28 Jun 2024

Addresses questions from his audience, emphasizing the critical role of mindset in overall health. Explains why mindset, though crucial, is less frequently discussed compared to topics like supplementation and hormone therapy. Shares insights from his personal health transformation, including his use of supplements, hormones, and consistent workout routines. Also delves into the importance of understanding love languages in relationships, the significance of mental health in holistic wellness, and his charity work helping veterans and first responders with PTSD using psychedelics. Invites viewers to engage with his content and join his community for more in-depth discussions.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 – Introduction & Importance of Mindset

01:16 – Calories and Weight Loss

02:33 – Mindset and Perspective

04:16 – Personal Transformation Journey

05:45 – Workout and Sleep Improvements

07:13 – Heart Health

09:03 – Mindset and Relationships

10:33 – Community Engagement

11:43 – Charity Work

13:07 – Mindset in Healing

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] Sprite answered questions from questions at Chalmers wellness.com. couple. Come on, come out. One if mine is a back story, I do think I’m talking about how important mindset is. I said mindset is the most important thing. Mindset is the most important thing. And so. But people simply ask me why I don’t talk about mindset more often if it’s the most important thing. I can we can go over some mindset stuff more often. The couple of reasons is because that’s not questions I usually get. Usually the questions I get are, you know, supplementation chemistry hormone that we think, we can start doing more mindset stuff. I love I do podcasts on all the time. I love mindset stuff. It’s it’s the thing the psychology, the philosophy, religion like that kind of stuff is my I love that stuff. So when you start getting some of that, the problem we have to get into is some of that is, there’s it’s pretty easy when I explain, like, my opinion that, you know, you shouldn’t focus on calories and calories are made up is because I’m a chemistry guy. And so when something goes wrong, you know, it’s all about calories. I’m like, well, show me chemically how calories that in the equation. And you can’t because it’s calories. You may not.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:16] You can go through macro function. You can go through digestive function, absorption function I when I really get into the discussion with people and I have to do this many times on calories, you know, it’s it’s a pretty obvious thing. You’re like, well, look, you’re saying that carbohydrates and proteins are both equal because they’re both worth for. So you’re telling me insoluble fiber, which doesn’t get absorbed through the body at all, and sugars, which have obviously added some function of hormone functionality? There’s an easy pathway to fat and protein, which is impossible. Pathway fat are all equal in the way that you get fat, and when you lose fat chemically, it doesn’t make any sense. So you can you can walk people through that. And it’s obvious when you talk about a mental function thing, especially a religious thing or some like a position that you hold, you can be like, this is what I think, and this is how I think, why I think that, and that works great for me or for you or for 75 people, but somebody else sees a different way or their impact, their life tweaks a different way. And so they need to hear maybe the same message, the same, you know, idea in a different light or from a different person or something like that. Or they’re not ready for it. Like it’s one of those things where you say something and it’s right, and for the person needs to do that. It’s just not they’re not ready for it. So there’s a lot more back and forth.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:33] There’s a lot more things that we look at that are multifactorial. And so you need more information. So you guys here’s my problem. You go, well, here’s how I fix it. But you didn’t get all the information. So so we can talk about more. That’s fine. so we’ll we’ll start doing some more stuff on that. The other question I got was, about how I did the transformation, how I went from where I was, say, six months ago to where I am now, as far as you know, all of a sudden, all the hormones we use or supplements we use, I’d say we, I use, the workout, like the whole thing. And I gonna do a podcast on that. There’s a lot more than I did. And I can go over right now. So we can go back through both of those things. The, I’ll go real quick throughout all the segments that I’ve been talking about and all the ones I want to talk about next week, the next week over, that is what I talk, like I’ve got a giant list of supplementation I took. I was on, sipping a testosterone, sipping an angel on deck, and I, I did some peptide stuff, so, you know, it’s more like hormone tests, more of that type of growth hormone stuff. Melatonin to to darken my skin and do some more of that. Right now, I’m doing some studies on, I found a new peptide that heals mitochondrial damage. And I’m working back through that whole again. Goes like that calorie thing. I’m walking back to the actual functionality of how your body breaks down fat, in the mitochondria ATP cycle, the citric acid cycle. And we’re bringing in, a lot of antioxidants. We’re bringing in a lot of stuff, to work on that one in them.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:16] And I’ve found a group that does, you know, looks like they’re pretty good in. And, so I combine that with peptides that regenerates the heals, the mitochondrial damage, that I have and everybody else has. And so we’re going to see how that one goes through. And so we’ll bring that up as we go along. But I can go over all the things that I did the way I worked out, it’s going to be some that’s just gonna be boring for you guys because it’s everyone’s like, well, you know, show me your workout plan. I’m like, I showed it to you three years ago. And they’re like, well, what is it now? Like it’s the same thing. Like it’s, you know, muscles do one thing they can track and they’ve shortened joints. So this is the this is the way your bicep works. You can do it on a preacher bench. You can do it with a bar. You can do it with an easy crowbar. You can do it with cables. You can do it with dumbbells. You can do it single arm, double up. There’s all sorts of ways to do this motion. But this is the motion. So that’s kind of how you do it. And so I do very specific concentration curls. So I’ll go back through that. We can you know I’ll do some videos and stuff like that. And we can do a big how I did that. Thing if you guys care. If you guys want to jump on the same program, we can do that. But a lot of the stuff I’ve talked about is the stuff that I’ve done for that. So I’m talking about sleep size. If it didn’t ever come up as a problem, I wouldn’t talk about it. Like, I had epilepsy and now I don’t, because I did a sleep study, found out that I wasn’t breathing, was damaging my brain.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:45] I started putting I started breathing, I with a CPAp and I got better. And then I added oxygen, my oxygen concentrator, to it, and I got even better. And so that’s kind of where that one went. I’ve done chasm citizen Echocardiograms on myself. The calcium CT I was fine with, but the echo cardiogram showed that my ejection fraction was lower than I suppose, and so I was able to do some things to fix that. So the things I’m talking about are things I die, like I can do a podcast to go through the entire thing, which can take you an hour if you care. Like you can watch that. I’ll do that, maybe this weekend. But that’s, you know, we can go through that. There’s there’s a lot of a lot of stuff. So I’ll go through that this weekend, as well the mindset stuff though. You guys are going to ask more questions, like similar questions at and I don’t care how easy or how silly or how whatever they are. And we can start going through some of those things. We can start going through some of the things that I see in the office when I do. A lot of the stuff that I do is, hey, we look at things in a different light, right? So. Women will come in, they’ll complain about their husbands, and I’ll kind of give them, you know, this. You know, the other teams play about type of an idea, kind of like, well, did you think of x, Y, and Z? Did you? You know, this is how a lot of times we think about it. Did you think about it from this perspective? And they’ll go, oh no, that’s a good idea.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:13] And I talk to the husbands kind of same idea. Like I always tell them, you know, when we get couples in and we vote them both on hormones and now all of a sudden she’s her sex, right? Is through the roof, and she’s really cool. And all of a sudden he’s like, yeah, I relationship’s a whole lot better, man. I love my life. Like, I get I have sex 3 or 4 times a week. No, it’s it’s the greatest thing ever. My wife love me super like a giant amount. Now like this testosterone sure helps. And I’m always like, have you read the five Love Languages book? Because you need to. Here you go. Because again, it’s a different way of looking at something. The thing I love about the five, which is like is it shows you that people receive love in different ways. So for most guys, out of all of us, but most of us, physical torture, sex is one of our primary or secondary love language. Like the way that we feel loved, respected, you know, you know, cared for other stuff is through physical touch is through sex. So when we have sex, we were like, oh my gosh, this person really cares about me. Like, this is really great. I feel respected and loved and blah blah blah. However, if that’s not how the wife perceives love, if she needs quality time and you spend time with her and do things with her if you need to. Gifts and gifts is not a material thing and means you’re thinking of her all the time. Like that’s really where that comes into again. Just saying gifts is a it’s a love language. You need to explain a bit further into this is why it’s this thing. So like I always give these guys that book and I’m like, look, if you if you’re happy with the path your marriage is on and you feel loved, you need to read this book by yourself and with your wife and figure out what her needs are. If she if you need to tell her her hair looks like words of affirmation, be like, hey, I noticed that you lost 2 pounds. You look fantastic. It was a lot of work.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:03] A job that could mean more to her than having sex with could, and oftentimes not. And so the thing is, is that guys just don’t know, like a lot of people just don’t know until you, like, read the book and I’ll explain it to them. Like I did this a little bit longer and it’s really helpful. And so that’s the type of stuff, mindset stuff that, you know, I like to throw out, things that have helped me and helps people I’ve hung out with, I’ve been fortunate enough to hang out with like, coaches and business coaches and therapists and all sorts of, of the past, you know, 7 or 8 years that have been really helpful in shaping the way I look at the world. And so some of that stuff we can pass along, and so we can go through, like I said, I can explain. Yeah, some of the stuff. So what we’ll go through, we’ll start going through some of the stuff that you guys need to ask more questions. Some questions that Thomas was like, I’m sure we’ll get lots of fun questions in the comments. But we can start doing that. I’ll pick a day next week or something. We’ll start on that. And we’ll do that. We’ll do the podcast this weekend. So both those two questions were important. But I couldn’t answer them very easily in the ten minutes we have. So, we’ll, we’ll kind of do that. So I don’t know, I’ll figure out a day to do those and, we’ll start going through, one of the things we’re also doing, if you guys want to be part of the community, is the Facebook group, Wellness Insights with Doctor Chalmers. You got to kind of take the whole thing up because there’s apparently lots of wellness insights groups.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:33] That’s where we’re going to start kind of coming together and sharing recipes and sharing ideas and, you know, talking about stuff. And then for a lot of my patients, we’re doing an alcohol, on Mondays where we have I talk about different things, we ask questions, we go kind of go back for a subject. You guys want to do some of that stuff, call the office and to figure out how to do that one. And then all the information is a pillar as well. So. Com if you guys have supplements that you’re buying right now, that you like, that’s fantastic. If you don’t have any affinity for where you’re buying, then go to the Pillars of wellness. Com and get your supplements there because the money that like not like the profits like all of that money goes to our charity Tree of Life Dot health to help veterans and first responders deal with PTSD, addiction and depression. We’re using psychedelics, specifically ketamine, to get them back where they want to go. Now, on that one, we are, you know, give making sure they can get Ahold of the medications, the treatments they need. But we’re also doing mental work with that. There’s a lot of sect setting intention work that my team does with them. I don’t do all that. Most I’m also hearing a lot to my team, and my team will go through and kind of work with those guys so their minds in the right spot before they do the medications.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:43] And then after they do, I said medications. It can be, you know, suicide and it can be DMT, you know, whatever it is. But after they do these things, they go into it with the right mindset. They do the stuff and then afterwards are aftercare okay. Afterwards. Right. These things down. Look at these things, talk about this stuff. And that’s always really fun because typically what we’ll do is we’ll get them through it. And then I’ll end up talking to them and doing mindset stuff with them later. Because once you started down that path, your mind starts opening up and start looking at the world a little bit differently. It can be for some people it’s scary. And a lot of you got to figure out new stuff, like I’ve had people be like, one of the guys told me he has because all my anger is gone. I was like, well, that’s fantastic. He was like, really? He was like, I realized that that’s what was driving it this whole time. Like, I would just be. I’d be pissed all the time. I was like, you know, I know that, you know, people be like, well, you can’t do X, Y, and Z. And so I’d be like, yes, I can. And I get mad, I get, I, I do my thing. I just to show them that I could because I can. And so he was like, but now that I’m not angry, he’s like that doesn’t work as well. And so we had to shift it around as well. That’s fine. And I just do the opposite. Like, why do you love what you do? How is this going to help people? You know, that type of thing? I say do it from a love standpoint and it’ll be easier to do it. It was much longer conversation on that. And he ended up being doing great. He enjoys his job more now.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:07] So getting the mindset right is really, really important. But context is is kind of important too. So ask questions on that one. We’ll do some just general stuff as we go through. But the mindset stuff really, really important. Once you get the body back together where it needs to be, you really need to start focusing on the mental piece, working on your stress, because a lot of the mental. This is why I’m such a big mental, mental work guy. A lot of. The stress that we have is self-induced. And so if we can start figuring out how to deal with all those things that give us the stress. You know, it goes back to like neurology. If you’re stressed out, you’re in a sympathetic state and then you’re not resting and digesting and stuff like that. And so getting the body where it needs to be. Holistic health. A giant amount of that is mindset is the way your mind works, the way you perceive life, where you choose to walk through life, the stress, the way you choose to deal with your stress or the systems you set up is when stress comes in. It can be filtered through, doesn’t just hit you in the face. So it’s a really, really big deal. It’s really, actually super important. So if you guys have questions, we can go through those, but we’ll go through some of that stuff. So all right. So that’s out of it for, I guess for today’s, questions that if you guys have questions, mental work, intellectual stuff, drop in the comments and we’ll, we’ll take it out. So, thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

Check out Chalmers Pillarsofwellness.com for Wellness updates! And ask me any questions you have at questions@chalmerswellness.com. I answer all of them and look forward to hearing from you.

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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