03 Apr 2024

The importance of maintenance for physical well-being, emphasizing regular adjustments, massages, and hyperbaric chamber sessions for athletes and individuals pushing themselves in workouts. The necessity of amino acids over protein for muscle synthesis and recommends collagen for efficient nutrient absorption. Shares insights on optimizing sleep through routines, including grounding techniques and weighted blankets, underscoring the significance of sleep for regeneration and healing.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:23 – The tissue works really important

01:29 – The pros I work with in no matter what

03:27 – The chamber really helps

04:29 – Take branching amino acids

06:02 – The only protein that I would take when I know my body needs

06:48 – The micronutrients that you’re getting

09:26 – The frequency function of the body

10:06 – Energy frequency and energy function in the medicine

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] so we’re doing questions from questions at Chalmers wellness.com. So if you have questions email them there. So the first one we’ve got is, on maintenance of stuff. What am I doing for maintenance? So I’m going to adjusted twice a week to, massages a week. The tissue works really important because as you’re trying to build, musculature for trying to decide if you’re working out really hard for training, real hard for doing, your body is going to hold lactic acid is going to hold waste products. It’s going to have knots. It’s going to do stuff like that. If you don’t constantly do the maintenance and work those things out, they end up building up over time. And so when we look at a lot of injuries that we’ve seen, you know, talk to athletes and be like, well, you know, I’ve been feeling it for a while and it’s just not got to the point where it’s, you know, I need I have to do something about it. And I’m like, okay, well, you’ve radically reduced your ability to workout and train.

[00:01:02] So now it can take me ten days, two weeks to get this back to the point where you can train. And so you’ve greatly reduced your ability to push yourself forward. Like when I see my NFL guys during the season will say, three times a week, 2 or 3 times a week. We’re going to massage as we get the whole thing. Hyperbaric, the whole deal. Same thing, I know. And it’s, it’s it’s a game changer for a lot of people. A lot of the pros I work with in no matter what, adjuncts, whether they’re bodybuilders or they’re NFL or they’re an NBA or whatever they are. When they’re training hard. We’ll see them twice a week when they’re playing. When they’re playing, we’ll see them. You know, like I said, one, two, three times a week. Just depends on what’s going on. Because the biggest piece is that how much are you falling off? So if you put up with stuff and you’re like, well, my elbow hurts. And so I’ll just be easy. I’ll just take it easy. Okay. So you’re going to restrict your body’s ability to push yourself to damage the tissue because you end up injuring a joint. So my elbow was then tweaking.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:08] Not bad. I can feel it sometimes when I lift and it hurts. 5 or 6. Not enough. Make me stop, but I’m getting adjusted. I think I’ve gotten adjusted every day this week. And so it’ll be stiff and tight and kind of, yeah, I’ll get adjusted 30 minutes for your workout. Work out. Feel great. Come back. I’ll be a little bit tight. And it’s been getting better as we’ve been going along. So instead of getting worse, it’s getting better. Seem better slower than I’d like it, but, you know, I’m beating it up every single day. So, really adjusted, and we’re doing lots of massage work on it. And it’s been really beneficial. There’s been stuff in my back that, Michelle and I have been able to break up and, and really get rid of. And so it’s been fantastic. So I would highly recommend getting massages and getting, chiropractic adjustments depending on how hard to track. If you’re pushing yourself really, really hard, you might want to up it, you know, a couple of times a week if you’re if you’re just doing it for fun once a week, once every ten days is gonna be probably a good, solid, good solid, meat for it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:10] And then, the, like I said, generally the hyperbaric chamber as much as I can, so hyperbaric, I know we’ve talked about before, hyperbaric increases oxygenation of the tissue by 1,000%. And so whenever we’re talking about regeneration, recovery, things like that, that’s that’s the whole gamut. And so getting the chamber really helps. And pulling back together, taking all the supplements I take is a is obviously a very big player. So those things help tremendously. So like I said, besides chiropractic havoc, and then obviously tons of supplementation. Next one is what protein do I take? I don’t take a protein. I have one if you want a protein, if you want a meal replacement shake, there’s one on line, the muscle build, because it has the protein. Some has a couple other cool things. It has all the, you know, acids. The big fallacy is that your body wants protein. Your body doesn’t want protein. Your body wants amino acids. We get amino acids from proteins.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:08] The problem is, if you break that protein down in order to get the amino acids out. The reason why everybody uses whey and pea protein is because whey and P have the highest concentration of leucine. Leucine has the highest muscle protein synthesis of any amino acid. Your body uses leucine the most. To put these things back together, which is a branch chain. So I just take branching amino acids because I want to give my body the most usable form as soon as I can. One of the things that we don’t talk enough about is that what you put in your mouth has no bearing on what goes on inside your body. What you absorb is 100% what we have to worry about. So let’s go back to that. Calories in, calories out, trash the way 2000 calories okay. How many of those did you absorb? That’s that’s the big question. And that that factor’s wildly complicated by, you know, if you’re eating whole foods, if you’re eating, you know how processed the food is, like we’ve talked about this before. But the other thing I can Allman, we’re talking about the absorption of fat from an element. You take it home and you eat it and you’re getting like 30, 33% of the fat that auburn absorbed.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:15] If you roast at all, then it goes to 33 to 35. If you crush it, almond butter is like 40. If you make it on an oil and it’s like 45 to 50% of the entire fat from that, you’re gonna absorb fiber obviously decreases that to a to a linear function. You know, we see that a lot with glycemic function. So like if you drink orange juice, the glycemic index is really high. If you eat the orange without fiber, that restricts your body’s ability to absorb things, the glycemic index is much lower. So, you know, when you actually start getting into the chemistry of things, you get away from the insanity and the stupidity that the question. Medicine is for science. With calories in, calories out, you start realizing, oh, there’s a whole nother spectrum of this that matters. And that’s really, really important. So I would never take a protein when my body wants amino acids. The only protein that I would take when I know my body needs amino acids is collagen. And I take collagen every morning to increase the what the sugar in my body produces for my blood. Which, by the way, your body can produce the sugar for your blood no matter what. So any in any fasting form, whether you’re glucose that or whether you’re in, a fat oxidizing state or a chaotic state, your body still has to make sugar for your blood.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:26] And so it’s either going to take apart your muscle tissue to get those amino acids, or it’s going to take away parts of the else. So I give my body collagen, which is a super easy way for Marion to take it apart, break it down. Amino acids is one of those amino acids and go, but that’s the big thing. So I’m not a big fan of protein. Unless you’re doing, like, a meal replacement shake. In that case, I’m much heavier into the micronutrients that you’re getting. The molybdenum, the boron, you know, all that, all that type of stuff than I am with how much protein to. Because, again, you have to digest the protein, then absorb the amino acids because your body’s after the amino acids and proteins. But again this is chemistry. And so once you understand the chemistry of how the body works, you understand where the levers are. You understand how to pull. So, don’t be looking for proteins like look for amino acids, which is why the muscle build protein that’s on the, see all four of the pillars. Well, the second website, has all the amino acids. It has protein. A it’s a slower digestive function for the protein. It releases over time, but the amino acids are made immediate.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:26] So that would be the big thing on those are getting those things in, like I said, branches of the bigger space. And then what else they have? hum. I keep talking about sleep. And so the question is, when I go to sleep, when I wake up. So I try really hard to be asleep by tech so I can try to get in bed by about 930 ish, and then I’m up at four. So I’m either reading. So a lot of the research that I find, I’ve read research that’s been my thing. I wake up at about 4 a.m.. I read research for two hours every day, and then I get ready for everything else for a bit. So that’s kind of how I do mine. So it’s kind of funny because once you set a bedtime and a wake time, your body will just naturally start waking up. So a lot of times I’ll wake up 3 to 5 minutes for my alarm goes off, which is awesome because it doesn’t mean it doesn’t work my wife up, which I’m a big fan of letting her sleep. And then we kind of get going at it again. So sleep is like, we’ve gone over, over and over again is hypercritical. That’s when you regenerate, repair and heal. And so if you don’t have it, maximize your sleep and, like, do a sleep study, figure out where your oxygenation is at night. Get that as high as you can. It’s close to 100% all night long as possible.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:44] My CPAp is connected to an oxygen concentrator, which keeps me where I’m supposed to be. And then make sure the temperature is right. Weighted blankets are great. Grounding mats or grounding sheets are phenomenal. I would highly recommend those we’re going through right now trying to find some that are I don’t know why they don’t like make a higher in thousand thread count type of, you know, really nice sheets. It’s also grounding. But I have some I have sewing for them. As soon as I do I’ll tell you guys about them. I’ll probably put them on the pillow as well on this website so that you guys can have access to them, but that’s the effect. So when we start talking about grounding and we’ll go into this a little bit more, I might have a whole day on it next week. It helps reset the electromagnetic electromagnetic function of the body, the frequency function of the body. I’m a real big fan of working on frequencies. It’s how we eliminate allergies. It’s how we reset the, you know, communication system of the body. So whenever I talk about, like, oh, you have food allergies, we’ll just fix them.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:40] That’s what I’m talking about. It’s using frequency harmonics to convince your body that a certain food is okay. You’re like, eat a peanut and die. Like, you can fix that pretty easily. But the biggest thing is that not to eat it and die or eat it, get sick. All the little rank ranges where you know you eat it and it gets you inflammation that decreases body’s functionality. That’s a really, really big one. So, we’ll go over that. Next week I’ll do a whole deal on energy frequency and energy function in the medicine. That’s something we do here, which is one of the things I try to get people to come in and do the cure for Thera here. It’s like muscle test them here, and then I can do the Thera treatment to reset the electrical frequencies. But grounding is spectacular. You guys should be doing that more, and I’ll do a whole thing. I’m on grounding frequencies next week, but, that’s kind of how that goes as far as sleep goes. Then I got a weighted blanket, and I’ve got a I’ve got a chili pad that blows cold air on me so that my temperature is fully regulated on my arm. So, but that’s, that’s the big thing. So the sleep is really, really important if you don’t if you haven’t looked into that stuff, look into it. I might do a whole thing next week on sleep as well. So, but we’ll do that. And, if you guys are interested, thanks for your time. If you guys have any questions, hit us up. Questions at Chalmers on a Scott. Thanks.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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