25 Mar 2024

Addresses questions regarding workout routines and emphasizes the importance of tailoring exercises to individual goals rather than adhering strictly to conventional methods. Advocates for slow, controlled movements to ensure muscle exhaustion and highlights the significance of preventing injuries by not overloading tendons and ligaments. The need for clear goal-setting to guide fitness plans effectively, emphasizing that understanding personal objectives is crucial for developing tailored strategies. Upon dietary experimentation and promises to share insights into nutrition and workout routines through upcoming videos.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:15 – What is my workout look like?

02:21 – The alternative function is all right

03:25 – Don’t want to be the strongest person

04:11 – The power lifting category

05:01 – The most important thing

06:32 – The beginning of my plans

09:32 – The keto cookie

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] Questions from questions at George wallace.com. Because if I don’t start going through these, we’re not gonna get through them all. The, I got the question the other day. What is my workout look like? And if I would start feeling some of it, I will, the, somebody asked us specifically, you know, how much sets and reps and stuff like that. I know I throw a lot of disruption into, for the world, but this whole calories in, calories out is trash. But it is the the thing around how many sets and reps and stuff like that. That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you damaged the tissue and that, you are exhausted afterwards. So give me an example.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:53] The way I do chest and I will film this entire letter, is. So I use 85 pound dumbbells, so I don’t go really heavy. But I’ll go really slow. And so, you know, 5 to 7 seconds up, you know, 5 to 7 seconds down, and I’ll do seven ish. And I start off that way. I do the first three sets that way. And then I’ll take the same weight and I’ll rip out 1720, 21, quick. So I do real slow, and I can only get about seven out and then I’ll hit, you know, 15 to 20 something. You know, after I do those three sets, I’ll do that really quick. And just to keep that, just keep the motion going. The ones I do where I only get seven ones, I do slow or harder than the ones I do quick, but at the end I fail each time. So I will go until I fail. So usually on my fourth set, I’ll do 20 or so and maybe 20 or so on my second set, and then I get 17. And then if I, if I feel like the 17 was clean, I’ll do more because it doesn’t. I’m not trying to get a number. I’m trying to get exhaustion. So if it takes 17 and my muscles fail, and so the weights are coming up and they start coming back down, I’ve got to put them back down.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:14] That’s fine. That’s the that’s that’s the way I work. But the reason I don’t go heavy and because the alternative function is all right, will just go heavier. If you can do something ten times, then go up in weight, do the next one eight times. And so you can do ten and move up, and that’s fine. The problem that you get into is that the muscle tissue grows a lot faster, and it’s a lot stronger faster than the ligament in the tendon does. So a lot of guys are damaging tendons, ligaments, you know, you know, joints the whole deal. Because you’re using too much weight. If you’ll slow down and go really slow, you’ll exhaust the muscle just as fast or or faster, which is the actual goal. Now, if you again, this workout is designed to build big, pretty muscles that are functional and you can use and stuff like that. Not this is not the workout I would build for World’s Strongest Man competition.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:08] If you’re trying to lift heavy weights as your competition, you need to lift heavy weights like that’s should be, you know, pretty obvious. However, if you’re trying to play a sport, if you’re trying to play football, basketball, soccer, baseball, any of those sort of things, you know, lacrosse, you don’t want to be the strongest person. You want to be the most functional person. So you want to be able to move with quickness and with speed, with agility and function. You want to have endurance in your muscles so that you can go out and play for a long time. So those workouts are designed completely differently than World’s Strongest Man. If you’re trying to build big, pretty muscles first stage, that would be a little bit different as well.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:48] So the way that you workout is modified throughout, but the only kind of group that I would be like, they’d got to lift real heavy, at least in their workouts. Not every single lift should be heavy. You should do some endurance as well. But are they powerlifters like the I lift heavy weight for my sport. Now, if you’re one of those gym guys who wants to be the strongest guy to jam and bench press the most and squat the most, then you’re in the power lifting category. And so your exercise routine needs to be different. However, I would tell you at the people that I’ve talked to that I’ve worked with. I might have 1 or 2 guys who will openly be like, I want to be the strongest guy in the gym. That’s my goal. All right. It’s a totally different tire. It’s a totally different lifting strategy than it is for the guy who’s like, I want to look good. I want to feel good. I don’t want my joints to hurt. I want to, you know, I want to have a great body, but I want to go and use it. That’s a whole different type of structure.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:43] The idea that there is one way to lift and it’s, you know, low reps or high reps or you use high reps for this and low reps for this. If you’re exhausting the muscle, you’re getting the goal. So that’s kind of how it it’s like, you know, you got to come in like I was asking like the most important thing and we’ll do this tomorrow because this is really important. The most important thing that you guys can do that helps me out the most. So for future patients, this is the number one thing I want you guys to do. Figure out what your goals are. And don’t tell me I want to be healthy. That’s fantastic. I want you to be healthy, too. What does that mean to you? Does it mean? You know, one day. Doing everything I’m doing. Because it’s a lot. That’s fine. You know, if you want to be the guy who spends $2 million a year doing every single thing trying to reverse aging, cool. I’ll. I’ll do whatever I can do. If you’re just like, look, I want to. I want to get a little leaner. I want to build a little more muscle. And that’s, I think, fine.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:42] But you need to figure out what your goals are because no one can help you. You can’t help you. I can’t help you. Nobody can help you till you figure out where you want to go. Like the entire my entire executive. Cisco’s just trying to figure out where you are today. Once you figure out where you are today, from your heart, from your hormones, from your fat standpoint, from your diet, all that, you know, nutritional needs, parasitic infections, you know, food sensitivities. Where are you today that gives this point what you’ve got to help me develop. We’re point two is got to be so we can design a plan to get there because we can’t draw the line without two points. So that’s probably the hardest thing. You know, goal setting is probably the most important thing you guys should do. So this leads into another question I had, like, you know.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:25] That we got in. It was about, you know, developing the plan. That’s how I developed my plans. You know, the beginning of my plans look similar to a lot of people. But it’s because if you got a parasitic infection and yeast overgrowth and your guts messed up, and you have low testosterone and you know your sleep is trash. We we got to do the same things to fix that base. That’s the foundation. That’s just the foundation. Once you get your foundation built, then we can start going after the really cool stuff. So the foundation piece looks the same. But what are your goals like? You know what? What do you want to be able to do? Like, is it one of those things where you know, hey, look, I want to see my abs. Fantastic.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:02] How much like, do you want to be able to flex and show off your abs, you know, and not have a lot of abs, you know, without. Or do you want to? Every time you take your shirt off, it’s lots of abs because that’s just a percentage of body fat. Like that’s not a building effect. Like, I’ve actually gotten to the point now where I have to ultra my abs routine because my abs are getting too big and they look a little bit weird. So there is a point where you you get to that, that spot, we can spot. So you can’t spot remove fat. Technically you can, but you’re never gonna be all. So you’ve got to start designing how you want things to look around. If you want bigger arms, if you want bigger delts and like that, that’s, you know, that’s easy. Like the number one thing I see with delts. You guys are using way too much weight in your foreman’s trash. So, just so you know, in my delts, one of the things I really like, I just last Thursday went up in weight considerably. I went from 13 pounds to 17 pounds and my lateral lateral raises. And I’m proud of myself for being able to do the 17 pounds.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:11] The vast majority of the guys I see in the gym one aren’t really doing lateral raises, and not doing enough. And and this is going to piss me off, too. It’s I don’t like doing lateral raises with dumbbells. It’s a force vector thing, especially at the beginning, because gravity pulls you down. And so there’s a lot of positions where that hand’s going to be where it no longer is getting that direct force down. Now, if you have gravity pulling down on a weight stack attached to a cable, the entire arc is now resistive. And so I like with cables, but we can get into the workout stuff later. I think that’s where people are really have some fun because everybody likes workout. There’s a lot more people who are working out, but also I’ll film some of that stuff. I’m just going to show you guys kind of how it goes, you know, a little bit, and then we’ll release it as I get done. I won’t release it for two, three weeks. We’ve been taking lots of pictures. People like my diet and food. We’ve been taking lots of pictures. So, like, we made,.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:12] I made, I’m still full from last night. We had burgers, we had pork loin. We had pizza and blueberry cheesecake and we fat. So we’re testing out these new foods for everybody. So I can tell you that we found these cookies that are raw. Oh, my God, they’re the best. Like, it’s not like, oh, I replaced this cookie with the keto cookie. And the keto cookie is almost as good. These cookies are the best cookies I’ve ever had. These little Oreo sandwich cookies by far the very best I’ve ever had. Here’s the thing they’re individually sealed. So it’s not just a package of cookies. Like there’s like four cookies in a little slot and there’s seal on top.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:48] So they’re always super fresh. And so they’re unbelievable. So, we’ll, we’ll start rolling through. And as we start kind of going through and figuring all this stuff out, we’ll start, you know, telling you guys about food and stuff like that. The pictures I took last night, look terrible. The food was great, but the pictures look terrible. So I’m not going to post those, but, we did, I made burgers, I’ve made little holes, and I put egg, you know, like, in the top of the burger, and it almost worked. But it was it was interesting. But, so we’ll start talking to us about, as soon as for questions. And I’ll do, I’ll do these more often. We’ve got a bunch more in there. And I’m gonna start doing these more than just from Friday’s, but, we’ve been having a having a good time seeing these questions come in. I know they’re coming from a lot of my patients, so, you guys just send those and we’ll get those answered, and we’ll we’ll try to go through these a little bit, quicker. I will start posting some videos of, working out in about two weeks on that one. So, posing practice this Saturday. So we are definitely get some videos of that and get that out. That should be interesting. But I we’ll talk to you guys later. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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