08 Oct 2024

GLP-1 receptor agonists, used to promote fat burning by shutting off the glucose pathway, can lead to significant metabolic changes. While effective for weight loss, they can pose risks like gallbladder issues and muscle mass loss. To mitigate these, it’s important to support bile production with supplements like B6, bile salts, and turmeric, and maintain adequate protein intake, especially amino acids and collagen, to prevent muscle breakdown.

Maintaining proper testosterone levels and engaging in full-body workouts are crucial for muscle health and overall balance. Additionally, adjusting your diet by reducing sugar and opting for low-glycemic foods can help sustain fat loss and improve metabolic function. Proper management of these factors ensures a safer, more effective experience with GLP-1 therapy.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 – Introduction to GLP-1

01:23 – Gallbladder and Bile Issues

02:41 – Muscle Mass Loss

04:57 – Testosterone Levels and Exercise

07:29 – Dietary Changes

10:59 – Conclusion

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] Tout GOP one. So this is an igloo titers and PAC will go with this or zip a tie like all those got. So the problem we get into with GOP ones is the reason people are having issues with them is because the people who are prescribing them oftentimes don’t or recommending them oftentimes don’t understand how they work. The the way that they work is that they shut off. So your body has two ways of making ATP, of making energy through sugar, which is glycolytic or through fat, which is like a leg. Okay. So the vast majority of people, especially fat people, have a lot more as the fat guy had a lot more function through the glucose pathway. What GOP ones do is they shut off the glucose pathway and they force the body to burn fat. So what you have to understand is that when they shut off the glucose pathway, they shut off the intake and the utilization of blood sugar from an outside source. What that means is that the body has to then produce its own blood sugar. So this is where all the problems with these things come from. So when we look at let’s just walk through the problems we get. So gallbladder issues, coli cystitis, that type of thing. What ends up happening is that your body has produce a giant amount more bile to process the fat, whether you’re eating the fat or burning the fat out of your body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:23] Bile is one of the things that helps your body break down those fat molecules and turn them back into usable energy. So we’re gonna have to make sure that the bile pathways are open, clear and pat and patent. So you’ve got to have radically increased methylated B6 excuse the bile salts and suspension. Things like curcumin or turmeric ginger. Those are the things to kind of feed the liver are also highly beneficial. I like to add coffee enemas and because it’s just the best way to flush the liver up to begin with. And so there’s a lot of things you can do there, but make sure that, you know, bare minimum methyl, maybe six high levels of method six like that, you can use the super superior B for that, the high level method B six. Keep those up, you’re good to go. If you have other issues and you have to call, I have to work through it. The next piece is the large amount of muscle mass loss. Now, here’s the thing. I keep seeing people come in the office or I meet people on out like I was in an event in Atlanta and somebody came up and they were like, hey, you know, I’m having these issues walking and we go through it, neuro stuff, vascular stuff. And I said, Is anything big happened in the past year or so? I’m looking for emotional stuff or anything. And she was like, well, I lost 65 pounds and resembles that. And I was like, That’s your problem.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:41] What ends up happening is that because people don’t understand how your body’s going to regulate the blood sugar, you regulate blood sugar through what’s called gluconeogenesis, which is creation of new sugar. When you go through that, your body has to use fat, which is why you’re burning fat. One of the big reasons to produce the ATP for the energy to provide this chemistry. And then the other thing it needs is a protein. Now, if you’re not consuming proper proteins, if you’re not with all the amino acids, that fungus, your body will tear apart your muscle tissues to get access to the proteins because at no, at no time will your body allow your blood sugar to drop too low because then you die. So it’ll tear apart your muscle tissues in order to get the proteins it needs. So the easy way around that is to consume the proper amount of protein, full spectrum. You want all all essential amino acids. So you’re going to I would heavily recommend you guys south of vegan style stuff for this because the problem with vegan is that while you do get lots of quote unquote protein, you’re not getting all the amino acids you need, specifically tryptophan, which we’ve talked about that a lot before. But anyway, collagen is another great way to just add that stuff. So a lot of people are fasting. A lot of people are trying to, you know, really speed up the fat loss.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:52] And that’s awesome. If you guys can do multiday fast foods in their, you know, half day fast or whatever you’re going to do. But remember, your body still has that blood sugar that entire time. So if you don’t want to sacrifice your muscles, as you would, trust me, you do not. That’s where all your metabolism is anyway. In the mitochondria that live in your muscles, you need to consume more collagen. I like to college in caps, but I’ve been using my family uses. It’s what I recommend the most. Because if you can swallow a couple of capsules, I don’t care how quote unquote full you feel or not hungry feel or the idea of I don’t want to eat some eggs, swallow some capsules. So I’ll, you know, take some take some bone broth, you know, taken the proper amount of collagen and you should be good on those. That’s me multiple times a day, depending on size. You know what you’re doing and work out whatever. The other thing on that is. Make sure your testosterone levels are high or in the proper range. Women, typically what we see is 82 to 50 men. What we’re seeing is 812 hundred is typically the range where most people are good at. The testosterone is the healing hormone.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:57] It will help your body regenerate, repair tissue, specifically muscle tissue, organ tissue, stuff like that. This also helps with we’ve seen lots of issues with due to the the paralysis of the gut because the GOP’s will shut down the gut because it’s not going to try not to pull any carbohydrates or any sugars through the gut or that’s why we get that the the issues with with a degree of the downgrade of Paracelsus and got movement from some people. You can also cause bowel obstructions and bowel tearing. So there’s some death that’s been associated with it because of the intestinal wall thinning and the tearing. Testosterone will keep all that stuff healthier, the college will keep that stuff repaired and regenerated. So those two things are pretty important as far as this goes. The other thing is that once you’ve got the testosterone and if you do basically any type of exercise, it’ll maintain that muscle mass. Now, if you only do bicep curls, your body might lose some from your butt in your thighs, making it hard to walk or balance. So a full body workout, whether you’re doing it twice a week, five times a week doesn’t matter. You’ve got to hit the muscle groups you need for balance, coordination of movement.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:09] So, you know, that’s a pretty easy thing for anybody who understands the body to kind of show you where your deficits are in your workouts. But the big ones, you got have to remember squats and do not do the parallel stuff. Go all the way down what we call ask to grass because you want the full range of motion exercise, you want the full range of motion functional for you, and you want the balance and coordination in that full range. If you can if you can transfer over to doing like single step ups, that’s even better because then you get balance and coordination function with it. But again, so those are those are some of the big ones that you got to watch out for as far as working with some igloo tides or working with jumping ones. The other part of it that I would highly recommend that you look into is diet. Now, I spent 40 minutes going over how the metabolic system works on another podcast. But the big thing is, is that your body runs on ATP, not on calories, and you can either get it from sugars or you can do it from fats. So sugars have a direct pathway to fat. So what I would recommend you do is cut out as much sugar as you can. I’m not saying you should go keto going to know, just make everything a lot easier. But that’s kind of where that’s at. You know, swap out some of your, your sugary things for keto things. I go through them like, really, hey I like root beer.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:29] Well try this if you try, you know, try the other 5 or 6. You know, even if you just cut the sugars you’re consuming or the glycemic function of what you’re eating down tremendously, that’ll help you. You can still see within the same food groups some some people can like if you went from instant oatmeal to, you know, steel cut oatmeal, it takes longer to make and that type of thing. But at the end of the day, the glycemic index changes so drastic that you can get in the 40s, the low 40s with steel cut and instant is in the in the middle 80s. And so it’s literally, you know, 40 to 50% less on the GI function. So you know understanding what actually makes you fat and changing the diet over so that you’re not going to immediately get fat again is pretty important because, you know, I worked with a lot of people and I’ve talked to a lot of people and we’ve gone through some gluten GOP one stuff with people and you know, it works and it’s great, but it’s not, you know, it’s not magic. It’s not overnight, it’s fast, it’s not overnight. And, you know, lots of people have stomach issues and they get nauseous. And so, you know, not everybody has a super fun ride.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:34] So, you know, you don’t want have to do this 7 or 8 times. So if you can knock all the fat off and then realize how you’re supposed to eat, which for the vast majority of people who are in my body, which is in the more fat guy camp, you need to drop all your sugars to zero. Your carbohydrates need to be very, very low glycemic function. You know, you’re looking at broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, Brussels. There’s there’s lots berries. But anyway, you know, if you’re going to do breads to sour those, you know, that type of stuff really, really drive that function down low and then lots of high protein. I’m a big fan of red meat because it helps increase all that iron function and iron leads to more oxygen in the blood and all that fun jazz. So but the biggest things you’ve got to really, really, really cut back on your sugars. And the thing is, is that a lot of the desserts that are so good, they’re all sugary. We’ve you’ve got that in the key to form now between aloes between you know monk fruit stevia erythritol and if you guys can get a little erythritol I you that’d be really good for your blood vessels. You know it dilates small blood vessels. It helps to increase blood flow. There’s research showing that it softens hardened arteries or, you know, helps break up our Taylor arterial sclerosis. So, you know, there’s a lot of good to be said for shifting those sugars over from something that is toxic, which is your typical processed sugar into something that is a lot better for you like the monk fruit and the Erythritol.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:02] So that’s kind of how we usually run through it and that’s my crash course. And that used to be ones. So if you guys have any more questions, you know, get a hold the office for can walk you guys through it. It’s not super difficult. There’s just things you just got to make sure that you check and you make sure of. So if you guys haven’t been doing those things, we didn’t get that information. Now you’ve got it. Yes. And look up quickly here. Just. If you really want to, but that’s kind of the process that you guys can, you know, make sure that you’re going through. There’s a way to do this and make GOP ones very, very, very positive, very healthy manner. A very great thing to add into your to your program. What people are really scared of them, which you should have a healthy respect for them. But once we understand how they work and we understand the pitfalls and why those pitfalls happen and how to avoid them, I think we can we can approach this with a much more, much higher degree of safety. So, I mean, there’s everything has risk in it. But, you know, the way that you the smart way to do that is figure out what the risks are and how to sidestep them or protect yourself against them first. So if you guys have other questions, just have questions at Chalmers want to second or, you know, ask me comments, you know, put some comments in the video and we’ll we’ll go back over them. Thanks for your time. So you guys have a nice day.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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