13 May 2024

Addresses common misconceptions about hormones and anabolic steroids, emphasizing their safety when used correctly. The fear surrounding steroids, attributing it to a lack of proper research and a stigmatizing campaign from the 1980s. The misuse of steroids to car accidents, suggesting that the danger lies more in improper use than in the substances themselves. The benefits of monitored steroid use, especially for metabolic enhancement and muscle building, contrasting it with the risks of weight-loss drugs like semaglutide. The importance of a holistic approach, including nutrition and regular blood work, to safely and effectively use these substances.

Highlights of the Podcast

01:10 – The ones that are that are typically used

02:12 – The dangerous thing properly

03:41 – The hospital for liver issues

04:49 – The weight loss drugs that the medical community starting push out

06:38 – The women who are bodybuilding

07:58 – The hormones and all the steroids

10:46 – The argument that testosterone is bad for your heart

12:21 – The way we think about hormones

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] Then we’re going to talk about. I get lots of questions about this. We’re going to talk about hormones and steroids. The. Couple different things on this. I want to cover a little bit of safety stuff. A lot of people are terrified of steroids. You get, there’s a giant bush. After George W Bush made them illegal. It wasn’t a group of doctors. It wasn’t, you know, the it wasn’t a, you know, hospital. It wasn’t any research. It was George Bush who just decided to get his br up his ass and decided it had to be illegal. And not just a little illegal, like just as illegal as cocaine. And then they put this giant ad campaign out talking about how horrible and terrible and dangerous and scary they were. And so that’s why a lot of doctors today think they’re scary, because they grew up in the 80s and 90s, and they were told that they should be afraid of them. And so they did no research and they decided to be scared of them. The the actual research on, anabolic steroids. So testosterone, just sipping simulate Nancy. Appropriate night. The wind straw. Is that the animal is, you know, the all the ones that are that are typically used. The research on them is really, really, really good. There’s very, very little negative as long as they’re used properly. So think of it this way. If you if you Google how many people die in car accidents every year, it’s a big number, like 300,000 people. And you’re like, oh my gosh, 300,000 people die from cars every year.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:35] Cars must be super duper dangerous. Like, we’ve got to be really careful. Maybe we should start restricting how many cars we let people have or like, you know, whatever. And they start looking into the car reaction like, well, what happened? Well, these guys were drunk. Okay, well, that’s not the car. Sort of an idiot making a bad decision. These guys were on Facebook. These guys were caught talking on their cell phone. These guys were distracted, like, until you start running through it and you’re like, the vast majority of this is not the car’s fault or driving fault. It was the way people use the car. And so we shouldn’t be scared of cars. We should tell people that they need to monitor and use the the dangerous thing properly. So, for instance, one of the things. So I’ve been trying to find a, a much healthier solution to semaglutide so you can lose weight and be healthy. And we found one. We’re going to roll that out probably in the next week. But some of the steroids we’re going to use have a bad rap. And so before, obviously, before I even discuss something here, I’m going to do a bunch of research on it. And it was funny because what are the and I’ll have to post this research paper.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:44] But it was like the first sentence is like, steroids are extremely dangerous and super duper scary. And then it goes on to talk about this guy. You know, this guy comes in the hospital, he’s in liver distress from taking these steroids. And you’re like, oh, okay. Well, you know, that makes sense because I hear that these things are bad for the liver. And then it keeps going. And it’s like he’s been taking them every day for a year with no blood work, no, no, no maintenance, no checking up on it. And now he’s in the hospital with liver distress. You’re like, all right, well, that’s kind of stupid. I mean, you got it. You got a check on your stuff. You got to do your blood work. That’s just. That’s just asinine. This guy was. This guy was kind of asking for it. And it goes on to say that he drank a case of beer a day, and you’re like, all right, hold up. Now you’re telling me that this guy took a bunch of steroids above normal dosage every day, did no blood work, and drank a case of beer a day, and he’s in the hospital for liver issues, and you guys are blaming it entirely on the steroids? So that’s a little unfair. Then you’re like, well, I wonder what happened. This guy died, like, whatever. So they give him a shot of corticosteroids, and he’s fine. So yeah, a lot of the stuff that you guys have read or been told is massively overblown.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:03] These things, as long as you maintain, as long as you monitor, as long as you work with them properly, they’re very, very safe. In fact, the reason that I put together the steroid stack we put together was in response to something extremely dangerous, which is this gluten semaglutide is causing all sorts of problems because one again, if you aren’t using it, right? Two, nobody’s checking up on it. Right? And so it has its issues. However, even when you use it really well, it still has a lot more dangerous side effects than a lot of the steroids we’ve been using for 50 years. Sorry. Okay. We’ve been using a lot of series for 50 years, and they’ve gotten a bad rap, but they’re radically safer than the similarly tied in some of the, you know, some of the weight loss drugs that the medical community starting push out. So that’s the big thing we get into. They’re just tools. They make the body do different things. Now, one of the things you have to understand is that they’re going to supercharge your body. They’re going to make your metabolism go crazy, like super, super, really ramped up your metabolism. What that means is that you’re going to have more turnover of cells. That’s what metabolism is. We’re going to create more energy. We’re going to do more things. We’re going to build more mass. We’re gonna do all that sort of stuff. And when we say build more mass, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing it huge.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:20] Like a lot of the women I work with, it’s funny because a lot of women are like, well, I don’t want to. I don’t want to do any of that testosterone. I wouldn’t do any of these steroids. I don’t want to do that. The vast majority of the bikini models that you guys look at in magazines have been using these things for a long time. It doesn’t make you huge. It makes your body produce more natural muscle mass. You can use that muscle mass to burn fat. The fastest way to burn fat is to build muscle. And the reason for that is because your muscle houses the mitochondria. Remember the powerhouse of the cell. The thing that makes all the energy. The more energy that you can make. The more fuel you have to have to make that energy. So the more muscle mass you have, the more dense the mitochondria can become. The more fuel your body requires to produce to maintain all these things. That’s how this thing starts going. So that’s that’s how it works. And I will tell you, 100 and 120 pound woman versus 140 pound woman whose muscle 120 pound. But what we call skinny fat or they’re soft and they’re flabby and they’re crushing. They got the cellulite and the holding up like that woman who’s 120 is not nearly as attractive as that same woman at 140 pounds. And she’s made of muscle. And you can you can Google this all you want. And it’s going to be substantial all the way across the board. Now, if you start looking up women in steroids, you’re going to get the women who are bodybuilding, who are 200 pounds.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:40] That’s not what we’re talking about. But that’s kind of the idea. You can turn it to 11 if you want to. Or you can turn to four. It’s just depends on what are your goals. So one of the big things people have to understand is that it’s not cheating. It’s the natural way your body does things. So just like increasing D3, which is a hormone, or just like increasing B vitamins, or just like increasing the amount of creative you take or the amount of protein you bring in. They’re just letters. They’re chemicals to the body, requires to do a certain thing. And so as long as you use them safely, as long as you get your blood work done, as long as you understand, hey, I’ve now supercharged my body. My metabolism is much higher. The turnover of cells is much higher. What do I need now? I need more nutrients to build those cells. I need more omega three fatty acids. I need more amino acids to build a protein taller. I need to watch my liver and kidneys so I can detox the waste out. There’s certain things you’ve got to do to make these things not only safer, to make these things wildly more effective, then those are the things that we’ve got to do. So as long as you get into this, you start working with hormones, you start working with the steroids and with people who understand how to use them and what they do in the body, mechanically and chemically, then you’re going to be fine. So that’s the big thing. There’s a lot of people talking about all the peptides, all the hormones and all the steroids, all the different things people are using. And we’re not seeing a bunch. Yeah. Connection on this is terrible. All right. We’re not seeing a lot of damage to these people who are on this stuff. As long as it’s done properly, as long as you monitor it, as long as you keep your dosage where it supposed to be. As long as you keep your nutrition where it’s supposed to be, as long as you exercise like you’re supposed to.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:21] Everything kind of works together, but you got to put them all together. And this is where you keep telling everybody bakes the whole cake. Right. Sugar is what makes it. Or the sweetener is what makes it makes the cake taste good, but it’s not going to work right without the eggs or the oil. So you got to make sure you bake the whole cake. So when you’re going to do these type of things, if you’re like, oh, I’ll just jump on, you know, a little bit of test or a little bit of, you know, and ashes, I’m sorry, Panama or whatever. You’ve got to understand what is that going to do? My body chemically all the way across the board. And then you can buffer the downsides and you can you can maximize the upsides. And so maybe you’re not on it for as long. Maybe you get to your goals and we we tweak you down or whatever we need to do. But that’s the thing. So when we start talking about what these things do, we need to understand that they’re specifically testosterone sipping. Right? Is we need to think of that more of a supplement, more of a natural thing. The body needs you. You start thinking about testosterone as being natural. It’s always hilarious, man who were like, well, you’re on testosterone, so you’re not natural. Explain to me exactly how testosterone is not natural. Your body produces it. When you’re at high stress. You don’t produce enough of it. When you have bad nutrition, you don’t produce enough of it when you have too much atrazine, which is in all of our water, you don’t produce enough of that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:36] When you have chemical toxicity, you don’t produce enough of it. So this isn’t a unnatural thing. This is an you have unnaturally low levels of a thing that’s hyper critical to your life. So if you want to if you’re a if you’re a guy and you’re at 300 test level, you are unnatural as far as your testosterone levels go. Now, if you if you had 1000, you’re still natural. Now, if you want to go to what we call super physiological and you go to 1500 or 2000, now we’re unnaturally on the positive side. But if you want to talk about actual being natural, 800, 1200 would be a natural level for a guy. Yeah, 80 to 250 would be a natural level for a woman. That’s where it’s supposed to be. There’s research on it. That’s where all the women feel. That is where all the guys feel about it. That’s where it is. So if you make the argument about it’s not natural. All right. If you’re at 4500 test level with your guy, you could say that that’s unnatural. You can’t say that’s good or bad because what are we using that for? For instance, a lot. There’s a research out that shows that high super low, super physiological or high levels of testosterone starting about 1400, about 2000 actually eats plaque out of the arteries.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:45] So if you were to make the argument that testosterone is bad for your heart and bad for your arteries and going to give you a heart attack, you’re 100% wrong. Because this will start. This can save you from heart attacks because it’s going to eat the plaque out of the arteries. Increasing normal blood flow, increasing oxygenation, decreasing your chances. You’re already taking risk. So that’s where it is now. People are lying to you and telling you that all these things, the only way that that testosterone can cause a heart attack or stroke is it makes the blood thicker, increase what’s called the hemoglobin in hematocrit levels, which is how many red blood cells your body has, which up to a point is important. You want more. You want more red blood cells to carry more oxygen, because oxygen is the number one thing we need in the body, not hydrogen from hydrogen, water, not anything else. Oxygen is the number one thing. That’s the number one antioxidant oxygen. Oxygen is the number one free radical killer. It’s the number one thing your body has to have to functionally survive. So if we increase your red blood cells, thus carrying more oxygen, you are now healthier by default. So there’s a lot of mis there’s a lot of miscommunication. There’s a lot of lies. There’s a lot of wrong stuff about this last round. So if you guys are having questions, hit us up. If you need some more, hit us up.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:56] We’ll give you guys up. And we should be rolling out. I’ll make an announcement. Can I go through it next week? Whenever we start rolling out the, the fat loss, plan, it’s a 6 to 10 week plan. And it’s with so far with everything that we’ve done, all the research and all the things I’ve worked with, all my bodybuilders, my pro bikini models, none of ton stuff. It’s a phenomenal, phenomenal plan. So, we’ll roll that out later. But once you guys do, we need to start changing the way we think about hormones, specifically testosterone and specifically about steroids. So the number one most dangerous steroid you can put in your body is a corticosteroid, the anti-inflammatory steroids, the, you know, naproxen, like that kind of stuff like corticosteroids. The cortisone, the pregnant zone, those are the most important to stay away from. Not such a fast run. So, just any questions to the questions at Chalmers? Want to scone or drop them in the comments? We’ll chat. You guys, I’ll see you later today. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.


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