22 Jul 2024

This insightful talk emphasizes the paramount importance of mental health for overall well-being. It discusses the awakening in society about misleading health guidelines from authoritative bodies and challenges traditional beliefs such as the calories in, calories out model. The speaker stresses the significance of setting realistic, measurable goals and tracking progress effectively to achieve better health outcomes. This video is a must-watch for anyone looking to improve their mental and physical health through informed decision-making and goal-setting.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 – Introduction to Mental Health Importance

01:03 – Awakening in Society

02:27 – Challenging Traditional Health Beliefs

03:50 – Debunking the Calories In, Calories Out Model

05:17 – Setting and Achieving Goals

06:41 – Evaluating and Adjusting Goals

09:11 – Societal Goals and Their Validity

10:22 – Tracking Progress and Adjusting Goals

11:14 – Conclusion and Encouragement

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So when we talk about the most important things, we don’t talk about this. We haven’t been talking about this a lot, but, we’re going to start talking about war. The mental peace of your health is by far the most important thing to get working on. The most. The reason is because nothing else in your life is going to happen without the mental peace. So you don’t show up at the gym and go, how do I get here? You have to make a decision to go. You have to make a decision to tweak your diet. You have to make a decision to be committed, to be dedicated, to sacrifice to all the things you have to make the decision first. And so getting those decisions done is obviously the most important thing. Now what we’re starting to see is kind of in society, the awakening as you, as people are harder, waking up to stuff the, the way health care has been handed to us for a long time is starting to change as people start to recognize they’ve been lied to by our government basically for a long time.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:03] They’re starting to kind of come through it. And again, I want to make sure that we are going to try the next rest of my life to make the distinction between the medical, hierarchy, the authoritarian elites and the medical doctors. You guys all have the medical doctors you guys will have. I’ve never met one that I didn’t think was heart was in the right place doing what they’re supposed to be doing and trying really hard to get people healthier, trying to help people, you know, save lives and get better. I’ve never met one that was like, that guy wants people to be hurt. But. So when I talk about medical establishment, I’m talking about the government agencies, the CDC, the the NIH, the W.H.O., the FDA, that group. That group who came out and told us that carbohydrates were the best thing to consume and fats were terrible, that cholesterol was causing heart attacks. And so we need to start reducing it. That SSRI with a path out that masks that viruses, that vaccines never hurt anybody, ever. You know, that type of thing. So as we’re starting to wake up and start looking at the research and be like, all cause mortality, statin drugs improve increased life expectancy by four decades is that the research is coming out and showing us, but it radically destroys quality of life because your brain, all your energy, all your hormones, everything is function to your body is based off cholesterol function.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:27] So we know that now, accessories do very, very little more benefit than, than placebo does. And we’ve known psychedelics since the 60s have been about to go with those. I guess that’s money. So that’s why we’ve we’ve been neglecting those, but we’ve been seeing these things as a guide as things go on and on and on. And so it’s kind of getting easier for people to understand that what they once knew as a fact. Might not be as much of a fact as much of a marketing campaign. So as that started to kind of come through, we’re starting to open up maybe, you know, a willing to grasp new stuff, new concepts, new ways of looking at things. So, I think the, the one that I’m most excited about seeing people recognize is that the calories in, calories out model is trash. You know, it’s so hard to have been so dedicated to it, and it’s so ingrained. And so the way we do things, and when you look at it, when you go, you have to understand the system you’re believing in is Mitch is saying that sugars, proteins and and fiber are all exactly equal in the way the body processes foods into fat and muscle. That’s what he says, because sugars are carbohydrates. Four grams. $4 per per gram. Fiber. Carbohydrate. Four calories per gram.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:50] Protein, four calories per gram. We’re going to count up numbers. You’re going to count of calories. And those three things are worth four. You’re telling me that the way they affect the body is exactly the same, not the way it happens. And I know it’s so hard. The the tie to that is actually how your body processes the hormones that are released from the foods that you eat. And we talk about all the time, but that’s the big thing. So the more we can get our minds to kind of open up and let go of the things that we have decided as fact, the easier we’re going to get to, to move for anytime that you do this, any time that you say, all right, look, I’m going to be open to the facts. I’m not going to, you know, be prejudice. I’m not going to be know, I’m not going to hold these opinions that I’ve got from wherever I got them. I’m going to be open to changing my viewpoints on things. That’s where really that’s where it really starts to get nice. Because instead of defending something that is indefensible, like the calorie system or the reason why you’re such a jerk to people or the reason why you’re, you know, you are you treat your kids or you do or whatever. Well, this is the way, right? That this is the way it’s always best. Is that the best way it might be? I got the old ways are not necessarily bad. They’re just, you know, can we tweak them? Are they 100% blessed? Are they 85% best. We can get 15% more more benefit by tweaking it, doing something different. So this is the big thing.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:17] When we start working on the mind, we start to open it up and be like, hey, is the way that my life is going right now as perfect as it could be? And this is again, the crux for the whole mental piece is am I exactly where I want to be, or can I grow a little bit more? And you know, am I completely at peace? My content with my world around me, who I am. You know, I’m I’ve been doing all the things I need to do to get myself and my family and everybody in the best possible position. And most of the time, answer that is no, because the answer is always that. There’s always room to grow. Learning different ways about, for instance, now, I’ve talked to a lot of people who don’t even know how to set goals. When we set goals, it’s very specific ways we do this, you know, is this a goal that is measurable? Like, do we know if we’re getting better or worse? If you’re like, I, you know, I want to be healthy, not a goal. I want definitely want that. You guys should all want to be healthy. But how do you track that? How do you measure that? How do you say I’m healthier today than it was yesterday? If you can figure out how to track that, those are your goals that you put together. It’s measurable. Again, weight loss when you’re trying to get healthier is also not a great goal. Because again, we talk about this a lot to gain 5 pounds of muscle and lose 5 pounds of fat, you’re substantially healthier. You look better, you feel better. However, scale isn’t good, so your weight isn’t a great goal.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:41] Setting your goals properly is really, really important. Which is why the first thing that we usually do is we go over everything, is we set goals because, again, we are working with somebody and we kind of go over like, first of all, go over what they’re wanting, how they want it done. And then we start going through goals because. If we both don’t establish what makes us a success, we don’t know where we’re going. So setting your goals properly is really, really important because if you set a goal that’s this far apart and then you have little, little places that we can track it, you know, oh my, my strength went up, my strength went up, my size went up. I’ve been measuring my body. You know, things are starting to change in the direction we want them to go. That ROI can help spur you to push a little harder. I get to see all the times when people set their goals properly and they start moving through them, their goalpost start to change, which is exactly what you want. And the way I explain this is that let’s say that your goal is to bench 225 and you’re having a really good day, really, really strong day. And you do. 225 you do 225 times or four times. You can stop at 225.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:48] You can try to get to 230 where your goal is to 25, but if you do 225 and you get it, you clean and you’re strong and you’re like, I was good, that was good. You’re always going to like, can do two, three. Okay, can I add the two and a half so I can just do that little bit more. And that’s the thing. But that’s how you should be. As you start pushing yourself you should get a little bit more. The problem is, is that if we don’t direct that path properly, then you’re not going to get where you want to go sometimes at all because you pick the wrong goals. If you pick goals that can’t be hit, you can sit there spinning your wheels. And sometimes that happens getting a return on that investment. You see yourself getting no closer to that goal. And so you give up, which is how you picked a better goal, a more applicable goal. Maybe you would have been really excited. So it’s the weight issue. So instead of saying, I want to lose 10 pounds, say I want to lose this many inches, because again, if you’re lifting weights and you’re exercising properly and you’re eating properly, there’s a good chance you’re going to swap that muscle for fat. Again, this is also the calorie system you’re going to do on calories. If you do it with chemistry, it’s much easier to swap muscle for fat than anything else. And so yeah, you lose a bunch of size, but you don’t lose a lot of weight. So if you’re not, if you’re looking at the scale and so the measurements around your waist, measurements on your arms, whatever it is, you’re going to not see, the effort that you’re putting it. You’re not going to see the reward of the work you’ve been putting in. And it’s really easy to lose weight.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:11] Our society’s been pushing people for weight for a long time, which is, again, the wrong goal. Typically what we’re seeing is that and again, this is a blanket statement. So it’s gonna be wrong 20% of time. But typically, if it’s a goal or if it’s a thing that society has been talking about a lot, it’s probably not a good goal because your cholesterol down, not a good goal. Getting your weight down. Not necessarily a good goal. You know. Being more inclusive of who you hire. Not necessarily a great goal. You know, there’s a lot of things that as we start to evaluate, as we’re moving through, we start to realize that our where we’re trying to direct our path is extremely important. And that’s what goals are. So if you put your if you put yourself in the wrong direction, you’re never going to end up where you want to be. And a lot of times you’re gonna end up in a place that you didn’t want to be. So setting those goals is super important. So getting that mind piece right of where we want to go, how do we want to get there, how hard we want to push is really, really important. So if you have these goals of being healthy, try to refine them down. What does that mean to you? Does it mean that you’re not tired anymore and. Oh yeah okay. It’s tired. When are you tired? At 10 a.m.. Retired at noon. You’re tired at 5 p.m.. When we.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:22] When are we getting tired? Because if you’re tired at 10 a.m. and you want to work now, you’re tired at 5 p.m., you’re still tired. If you don’t recognize that you went from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., you don’t recognize that giant growth you did. You’re going to get disillusioned. You’re going to quit. So tracking these things is also very, very important. So one of the most important things you can do for any goal you have is to set the goals properly. If you want to go somewhere else, define where you want to go. Really, really, really, really well. I mean figure out how you’re going to track it from where you are today to where your goals, where you goal is set so that you can make sure you’re doing things right or you’re doing it fast enough. Because if you’re going along, you’re making progress but slow. Maybe there’s a faster way if you’re going along and you’re going really, really fast, might be a little bit dangerous. Or maybe you didn’t set your goal for the first of out. So great. Hit this goal.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:14] Reestablish new goals. But that’s how you that’s how you have to do it. You know, if you don’t set really clear goals, you know, set trackable ways of figuring out if you’re going towards the goal or away from the goal, you’re going to have problems. So the very first thing that we always do is we kind of sit down, we figure out where exactly is our goal supposed to be and what’s the best way to hit it. So if you guys have not sat down and really learned to really got over how to set goals, I’d recommend that you guys look into that really, really, really fast and really, really hard because that’s something that’s going to really change the direction of your health and change the direction everything in your life is, how do we how do we set the goal and then how do we get there? So you guys have any questions we can always go over. As we said, your goals or since questions or questions at Thomasville and Starcom and we’re good to go. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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