we can use, that work really, really well. RFA sometimes seems to help a little bit. High dose hydrochloric acid, also works pretty well. Clearing those things out. One of the things we always, always lean on to stress. Stress shifts you into that sympathetic state. Synthetic state. That fight flight can override a lot of these systems neurologically. And push your blood pressure higher. So we do a lot of things to manage cortisol levels to increase the body’s ability to produce cortisol. So adrenal health. We talked a little bit. Come on, let’s go. And decreasing the total inflammation of the body, especially liver kidneys as well. So when we go through, we can do that. We see blood pressure come down all the time. We see pressure come down. I don’t know. Without specifically do anything for it. In about half our patients. However, patients will come in and they’ll have blood pressure issues. Not terrible. Some of them are slightly medicated, so they’ll be 160 over, you know. One 110, something like that, and they’ll be slightly medicated. And as you clean them up, it it comes down.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:35] The vast majority of the time, by itself. So as you, as you get the inflammation of the body, as you change the diet, as you start eating, the things that are causing the damage to the to the blood vessels, to the kidneys and things like that to calm down. We see it drop quite a bit. And that’s it’s really happens quite often. We can go through and targeted but that’s, that’s really the big thing. So if you’re worried about your blood pressure. Check your age and age. And then get the inflammation of the body. One of the big again. And I know I keep going back to this, but I need you guys to understand how critically important this is. The the things that you eat on a daily basis are why you’re going to be healthy. Straight up. There’s a there’s a meme right around the internet that talks about how your diet is not just what you put in your mouth, but when you put your mind. And that’s 100% accurate. So the stuff you, the music you listen to, the TV shows you watch, the, environmental, psychological environment you go home to. If that’s a place of peace and relaxation, it’s going to help you tremendously. If it’s a piece of if it’s a a place of struggle and strife and, strain, stress, it’s going to it’s going to be all that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:55] So that’s one of the reasons why, you know, it’s funny because people ask me all the time, like, why do you, you know, like when we’re doing the Facebook stuff. Why do you talk so much about relationships and stuff like that? Because it’s so hypercritical to the overall holistic viewpoint of a person’s health. If if you’re eating perfect and your hormones are balanced and chemically, you’re taking the substance you need, but your day is just miserable. You know, you wake up in the morning and you have a miserable family life, and so you’re just doing whatever you can to get out of that house, and then you get to work. Your boss is a jerk because, you know, everybody’s stressed out. And so, you know, you’re beat up all day long at work, and then you go back home to the stress of, you know, not peaceful, not happy family life. Yeah, yeah. You’re going to your whole life since your is going to come up, your house helps you come down. So, you know, there is a big, big piece to this psychologically as well. But the quick things to look at are, you know, where’s my inflammatory processes. You know, that’s something I have your blood pressure that’s going to have your whole life. But, you know, clean the kidneys, clean the liver a little bit, check your check your age and age. And start giving your body the chemistry it needs to have flush out the kidneys.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:17] But again, you really need to start looking at your total overall stress profile to see what’s going on throughout the whole body. So, the way that, like I said, we work this is that we just go through and we work on everything. We go through the initial the what we call the primary detox, kill the parasites, clean the kidneys, clean the liver, reset those things. Then, you know, we work through the diet a little bit and then we start working on what are the stresses. So when people come in, they work with us. When we first year, we clean everything up in about a month, six weeks, and we sit down. We’re all right now. Let’s go through. Now that we’ve got the chemistry kind of reset, your base is going to reset. Let’s go through your life and let’s pick out where the stressors are. And so we we know if we need to give you more vitamins or we need to do more adrenal work, we do, you know, hey, do your exercises in the middle of the day and the beginning of the day, simply crash the person next cycle or, you know, here’s how we’re going to balance all the things that we’re doing so that we can get everything kind of reset.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:18] And I’d say about half the time just doing the primary detox and the chemistry resets, we’ll okay people’s blood pressure to come back down where it needs to be, and then the rest of them as they start working on the stress points, just kind of balancing the stress, whether they need to go see a therapist where they do ketamine or they need to do psilocybin or whatever they’re going to do for their PTSD stress. And that’s a big thing, that mental neurologic peace. We have to manage that as well. So there’s there’s two big pieces on this one. It’s the it’s the chemical piece supplementation. The diabetes is not super difficult. It’s just we to set it all out. And then it’s the it’s the one where we guys sit there we go figure out where is your stress coming from and how do you cut it out of your life or balance it. Because a lot of times people come in and they go, look, I love my spouse, I love my kids, and I love my job. Like that would be my life. But I care passionately about them all because. So I obviously have stress. And although I’m cool, how are we going to balance that? Right. We can’t cut it out of your life. You don’t want to cut out your life. How do we balance it? So I work out real hard in the middle of the day. I make sure that my sleep, my sleep is set really well. So I go to bed a certain time. I wake up a certain time.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:30] You know, I dial that in my CPAp. I got the whole thing set up for my sleep. Sleep? Solid. And then there’s specific things that I do to. So, for instance, this is a this is a weird one. This takes a lot more explanation, but, I make my wife her tea every night so that she has it in the morning so that I know that I’ve done at least something for my wife every single day. And that helps me check the box of, okay, am I doing things? It’s more than just one thing, but, you know, am I doing the things to make sure that my my family life stays functional? Like, am I doing the things by feeding into my life? My wife’s love language every day. And so when I get done with my dad for me, like I’ve done all of these things to ensure that my holistic, functional stress life is where it needs to be. And so that’s that’s really beneficial. So the blood pressure thing, oftentimes the reason I get into all this is because it’s a it’s a bigger thing. It’s not just to take this pill and you’ll be fine. It’s a where’s your mindset. It’s where’s your stress. All of that. Where does it over time. So calming those things down and bringing those back into into focus of balancing those is kind of important. But if you’re going to start this, you just kind of willy nilly get your water up. Kidney complex, kidney cancer PACs, coffee enemas, and. Like a kidney complex. Allison.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:59] Those those would be great additions to just kind of help push those things back where they’re supposed to be. But. Manage your stress and start looking at how you’re going to deal with your stress. That’s gonna be a big piece of, not only neurologic and overall health, but it blood pressure is gonna play a big role in that. If you have your stress exposed today and just buffer to manage it. So, that would be what I do on that one. That’s also going to help the depression. And we’ll get into more depression tomorrow because I want to spend some time on that one. But we’ll go through that tomorrow. Probably a little bit on Friday. Since it counts as a question. But as far as blood pressure goes, look at that stuff real quick. And if you need more help, give us a call swinging and we can get started of, like I said, going over the entire thing and resetting the whole body. So, yes, we good day and we’ll talk to you later. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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