02 Jul 2024

The significance of brain and body supplements, particularly omega-3s and minerals. Explains the critical role of omega-3s in brain function and inflammation reduction, emphasizing proper storage and consumption. Also highlights the importance of minerals such as boron, selenium, and iodine for hormone function, fertility, and overall health. The need for high-quality supplements and effective nutrient absorption. Encourages supporting the charity Tree of Life and Health through purchases from Pillars of Wellness.

Highlights of the Podcast

01:12 – Importance of Omega-3s

03:45 – Omega-3 Supplementation

06:26 – Role of Minerals in Hormone Function

08:42 – Mineral Supplementation

10:00 – Nutrient Absorption and Health

11:00 – Call to Action

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] Okay. So today we’re going to talk about a couple of the things that I talk about brain and body. Because these supplements I don’t really have an ethnic grouping. For instance, we’re going to do Alzheimer’s dementia. If we’re gonna do rooms, things like that. There’s a whole host of things you’re going to do, you bring the gut upset things of brain, the whole deal. There’s other things you go through the brain, but, we’ll start with, brain complex. So these are your omega threes. So when we start talking about seed oils and things like that, those are mega sixes. You do need some omega sixes. You just don’t need a giant amount. One of the biggest problems with seed oils is that is the concentration. If you eat seeds, those are healthy for you. But if you eat seed oils or not, because it takes thousands and thousands of seeds to make a little bit of seed oil. And so it’s just too much all at once. It’s really a true where a lot of this comes from because people always want to, but they’re natural. I don’t understand it’s too much, because you’re supposed to get just the fraction of amount of oil out of those and it’s more than you need. So the brain is a mega three. Your brain really, really needs these chemicals to function.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:12] Your body uses omega threes all over, to make cellular cytoplasm, to make, also some chemicals. It’s massively important for the brain. Your brain is a massive eater of of omega threes. They’re also anti-inflammatory. And the reason they’re not inflammatory is there’s two ways of coming into inflammatory. One, there’s inflammation. Like there’s a fire there and the body comes in and uses chemicals to put the fire out. So that’s one way. The other way is that if we use the right chemicals, we don’t start the fire. So typically the fire that started the inflammation that started is from the body not having the chemicals it needs or having the wrong chemicals and having to make do with something else. And so it’ll take something, you know, cut it apart and it’ll break into small pieces. The waste from that is all over the place, and it’s irritating and damaging to the tissue. If you look at, like, free radical damage, that’s what causes a lot of arterial plaque in these causes. A lot of cancers, has a lot of problems with that. And so what ends up happening is the body will start holding water to kind of distance itself from everything. Because if you look at from an osmolality standpoint, if you have a little bit of water in it and some stuff in here, it’s really, really salty. If you radically increase the water, it’s not a salty because there’s more water to salt ratio if you want to go that way. And that’s where a lot of this, holy water is water.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:35] There’s a lot of this inflammation comes from. So, that water gets pulled in a semi crystalline structure to separate the tissue from the offending waste product. And so when we talk about anti-inflammatory, it’s like, well, if you take more mega threes and not make your body harvest chemicals from somewhere else, and that’s leaving byproducts and, you know, trash from cutting things apart, making a front yard look like a junkyard, that’s a big deal. Then the body will be healthier. So that’s one of the big issues. So the brain complex is a big one. I take a lot. So I’ll take four of these three times a day, after I work out, in the morning. And then I heard about, because these are really, really, really important, for a lot of different things. And as a neuro guy, I’m really, really worried and conscious of my brain all the time. So, this is a big one. So if you guys are not taking omega three, if your kids are not taking omega three, you guys need to grab something that’s amazing for it. Now here’s the the problem is their oils. If they’re not, if they’re exposed to air too long, if they’re heated improperly, if they’re pulled from, you know, bad sources, they’re going to be bad. So we have a lot of rancid issues, have other things like that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:45] As an FYI, if you open a any, any, category that has a gel cap and the gel capsule stuck together, it’s not that something went bad, it’s just the gel caps got a little hot and they got sticky. So if you live in Texas, you’re going to see lots of that because it’s always too hot. So that don’t worry about the gel capsule sticking together, just breaking apart. You’ll be fine. One of the bad things is if you if you take a fish oil and you burp it, it tastes like rancid fish. Usually not a not a good sign. So. Just Nephi on that one. The other thing is that sometimes if you don’t have the bile salts to emulsify that fat and pull it in. It stays too long in the stock. So two things on that one. If you’re burping up the stuff and you always burp it. I’ve look at, Matt may get the, the methylated B6 that you have to make sure your bile salts are flowing properly. Just look at the qualities that we’re taking. So, this was the. When I take it when I get my kids. Again, if you guys have two pillars of almost common, buy your stuff there from the shop. All that money goes to the charity Tree of Life and Health, and that helps us, fight PTSD, addiction, depression, and first responders and veterans, using psychedelics. And so this is a great one for the brain and for the whole body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:57] Now, minerals are super duper important for the entire body. All sorts of different things. Now, one of the fun things is that we don’t get a lot of zinc and slim and copper, manganese and chromium. So this isn’t calcium and magnesium. These are all of the trace minerals we really need now. People always ask, well, how big of a deal is this? It’s actually kind of a big deal. So when we work on hormones, one of the things we want to do is we want to increase the amount of free testosterone as much as possible without giving more injection. Because with the injection comes all the, the side effects and things like that. So if we can use the same amount but increase the effectiveness of it, that’s really where we want to go. Boron actually helps block sexual binding globulin hormone and increase free testosterone. So what we can do is instead of increasing some of these amount of of injection or the amount of testosterone they’re taking, we can increase the effectiveness of it by giving the body the minerals it needs to do the job. So this we use this one a lot for that. And we’ve seen great success. So if you guys are looking to up your free test whether you’re on testosterone or not, get make sure your mineral, your minerals are high. It will help tremendously. Selenium is also really important for fertility, for sperm agenesis. So if you’re looking to, you know, do this more naturally. As they say, even though injecting testosterone just the same natural taking D3, you want to have your body create more of its own, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:26] Sodium is a great thing to take even for taking HCG, so a lot of people will come in, they’ll have low to mild testosterone, and they’ll be trying to get pregnant. And their their sperm counts not where it needs to be. So we’ll give them hCG or KM. It’s like a pain or any of those are all basically the same thing. They tell the body, hey, make those testicles work a lot harder. Well, the problem is, if you don’t feed those testicles, they’re going to make they’re not gonna be able to make all the things they need. And so selenium is a big, big player in that. So getting the selenium is a big one. There’s not a lot. There’s, there’s some in the diet, nuts and stuff like that have it. But, you know, not everybody has the diet that they need to make everything work. So, these pure minerals are really, really big. One for that one. Most of my guys and my one of the people I work with who are on test, I have take some of this, just some free that take the free test up and make it functional better. So, those are these two. The other one. I don’t think we’ve talked about this, and I think this has some in it. But iodine is really important.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:28] You this. As I know, iodine is super important. So when we talk about thyroid hormone, thyroid work, energy metabolism and everything, remember, like if you if you’re unfamiliar, your thyroid produces two major hormones. The most things that work does T3 and T4. T3 has three iodine. That’s why the three T4 has for iodine. That’s why it’s the four. So if you don’t have enough iodine from your diet, your body, your thyroid cannot make adequate amounts of thyroid hormone. So before it starts jumping on thyroid meds or doing other things, try increasing your iodine substantially, especially with like I don’t really beneficial for breast tissue as well for all sorts of number of health issues, including anti-cancer. And then when we talk about anti-cancer, something that’s going to cure cancer. But what it does is it, it it destabilizes the ability for cancer to grow. Remember there’s there’s reasons why cancer grows for a while. There’s reasons why healthy tissue grows grow. Well, if you make it so it’s kind of a back and forth. If you increase the, the nutrients in the in the flow to healthy tissue, it’s going to decrease the chances that those nutrients are growing in cancer. So for instance, cancer is very acidic. Healthy tissue is very alkaline.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:42] How did it use high oxygen cancers, low oxygen cancers, high sugar. How they did use low sugar. So those type of things. So nutrient levels things like that. So that’s what we’re talking about. So we increase the health of the tissue around it. It makes the chances that cancer is going to take over less and less. So that’s basically where we’re at. So because we’re not taking a real solid mineral, this is a great one to do. I also take this one and we use this a lot in our patients. I kiddos take a little bit of this or one smile. I’ll probably give them 1 or 2 caps every other day. But, you know, that’s basically where that one is. So if you guys not if you guys are looking to increase your free test, your functionality, experimental is a great way to do. It’s gonna give you a little iodine, too. You can take I take a liquid iodine. I put, in my water, and I strain you throughout the day. But if you’re as far as I like a multi mineral, this is going to be the one that I would recommend that you guys take these is going to help tremendously. So, both of these are fantastic. I think both of them every day I take lots of stuff. But again, my thing is, is that I want my body to have all the nutrients it requires and then some, because one, not everything that goes in your mouth gets absorbed into your body. So technically, from your mouth to your rectum is outside your body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:00] So what gets absorbed is what matters. And that’s a big, big player in the, the weight loss, fat loss discussion that’s not really talked about very much. Which is one of the other reasons I talk about how irritate I am with the calories thing, because if you’re going to tell me that ten grams of insoluble. If 5 or 10g of sugar and ten grams of protein are exactly equal in the body. I’m going to tell you, you don’t know how the body works, and all three of those are rated at four calories, instead of five over. That is never going to get inside your body. So whatever fat calories of things are bound in that are going to greatly reduce as far as intake. So it’s just kind of one of those things. So when we talk about what gets in the body, how the body works, these two are important. How to make sure that you guys are at least looking at this option. And again, even you guys are looking for supplements, workout supplements, B vitamins, stuff for you, your kids, your friends. Grab it up. This up. The pillars of wellness.com shop. Because all that, all the money from that goes to the charity Tree of Life, that health. And we’re using that to help, first responders and veterans with their PTSD addiction and. And depression. So. Yeah. So a good day. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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