09 May 2024

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and its management strategies. Dr. Chalmers emphasizes a holistic approach addressing hormonal imbalances, inflammation, and detoxification. The importance of understanding the body’s chemistry and suggests dietary changes, natural supplements like myo-inositol, and addressing inflammation from factors like birth control. A comprehensive treatment plan aiming to improve overall health and reduce symptoms associated with PCOS.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:43 – The most important things you have to recognize is that male anastrozole is a critical

01:55 – Helps regulate insulin function is the greatest thing ever

03:01 – The hormonal structure of your ovaries

04:29 – Good chemicals and bad chemicals out

05:27 – The specific ones you got to work on are insulin toxicity

08:11 – Luteinizing hormone kind of helps maintain that function

09:46 – What’s wrong with the food?

11:01 – Help one of the bad chemicals

12:42 – The vast majority of people get 50 to 60% better

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] polycystic ovarian syndrome. Endometriosis is a key player in this as well. There’s a lot of things that we do that work really well that nobody else does because again, this is a physiological metabolic thing. It’s not a lack of drug thing. And there’s a lot of hormones involved. Medical science does not do very well with hormones to begin with. So one of the things that you have to manage on this one, the nice thing is that most of these women, the testosterone levels are a little bit higher. So you don’t to move them that much, but you still have to. A lot of these men don’t have the higher testosterone accurate supposed to be. But one of the most important things you have to recognize is that male anastrozole is a critical, addition that we have to add. So what happens in the chemistry of the uterus and the ovaries and the whole. There is a little of my own acid, all the DNA, which is all it’s supposed to be basically 100 to 100 bio to one D when is it happening through? Because of, you know, chemical toxicity, lack of nutritional function. Yeah, stress. And, just the hormonal imbalance that all those things put together.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:17] The body is closer to 1 to 1 on the male to the D. So yes, you have to increase supplement like the mayo just so you can get it kind of push back up. So my own I was a big player. The other one. So I’ll walk you through this piece really quick. When doctors start using, metformin, to treat things and they, they give us a big, big spiel about how great metformin is. And I’ll have a whole thing on metformin, maybe tomorrow. It’s because they have no conceptual functional understanding of have a function that’s 100% why they love metformin so much. So like, oh my gosh, this thing that helps regulate insulin function is the greatest thing ever. Yeah it’s called diet. But since you guys are not allowed to teach or learn about diet, you have to use drugs, then metformin is the next best thing for you guys. So what they’re using is using that form and they’re showing that it helps a lot of women, not all women, a lot of women PCOS because it’s women have basically insulin toxicity. So this is what causes diabetes everything else. And so it helps regulate insulin function by, you know, suppressing liver function. And I don’t think so.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:25] That’s one of the things. So we have to change their diet so that we can get them back in an insulin neutral insulin negative so the body can heal from that. One of the other things we always see is that it’s an inflammatory process. So clean the kidneys, clean the liver the whole thing. We always talk about getting the detox organs open so you can flush the inflammation out. And then we can stop detoxifying the system with trash foods and trash chemicals. And so we have reset that. A lot of these women have been damaged from the birth control that they’re all which I know is a shocker. I know you’re taking drugs are supposed to regulate and source and change the hormonal structure of your ovaries. Numerous that you, a woman who’s supposed to, by design, get pregnant. We’re trying to alter that physiology and alter the body’s ability to get pregnant. And then all of a sudden, we have problems. We have. I don’t understand where the problems came from. Yeah, that’s that’s your issue. So a lot of times we have toxicity from birth control stuff. So we’ve got to start regulating that, especially if these women don’t want to have babies. So. Yeah, that’s a big piece, but we have a lot of damage from that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:29] And so we’ve got to start pulling that back. And then once we see inflammation and calm down the gut inflammation, because remember, at least the uterus in the ovaries in the gut kind of sit right in the same spot. But the gut is really inflamed. Kicking out inflammation kicking out nasty chemicals. It’s going to sit the uterus. The others are going to basically sit in a pool of acid. I see toxicity, low oxygen environment. So yeah, that’s where you know again what what gives rise to cancer hormonal imbalance high high high acidity. Low oxygenation. Yeah, the body doesn’t like that. Just because you don’t have cancer doesn’t mean that you’re not going to have some other form of dysfunction. So yeah, we’ve got to start cleaning up the city. You’ve got increase the oxygenation. We’ve got to start resetting the body. A lot of these things we start talking about and we’re like, that sounds very similar to this other thing you’ve got to fix over here. Yeah. That’s because that’s how the body works. Good chemicals and bad chemicals out. It depends on where your issue is. It’s going to present there. So this comes back to the whole my analogy of the pond. You got this pond full of water, all sorts of stuff. Sticks, stakes, fence posts, bicycles, all sorts of the bottom pond. You can’t see it because the water level is so high. The water level starts to drop. This is your overall health and the water level source to drop. Whatever is the biggest thing that’s under the water.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:54] You don’t see the bicycle, the fencepost, whatever. That’s the first thing that gets exposed. So it might not be cancer. You’re in your position. It might be PCOS, it might be lung issues, it might be whatever. But that’s, you know, A.D.D. or Pots or whatever. Autoimmune diseases like graves disease. These are the things. So as we start to see these things. Okay. What chemicals. This is probably part require. Why are we not getting them? What what massive negative pieces do we get from these chemicals? How do we remove them? That’s kind of how this whole process works. So because the specific ones you got to work on are insulin toxicity. My own acid solvers do natural ratios. There’s a lot of oftentimes we’ll use bio flavonoids to help restore like ultra pollen and things like that. To help restore, just general health. And then there’s some things we can do hormonally. So we will pull blood on these guys. We will check out, you know, FSH, LH, progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, insulin, you know, thyroid. We’ll pull all those things, make sure that we, we have those back together. But that’s typically where we start. And there will be little tweaks as we go. But that’s typically the biggest thing.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:07] So you know, the it’s easy for me to tell you hey jump on pillars of wellness. Grab some my own ashes. I’ll take one in the morning, one at night, if that helps a little, but not a lot. Take two in the morning, two at night, and if that helps a lot, but not all the way, then great. Stick with about an assault and then go find the other things. The problem is, is that it’s real hard for me to turn you over to a medical doctor and know, like, go have him pull your hormones and I’m sure your hormones because. Most of them don’t know what they’re doing with hormones, and they’re going to lie to you and tell you that, you know. Well, here’s the thing. If you go to the doc and ask the doc, the doc’s not going to lie to you, the doc for me, wrong, because they were lied to and how the function works. So and we’ll talk about that later. Let’s do that one tomorrow. Because the docs aren’t lying to you. They’re wrong. And so when they tell you that you don’t need to do your hormones and hormones and control everything, I do think that they’re not lying to you. That is wrong. But we’ve got to make sure that we pull those hormones. We regulate those hormones properly. Because one, we have to a lot of these women. So there’s, there is, there’s there’s two different groups of women, women who are looking to have babies like they’re 16 and they’re going to have babies sooner or later, 16 to 30. And you have you’re 30 and over where they’ve already had their kids.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:25] You’re not going to have kids. And they’re looking at hysterectomies and some things like that. So the ones who are looking to get pregnant in the future, we’ve got to do different things, right. So you got to regulate progesterone really well, because progesterone is actually the hormone that controls, blood flow and blood vessels in the uterus. So the reason why you have blood, the, you know, the uterus pops up with blood and then gets all healthy, and then at the end of the month, cycles out and flushes out all that immature, tissue. That’s a that’s more of a progesterone thing. Estrogen helps balance and then it’s more of a progesterone thing. Estrogen kind of helps get everything kind of ready to go. And then the other hormones hit it. So FSH is that follicle stimulating hormone is the one that helps produce and push for eggs. Luteinizing hormone kind of helps maintain that function, especially after you’ve, after the eggs and fertilized. And so, yeah, and then we have the HCG that kind of makes that whole thing function. So, you know, we’ve got to kind of regulate all of those things. We have to make sure that they’re where they’re supposed to be. But what you have to understand is that when an organ is, in fact, when an organ has the wrong chemistry in it, it starts producing things improperly.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:38] Same thing with this is why cholesterol plaques when we have oxidative stress, when these tissues start to get damaged, that’s when we start having weird things come off the sides. That’s when we have instead of 1 or 2 cysts that don’t hurt, we have 7 or 8 that do. Because that’s typically what happens when we have eggs get ready to mature is they kind of come up and assess, they open, and that’s how it comes out. So these things shouldn’t be carrying pain, but they do because again, it’s inflamed. So kind of like the gut where you eat a food and it tears you up and you’re like, I don’t understand. I’ve always eaten this food and it’s never bothered me. Well, as your gut gets more and more inflamed. It’s kind of like my T-shirt example. Same thing. Works in the ovaries. Works in the gut. You go to the other side. You have a t shirt. Favorite t shirt you’ve ever had? It looks good on you. Super comfy. You love this shirt. But you go to the beach. You go, you go. Like you take your shirt off. You get a sunburn, you come home, you put that same shirt back on, and now that shirt hurts. Why? That shirt hasn’t changed. Well, your skin’s inflamed from the sunburn, that’s why. So if your gut gets inflamed, you eat this food. It never used to bother you, but now it does. Why? What happened to the food? What’s wrong with the food? Nothing’s wrong with it. So your gets inflamed. And so it changed the way your body perceives that chemical.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:52] Same thing happens in the in the ovaries. Uterus. So when these natural things happen because it’s inflamed, because of these natural nasty chemicals or the oxygen environment or whatever, this thing that normally wouldn’t cause a problem now does. And so what ends up happening is we look at the we look at what’s going on. We go, well, it has to have a problem because what’s going on at site. No, no, it has a problem going on at the site because of the environment that it’s in. So we can decrease the inflammation. We can decrease in that the negative chemicals. Every time somebody says inflammation understand that means there’s bad chemicals there. There’s chemicals are not supposed to be there that are there. And or there’s a lack of nutrition, there’s a lack of health. They’re supposed to be there. So inflammation is having too many bad chemicals and not enough good chemicals. So it’s the opposite of health, right? So I keep telling you good chemicals in bad chemicals, that is what health is. And inflammation is bad chemicals. They’re not enough good chemicals. So that’s what’s going on. And so if we can start to change that chemical function, if you, inflammatory chemicals out, the bad chemicals out, it’s a good chemicals in, like, bad assets, like my own ashes all over the DNA.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:58] So these type of things are set to really, really help one of the bad chemicals. And a lot of women, not all women, but a lot of women is the birth control. I keep seeing women come in here and they’re like, well, I’m on all this birth control or I’m on the nuvaring I’m on this or I’m on that. Whatever the birth control is. And they’re like, this is getting a lot worse in the past couple months. Well, where did you change over to this new birth control about eight, ten months ago. How long? Something bad? About 3 or 4 months to do the correlation. So a lot of times we have to start working on birth control as well. So, keep that in mind as you’re going through this. If you guys have any questions about PCOS or you guys need any help. First thing, jump on pillars of well, Nasscom, grab some bio and ashes all. Like I said, take one in the morning, one at night for a couple days, see if that helps. If it does, but not all the way. Go to two in the morning, two at night. And then the only other thing I can tell you is that because I don’t have a whole lot of do, like, you refer this out to, call the office and we can get some blood.

[00:11:55] We’re going to. We guys can have you a little bit more there, but this is a bigger issue than just what’s going on at the over the earth. Like I said, the gas that’s around it is creating a lot of information as well. So we’re going to have to work on that. Got to. So it’s going to be I got kidneys, liver, ovaries. Interesting. So to me a little bit larger protocol, but we have lots and lots of women. We can, usually for the vast majority when we worked with. In the first six eight weeks, ten weeks fixed ten weeks. We’ve dropped their pain and their dysfunction by about 50, 60%. And then we’ve about there’s about 60% of those. We’ve dropped it down, 30 or 40%. So, and of course, the treatment, the vast majority of people get 50 to 60% better and about 40, 50% of them get about 90% better. So that’s kind of where we are with that one. So do you guys want some extra help with it? Give us a call and we’ll help you out. But that’s the way we treat it is by, again, bad chemicals out, good chemicals. And so if you’re having any questions here, this up. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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