26 Jun 2024

The significance of methylated B vitamins for optimal health. He highlights how modern stress keeps the body in a sympathetic state, hindering nutrient absorption and overall wellness. The roles of methylated B6 and B12 in liver health, brain function, and energy levels. The importance of high-quality, methylated supplements and shares tips for managing stress through positive mindset practices like gratitude. The proceeds from the products mentioned in the video support Tree of Life, a charity aiding veterans and first responders with PTSD, addiction, and depression.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 – Introduction and Charity Mention
01:26 – Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic States
02:51 – Importance of Methylated B Vitamins
05:07 – Methylated B6 and Liver Health
06:22 – Methylated B12 and Intrinsic Factor
07:42 – Quality of Supplements
08:52 – Managing Stress and Mindset
10:49 – Dosage and Sensitivity
11:42 – Conclusion


Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] today we’re talking about methylated environments. First of all, I want to throw out. We can get, you guys can get all this stuff on Pillars of wellness.com. And then any of the money that we make from pillars wallets. Icon goes to the charity tree of Life dot health. And, we use that to use psychedelics and ketamine to fix PTSD, addiction, depression and veterans and first responders. So, if you, if you guys get some stuff there, that’s where that money goes. So a lot of people are talking about MDMA jar, and they should be, as we’re starting to find out, is that one of the reasons that the nutrition that people are taking, the reason it’s not working, the stuff they’re eating isn’t isn’t helping is because they have genetic issues that are not allowing them to process things properly. Without taking charge. You don’t fully methylated specific things. B vitamins being one of the major ones. Folic acid is a big one. The mess of the branch like that. Here’s the problem. For those of you who have had the into the air test and you don’t have, you don’t have, I mean, make this as simple as I can. You still might not math very well. And the reason for that is that when we have psychological stress neurologically, there’s there’s kind of two gears right forward, backwards. You know parasympathetic sympathetic.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:26] When we have stress, we fall into this sympathetic state. That sympathetic state is fight, flight, freeze. And so we kind of shift our body over here to doing these things when we’re in a parasympathetic state. This is resting, digesting. This is where everybody makes all the chemicals, is where it heals, regenerates, repairs. This is where we’re supposed to be 95% of the time. We’re supposed to be freaked out running away from a tiger 5% of the time. The problem is that in our modern world, we’re stressed out most of the time, and very rarely are we at peace and relaxed and calm. So that’s an obviously a big issue. Now when you’re stressed out in your in this fight flight freeze, you’re not just resting digesting. You’re not going in that flight very well either. And so that’s one of the issues we go we get into. So it, it’s not a UN office silly thing. It’s a great thing, you know, signified a little bit or not very much. So what we want to do for both situations and for and who have stress is we want to give them fully methylated, stuff. So, the superior B which otherwise would hold these up. You guys can’t see them. But. The method be? We use this for a lot of different things. So, once people come in and we kill it, we do the coffee enemas, we kill the parasites, we flush all that stuff out. We have to start giving the body the chemistry. It needs to run up.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:51] The number one thing we got to give it is method. Divide it. So, you know, we can go through the whole thing. But, you know, folic acid whenever we work on dementia, when we work on Alzheimer’s, we work on concussions. We work on anything brain related. The brain needs various a lot of things, but it needs very specific things up front. And it’s oxygen. It needs methylated folic acid, the element voltage or hydrophobic, it needs omega three fatty acids. And the three for healing regenerates the sorcerer. And you know, so we have to give it those things. Now when we’re trying to have a baby, it’s really important that we have methylated folic acid for that. Because guess what? Methyl folic acid helps to form the brain and the spinal cord or the neural tube. So we need a lot of methylated folic acid up front to make sure those things work out right. So methylated folic acid is one of the number one things people talk about. And they show it’s very, very important. As a neuro guy, like I try to I try to hide my bias, but my bias is always to the brain. So whatever the brain needs, what we give the body first.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:54] So giving the body lots of, lots of method folic acid. Really, really important. Now, here’s the other thing. In my in my formal training. I’m a neuro guy in my personal training of a liver die. The next thing we have to worry about is the methylated B6. So we talk about this a lot. I’ve made this comment about you guys are kind of this. This is my ring. This is my hand. It’s my ring in my hands. On a hand ring. So gallstones are actually liver problems are in the gallbladder. The goal line is a bag. It doesn’t make anything. Just hold stuff. We talked about this yesterday. But when we lose methylated B6, the bile salts that are used for most of five fats and absorbed into the body so they can be healthy, but we start to kind of lose the bile salts. They start to congeal. They start to turn into rubber cement. And that’s what we see as gallstones. So they’re little tiny stones in the liver. They’re not being squished. They’re they’re a larger stones, the gallbladder. The problem is, is that if your body is not methylated B6 very well, we’re not absorbing fats very well. That’s an energy problem. That’s a brain problem because your brain is made of fat. Your body, you’re bringing fat, emulsify your liver turns it into LDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and all the other cholesterol. Builder. Right.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:07] So that’s the big process. We got to make sure the B6 is there. Now, what we also see is that when we start to lose this B6, the liver starts going up. We start waking up between 2 and 4 in the morning when the liver starts to detoxify and regenerate and heal. And so lack of B6, lack of liver, liver health does have an impact is not the only thing, but it does have an impact on your sleep. And if we have impact on sleep, we have impact on regeneration, healing. And so now all of a sudden we have secondary tertiary problems. B2 is also a big one for sleep. And again, mathematics is important. B12 people are familiar with B12 for energy. B12 you need the methyl cabal. I mean, for sure. But the big thing with B12 is that. And we want to make sure we hit on this one. If you don’t have intrinsic factor, you’re not going to be picking up some of the things that you need to put all that together. So even if you don’t have them, if you don’t have a lot of stress, there’s other things your body has to have to pick up all of the requirements to utilize these, right? If you’re taking an insane methylated B vitamin, you’re going to get a lot of that stuff anyway. So, if you’re going to take B vitamins, take the methyl cabal away.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:22] There’s talk out that cyano cabal is going to kill you because there’s cyanide in it. That’s not that’s not how chemistry works. Sirup embalming, just is not a it’s the cheaper version. It’s the easier version. I don’t like it because it’s not going to be as functional as the methylated is the methodology. And if you’re going to buy a supplement, if you’re going to take a supplement, if you’re going to drink something because it has something in it. Use the best stuff. You know, a lot of these guys are using a lot of these companies, these energy companies or something that are using lesser products, lesser quality vitamins, either because they don’t know or because they’re just cheaper. What’s funny is I was I do some of this works with, you know, after I realized I work with a bunch of other groups, 4 million or so, and this guy sends me this stuff, and I was like, hey, it’d be better if these were methylated. And then this is the CEO of the company working with all the guys. And he’s like, why? And I explained it to him actually, well, you know, MTV charring all these people who just I thought he was like, I had no idea. So he calls his team back and they’re like, oh yeah, we can switch it over. And he was like, and he tells me that, hey, why don’t you go with that in the first place? Because that’s just what everybody uses. He’s like, that was the standard B vitamins. And he just didn’t know because he’s a business guy, not a doctor or not somebody who understands nutrition.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:42] So that’s where a lot of that stuff is coming from. It’s what they have. So that’s what they’re going to sell. But a lot of stuff you guys need to look at me like, okay, this is not going to kill me, but it’s not going to be as beneficial as what I need. And so it’s not going to push you in my direction. Now, the other side of that is that if you have injury issues and you have really sensitivity issues, and you take something that is not methylated in all, it can often mess you up. The body builds a resource in myself, and at the end of the day, it’s it becomes problematic. So you’re going to want to put as much of the fully methylated stuff. You’re gonna want to put as much as the normal natural in chains of your body needs in as possible. When we talk about good chemicals and that’s what we talk about. So, that’s why this is such a big deal. Because when you have stress or into the air, a methylated B vitamin thing of the day is going to be really, really important. So that would be that would be the big case. The other side of that though is and I mentioned this earlier, we really got to start taking control of our stress.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:52] And while we can balance it really well and we should balance it, and I take all this stuff to balance it is really, really important. But doing actual mental work is really, really important. The mental like, you know, the mindset stuff, you know, practicing gratitude is like forcing. You’re forcing your mind to move into a better direction. Lots of people are talking about this now, and I really think that I don’t think enough people are talking about it. The way that you can radically shift your entire being by shifting the way you think. If you can start shifting your body to more positive thoughts is why I love, like, simple things like gratitude. You wake up in the morning and you think of, you know, 2 or 3 things that you’re really grateful for, but go into them. Not just like my kids. Like, what about your kids? Is it the health of your kids? Is it the way that they feel like get into it, like spend 2 or 3 minutes doing this? Like things like, really think about the things and why you’re grateful for them, not just do it for the money. And if you do that 2 or 3 things at night, what is happening is that you start your day and you end your day focusing on things that make you happy and make you positive and make you feel good.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:55] And that kind of we, we dwell so much on the negative that if we can start forcing ourselves to dwell on the positive and start shifting ourselves over, and when you’re in a happy, positive light, your stress is less. And then there’s a whole giant neurologic piece on why your body does better in a positive manner, you know, as a negative function. So that’s me, one of those really big things. However, this, the B vitamins can be one of those things cause you’re getting a kick in the teeth as soon as you walk in the office door, you’re going. Everybody has issues as they go along. So making sure our chemistry is as good as we can is also going to be really important. Plus, I always tell people we have this hierarchy of needs. We’ve got to fix the body with the energy and the feeling, the body feeling good before we can start really working on the monkeys. Even though the mind piece controls the body, it’s kind of a back and forth way to get the body feeling good. Then you fix the mind and then you can start doing less things for the body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:49] That’s just kind of how a lot of these guys, if you guys are looking for a, good method to be vitamin, this one’s really good. This one’s strong. So if you take two of these and you’re a smaller person and you’re more sensitive to it, you’re going to get some nice inflection. You’re going to get red. You’re going to look like you have a sunburn. It’s going to speed, sting and feel weird for a little bit. And then after that you’ll come back down. If that happens, take less. So for instance, my 11 year old can take this. No problem. My nine year old, when he was six and seven, have a little issue with your kids. Might not, but there’s a lot of stuff in here, so, you know, it’s it’s nice. You take one, take it one of the morning one. And, lunch is usually how we have people do it. Don’t take this one at night. This. We can keep you up. So, if you guys have any other questions, hit us up. We’ve got some. Now, go through those, but questions at Chalmers. Welcome. Or dropping the comments more for you guys. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.



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