04 Apr 2024

The limitations of the “calories in, calories out” approach to weight loss, highlighting its effectiveness for only a subset of the population. The importance of understanding metabolic processes, the varying effects of different macronutrients, and the potential risks of improper dietary strategies. The potential misuse of metabolic tools and concerns about the future regulation of peptides in medicine.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:30 – The calories in, calories out

02:25 – The medicine more function

02:57 – To lose this amount of muscle

04:10 – The guys who can’t ever lose weight

05:36 – The amino acids to go through gluconeogenesis

06:50 – The free functional amino acids

08:09 – The body needs metabolically

09:02 – How to fix diabetes

10:48 – Carbohydrates and proteins don’t work

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] Over the weekend, we had some conversation about, on Instagram about, Covid to stuff. I’ll run through all that stuff on X, probably later today. I’m not going to it on everything else. The last time I tried to do any of that was something got banned for a while. So, we’ll put it on x, and we’ll talk about there. If you guys want to see that, head over to X. Later today, we’re going to check it out. So we’re gonna talk about we also have this conversation a lot about the calories in, calories out. And trainers tell you that it works great. You know, it works all the time. It works for a very small subset of a subset of population, mostly Muslim. So it works for about 40% population.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:45] The reason that weight loss gurus online don’t talk about the other groups is because the guys who who can eat anything they want to, I assume everybody’s not one of those people that they can eat whatever they want to. They never gain weight. Yeah. They’re not looking for the online gurus. Help them lose weight. So that whole 3,040% of population never gets factored into the weight loss weight category. Groups of people. So you’re acting more so they’re not looking for a fat loss of weight loss. No one ever talks about that because that doesn’t, you know, factor in their daily function. And then the guys who are in no morphs or, you know, heavier on the, you know, more. So what they what the trainers just tell them is that they’re cheating, that, you know, they’re not running the programs, right, that this works for everybody and that they’re just not working hard enough. My issue with that is that that’s what creates a lot of patients that I end up seeing with biting. It’s more issues with, eating disorders, with things like that. Because their their inability to or their, their laziness to not learn the chemistry, and just do the same old thing that’s been going on on a failed system that’s obviously broken.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:55] Like you talked to these guys, you go, oh, so you believe that carbohydrates and proteins work exactly the same way in the body? Like a no. You need high protein, high protein, calories in, calories out. You’re like, well, you can’t be you can’t say two different things. You can’t say that high protein is important and the calories in calories that matter because in the calories in, calories out model, carbohydrates and proteins are both worth for. Therefore they’re identical. Therefore, they work exactly the same the body in that model. And that’s not how they work. So that model can’t be used. But because of the the medicine more function, it can’t because there’s a morphs the whole thing. But behind why it’s great to be miserable is that they can shift back and forth between carbohydrate and fat burning really, really quickly. The in those I’m sorry the actors in the index can’t. And that’s really the big thing. So what ends up happening is they have these two groups of people.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:45] They just restrict total caloric function, which was going to restrict total, fat and carbohydrate restriction. And because those people switch back and forth between two really easily, they’re going to lose this amount of muscle and this amount of fat. And so they’re gonna hit their weight goals. Lots of times you take those measures and you dexa them before and you dexa them afterwards. They’ve always lost, you know, out of the percentage, the fact that they’ve lot of weight, they’ve lost, it’s usually a 90, ten, 80, 20, fat to muscle. So they are losing muscle as they’re losing fat. And they always tell you, oh yeah, you’re going to lose a bunch of muscle as well. But that’s just part of it. As you start to lose, as you start to lose fat, you start to as well, because they’re based on weight and they’re based on a system that doesn’t function the way the body does. So that’s the issue. And, you know, I’ve written a lot of macro based diets that are similar, you know, caloric function and they’re similar. And, some of the things that people are eating for masses and it’s, you know, it’s pretty easy measure.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:53] Diets are super easy. And you can add almost anything like they seem like indexes in the 60s and 70s asking examiners anything they want to, use it or use it to play with a little bit. The, the problem gets into when you get the guys who can’t ever gain weight or the guys who can’t ever lose weight. I work with people who are, you know, seven, 800 calories under where they should be three or 4 or 500 calories for where they should be. But they’re eating things like instant oats and white rice and, you know, really high glycemic carbohydrates. And. They can’t lose. They can’t lose anyway. I’ve seen people who have lost weight. I know diets, but when you dexa, then they lose. They’re losing mostly muscle. What I see over and over again is they put these people on, intermittent fasting and they have them do fasted cardio, and then they have them eat like later in the day. They have rice and oats and, you know, high, high glycemic, functional, carbohydrates, which keeps them in a glucose that state. So then when they work out in the morning, they’re breaking down a lot of muscle tissue.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:59] Because what ends up happening when you’re doing fasted cardio is your muscles have about 15 to 25 minutes of stored glycogen in them. So what ends up happening is that when you’re working out for the first 20 minutes, you’re burning all the sugars that are already held inside the muscles. The thing is, is that once you exhaust all the sugars on the muscles, your body will then go, oh, we need more sugar for the blood. And now for the muscles. And so what ends up happening is that your body usually doesn’t shift over to fat burning, especially if you’re in a morph. It doesn’t shift immediately or in a fat burning. What ends up doing is it starts liquefying your muscle tissues to get the amino acids to go through gluconeogenesis, to create new sugars for your blood, for your brain and for your muscles. And so that’s really what’s going on. So when guys like me or that Gary Brecker or those guys talked about, you know, if you’re going to do fast and cardio, the first thing you’re going to do as soon as you wake up, they tell you to drink bone broth. I told you to drink to take collagen.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:56] We’re telling you the exact same thing. We’re just going to do it in two different forms. They say drink beer, bone broth, which is a collagen. And I tell you to just take the supplementation, which either works. The the bone broth thing is going to probably get in about the same speed as collagen. So it doesn’t really matter if you’re one of those guys who are like, oh man, I love to wake up and get a hot bowl of bone broth and just drink that thing down 25 minutes before I work out. Cool. Do that. That’s your that’s your thing. You’re still getting the collagen in unique because your body’s going to take that collagen. Break that protein down into amino acids. Absorb those amino acids. And but those are gluconeogenesis. Because your body just wants free amino acids. It will not break down your muscle tissue if it has an easier source of getting them. So this is also the problem presented. So when I talk about using ozempic or something, we’re tied to using it properly.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:47] This is more or less what I’m talking about, making sure that the body has the free functional amino acids it needs. In order to create the sugars, it’s going to have to have to run the blood. So that’s that’s the real thing. If you don’t want to lose your muscle mass when you’re on the good side, just do it right. So again, you don’t have to. I recommend that you get into a fat oxidizing state or a chaotic state. So Jovani is burning fat as its primary fuel source throughout the entire day. Then start using low tide and make sure you’re taking your collagen, because if you’re in a fat oxidizing state, you’re going to do any intermittent fasting, which is what semaglutide is. Then you’re going to want to take collagen to protect your musculature anyway. But that’s the thing. So there’s other problems of similar type. And you’re like, oh, we’re getting sick. We have all these. My brain hurts, my joints hurt. Yeah, because you’re not consuming any nutrients. Not only do you need the macros, the fats, you know, if you’re going to do this the way I do it, you’re going to need this one.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:45] A fat, lots of protein and some very minimal, incidental carbohydrates. But you also need CoQ10, omega three fatty acids. And you’re gonna need method B vitamins and all the segmentation that goes with it that your body has to have on a daily basis to function. If you’re not going to eat those chemicals, you have to swallow them as a supplement. That’s how we do health. So if you’re gonna to the blue side, make sure you’re working with somebody who understands the full chemical process, what the body needs metabolically so you can get those chemicals in as well. But again, it’s really to safe as long as you use it. Right. I use the terms of I’m how I have to change because I think you know that a terrible analogy, but it’s like a blowtorch. If you give it to a skilled welder, they can make beautiful, amazing things. You can build machines that do all sorts of stuff. If you give it to somebody who has no idea how to use it, they’re going to hurt themselves and other people.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:32] So, you know, and that’s how I feel like, you know, we have this amazing metabolic tool. It is so tight and people are using it wrong and hurting people. And when I’m worried about is it their organ, it’s just going to decide, oh, hey, you know what? We’re, we’re just going to ban peptides because they’ve been hurting people. And that’s the best thing to do. Some bad things that hurt people, not educate the doctors on how to properly use them. Because that’s dangerous. Because you educate doctors on metabolic function. They’re going to find out how to fix diabetes and they’re probably going to start doing it. So, you know, I think they’re going to look at their whole card. Me like we get $10 billion a year from diabetes. We can you know, we make a lot of money. Absolutely low tide. And we can hurt a bunch of people. And then we can restrict them to prescription only and then teach the doctors how to use them a little bit better, maybe. I don’t know. I’m just worried about losing that the peptides because I use I mean, I. Use peptides for MRSA and for ulcer colitis. I use them for dementia.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:32] I used for. You know, bodybuilding. I use them for a ton of stuff. That’s real important. And so, you know, it would be it would be very, very unfortunate if we end up deciding that since a group of doctors who don’t understand the body works are using them and they’re hurting people that we’re going to stop using altogether. However, my saving grace in that is that there’s a whole lot of drugs that doctors use that hurt people like opioids and, lots of other drugs, antibiotics, and we haven’t restricted their use at all. So, you know, I guess as long as pharma makes their money off of it, they don’t really care if it’s hurting people. So, you know, maybe that there’s that saving grace in there that they won’t take all the peptides away. But that’s kind of where that is. So the calories in, calories out because of the restriction in total. Total fuel. Will work for a small set of people. And so when you’re like, I don’t understand why he says that. It worked great for me. That’s fantastic to work for you, but it doesn’t work for everybody. And so to say that calories and calories out works for everybody.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:34] You have to say that if you eat 3000 calories and you get fat, but the guy who your best friend who can eat, you know, 10,000 calories in a meal never gets fat. That should show you a little something. And then the obvious function of if carbohydrates and proteins don’t work exactly the same in the body, and yet in your model, they’re set up as exactly the same thing. You know, you have a problem. And I get it. A lot of these guys who are, you know, already have these made plans or bought plans, they can sell it to people for food, foodstuff. It’s not going to work out. But if you really want to help everybody, not just the, you know, 30, 40% of the people that your, your product is geared to. You know you’re gonna to change. So that’s the way I’ve done it, because I’ve had to work with guys like me who did the calories in, calories out, did exactly the way they’re supposed to and never lost anyway. So, you know, if you. I guess if you’re that guy, call me, but if you’re the guy who, you know, can just cut your calories back a little bit and lose some weight, do the captain do the Kiko thing and, you know, have a good time. So that’s kind of where it is today. Like I said, check out the thing on X. I’ll do that here in a minute. You guys have a good day. And, thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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