24 Sep 2024

This overview delves into the complexities of using peptides, steroids, and supplements for muscle growth and performance enhancement. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on foundational health elements, like sleep and nutrition, before relying on these tools. Practical advice is offered on the necessity of a well-rounded supplementation strategy, particularly when aiming to build muscle while cutting fat. The psychological aspects of fitness are also covered, stressing the need to manage stress and properly structure workouts to maximize recovery and growth.

Additionally, there is a challenge to common beliefs about diet, specifically critiquing the “calories in, calories out” model. The flaws in this traditional approach are examined, highlighting how understanding the body’s true mechanics can lead to better weight management and even help reverse conditions like type 2 diabetes. Emphasis is placed on taking a thoughtful and measured approach to fitness, avoiding the pitfalls of quick fixes that can lead to long-term negative effects.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 – Introduction to Peptides and Supplements

00:50 – Importance of Basics: Sleep and Nutrition

01:50 – Supplementation for Muscle Growth

03:17 – Managing Stress and Workout Structure

05:09 – Use of Steroids and Androgenic Compounds

08:17 – Diet and Chemical Function

09:03 – Critique of Calories In, Calories Out

11:02 – Conclusion and Call for Feedback

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] I’m getting lots of questions on peptides and stuff like that. We’ll have our own peptides, the ones that I use, the ones I like. We’ll have those out in about 2 or 3 weeks. But people have asked me about peptides and ask me about, you know, upping their dose and trend and all sorts of stuff. All those things are fine. You have to remember that there are tools there, not magic wands. A lot of times what I think people are doing is they’re trying to use any of this, any of the different steroids or the performance enhancing drugs. You know, instead of focusing on the basics, your basics. All the all the petty stuff, all the different, you know, peptides and steroids and they’re all just a part of the cake. And the problem is, is that if you’re not sleeping right, which is which probably one of the biggest pieces I see people fail, then it’s probably nutrition.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:05] People don’t wanna give up their alcohol. I get it. I was that guy for a long time. Or they don’t want to give a you know, they don’t want to they don’t want to learn to do things differently on their diet. I think one of the biggest ones is the axiomatic presumption presuppositions that people get into about how the body works. Like that’s a giant issue. That’s more of a psychological thing. But anyway, getting the right diet and right chemicals in so sleep and then getting the chemicals. And there’s a giant, giant amount of supplementation like nutritional supplementation. You’ve got to do magnesium, sodium. You know. Potassium, boron, selenium, zinc, God and, you know, vitamin D, which is a hormone. Vitamin C, making sure that you’re getting, you know, all the yeast issues dealt with, all the probiotic function, dealt with all the other amino acids. And you’ve got to make sure that you’re getting all the omega three fatty acids in all the phosphorescence that you actually build new cells. You know, the amount of leucine required is ridiculous.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:12] So getting all those chemicals in is, you know, to all the eggs in, if you will, getting all the eggs and destroying all your limiting reagent issues. Getting all that nutrition in is, you know, can really only be done, at least in America. I would say. I believe getting all the nutrition in you need to massively grow muscle tissue. You’re going to have to supplement a lot of your nutrition. You have to eat a bunch, but you’re gonna have to supplement a giant amount as well. And the amount of supplementation you’re gonna require all only goes up if you’re trying to cut fat at the same time you’re building muscle tissue because you’ve got to have fuel from somewhere. And so if you’re trying to cut them up, trying to cut the body fat and maintain muscle function, then you’re going to have to decrease the intake all across the board. You know, there’s there’s obviously ways of splitting it where you take out all the sugars and you limit the fat function and you radically increase protein function. But even by doing that, you’re not going to get the minerals you need. You’re not going to get the CoQ10 you need, you’re not going to eat the method B vitamins you need.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:17] And so there’s, you know, there’s a giant amount of supplementation that’s going to have to be done to get the chemicals you need to build the tissue. And then, you know, you’ve got to really manage your stress because nothing positive growth wise happens when you’re under too much psychological stress. You know, resting, digesting that parasympathetic function is really only going to function if you’re in parasympathetic function. So you’ve got to decrease the psychological stress. You’d move out of that sympathetic state more into that person with that except to get everything run. So, you know, you’re going to do the things to calm down, you know. And so those are those are the big pieces of getting that piece done. Then you’re going to lift rea. A lot of people I see who are using all of this stuff are not damaging the muscle tissue enough. You know, people always ask me like, why do you do a chest day and a back day and a leg day?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:14] Well, the reason is because I need to destroy all of that muscle tissue to the point where it has no choice but to heal and regenerate and 1 or 2 sets on back isn’t going to get it done. And so, you know, that’s kind of how it goes. You’re going to hit all of the accessory muscles, all the functional muscles at the same time. The reason why back in Body works is because while you’re working your back, you’re working your biceps so you can get a really good bicep workout on back too. I just like to focus specifically on arms, but that’s kind of how if you structure your workout properly, you can use yesterday’s damage to aid today’s growth. So for instance, if you do like I do, I do chest and I do back. And the reason I do chest on Tuesdays and back on Wednesdays is because as we’re working the flexor group in the front, I immediately want to turn on work, the extensor group in the back to balance out that postural tone.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:09] Now those two days don’t feed off of each other very well. But then we go into shoulder day and it’s tremendous amounts of triceps and shoulder function. And then I go straight back into into arms and Friday. But there’s a vast amount of stuff that bicep function is going to be worked throughout the week. I do a core work that works biceps as well. So the idea that we’ve structured your workouts in a manner where we get the most possible healthy damage to the tissue, you know, taking it to exhaustion over and over and over again is the secondary piece. The really the real reason that you want to be able to use a lot of these? Adrenal hormones is because you want to minimize the amount of time required for full recovery. And so that’s that’s the primary goal. Now you’ve got you’ve got secondary goals where if you’re like, all right, I I’m willing to take a deeper step or a further step out into my risk tolerance levels. And so we’re going to use things like our Winstrol tren, you know, e Q Primo, like all the all the baster and all the, all the halo, all the ones that are kind of, you know. Out of very specific purposes. Well, that’s that’s a that’s a different option.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:36] So, you know, when you look at, for instance, Windsor on Ann Arbor, Windsor on the end of our people put back to back because they’re not really. And I think that you can look at them in a similar light. But the the androgen function of women is much higher than is available. And so I don’t think women should take. When Now. You. You guys are everybody is their own person that every. Well, you all can take whatever you want to. I just think it’s a little bit rough as far as on the hair goes. So if you’re a woman who wants to lose their hair, I think it’s a phenomenal choice if you want to preserve your hair. I would go with an LA. There’s an argument to be made for some other ones, but as far as orals go, those are probably your your easiest ones and those are the ones that are most available to you.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:27] So, you know, a low dose of anymore. And here’s the other thing. Quit pushing time too fast. I keep seeing people and they’re like, Well, I’m going to do 50 minutes because I need this like in the next three months. And I’m like, That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Like, recognize that you have more than a week to get where you want to go. You know, and the thing is that because here’s the problem. If you push really, really hard and you get your body where you wanted it to go, but you gave yourself heart issues or you lost your hair or you deep your voice more than you wanted to, or you’ve had cystic acne. That or one of the things that can happen with with pushing really hard now now you have something that you didn’t really want that might last longer than you want it to because you push too hard. So give yourself a little bit more grace. Give yourself a little bit more time.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:17] And sometimes people will need to, you know, modify some of the basics so that people come in all the time. Like, I’m going to do extra training and I’m going to win and I’m going to do this so that, you know, I can lose the fat. Have you looked at your diet? Like, have you just really gone over your diet? Because there’s a lot of things you can do with your diet that are super easy, that aren’t going to make you feel like you’re you’re you’re on a diet at all. Like the goal for your diet is to be full, like you want to be you want to enjoy your diet. You want to look forward to your meals. And you can do that and lose fat. Like, I look forward to the meals I have every day and I am so full. At the end of the day, I have to sit still and not move. So it’s you can do it. There’s ways of putting it together, but it’s all based on chemical function, not on caloric function.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:03] So my podcast on calories, on the fallacies of calories or the fallacies of my issues will go to that way. My issues with calories in calories out hopefully will be out today or tomorrow and I’ll be able to post that one out. We’re going to give it to me because I can get as much feedback as I can, because once you start to understand that the body doesn’t run on calories, you start to kind of get an idea of how the body actually works. It gets a lot easier to get where you want to go no matter where you are on the snow type chart. I like the idea that just think about just the idea that, this is how the body works. Not like this, but like this. Now it makes more sense why I’ve been having trouble losing fat or why I haven’t had trouble gaining mass. That’s it’s the.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:49] The problem we’re getting into and the reason why it’s so difficult is because our axiomatic presuppositions, which means the way we the starting point, right? Because everyone’s like, well, let’s talk about we’re accepting. We’re accepting as a rule, as a fact. The calories are the way the body runs. And the problem is if you structure everything off of that and that that actual thing is wrong, everything you’ve built on top of it falls apart. And I got to walk through the argument. I show you how it fell apart for me and how I put it back together, how I came to the conclusion that calories in, calories out. For me, not this is news, so. But that’s the problem. Once you. Once you destroy. Okay. So think of this. So just go with me on this idea. If. Calories in, calories out is not how the body works. Where are we starting? Because it calories aren’t a thing. Where are we now? And so that’s the problem he’ll have to get over first. Is what you based everything else on was actually inaccurate? Not not bad. Like we’re not I don’t want to confuse inaccuracy with immorality, but it’s just not right.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:02] And so the thing is, is that now we can start to figure out, this is actually how it works. Now everything starts to make sense. Now I can take control of my weight and my, my, my body and things like that. So yeah, that’s great. Plus, you know, it’s also a pretty pre handy way of of turning around diabetes or type two diabetes. I guess it’s the way I do it. And for nothing else, maybe you could, you know, maybe that would help you or a friend of yours to figure out. I don’t I might not have to be diabetic anymore if I change my diet. And this is how it works and this is why it works. So hopefully we’ll get that out today or tomorrow. But yeah, and I would love all the feedback possible of that one. I will post it everywhere. I’m going to give it to all of my trainer friends me to give. It’s all my idea life buddies to give it to everybody I can find just to spread it around so we can have the discussion because I think it’s a discussion at least worth having. So. All right. Thanks for your time. You guys have a great day.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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