25 Jul 2024

In October, a devastating injury changed everything. While playing third base, a line drive struck the left side of the face, fracturing the skeletal system and leading to a challenging recovery process. Despite the severity, innovative treatments facilitated a remarkable recovery. A combination of hyperbaric chamber sessions, peptides, supplements, and expert surgical intervention worked together to rebuild and heal. The journey was difficult, marked by nerve damage, vision loss, and significant facial trauma, but the progress made through these treatments was nothing short of extraordinary.

The support and guidance from Dr. Chalmers played a crucial role in the healing process. His approach, which included cutting-edge supplements and continuous chiropractic adjustments, complemented traditional surgical methods. This holistic strategy not only accelerated physical recovery but also restored confidence and functionality. Returning to work and engaging with the world again were pivotal steps in reclaiming a sense of normalcy. This experience underscored the importance of integrating diverse medical practices for comprehensive healing and recovery.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:11 – Introduction and Injury Description

01:13 – Recovery Process and Initial Treatments

02:48 – Supplementation and Healing

03:40 – Chiropractic Care and Continued Recovery

05:20 – Impact on Daily Life and Work

06:28 – Testimony and Conclusion

We used: testosterone, IGF-1 LR3, Sermorelin, BPC-157, TB500, D3 + K2, Methylated B vitamins, CoQ-10, Omega 3 (DHA and EPA), Turmeric, Ginger, Cannabis, hyperbaric oxygen, collagen.  We had to treat the multiple fractures to the face and orbit, the trauma from the surgery, and the concussion. Links for Dr. Chalmers’s Site are linked above in Bold Italic.

Stuart Turley [00:00:00] Here you go. Now, tell us, what were your biggest things on this, journey that you’ve been on? Rachel?

Rachael Candillo [00:00:11] Well, the biggest thing was my injury on October 6th. Just the healing process and just going through the whole. The whole situation. Get hit in the face while playing third base. Line drive. We figured about 180 mile per hour ball that hit my left cheek. Fractured my whole skeletal system on my left side of my face. Just the swelling. And I had to wait a whole week, to get plastic surgery. Well, not plastic surgery. They had to get a titanium plate made of a 3D machine and sent in a plus. They had to wait for the swelling to go down on my face a little bit. So we exactly to the day the injury I had that implant put in, and still dealing with, issues from that injury.

Stuart Turley [00:01:13] Now, what were some of the key problem? I mean, this was a line drive to the face and then your your recovery process was horrendous. But Doctor Chalmers helped you in ways that normal Western medicine didn’t. What was up with that?

Rachael Candillo [00:01:31] Yeah. He had like immediately he had me, do the hyperbaric chamber. So he had me on peptides and off. So some of our supplements to help with the recovery process. And I’m still actually doing all of it except for the hyperbaric chamber. But it definitely helped heal my face without having the surgeon who did it. The surgeon was a maxillofacial surgeon, so he was kind of like a plastic surgeon as well. He knew what he was doing. But everything that Doctor Chalmers had me doing, plus scar creams, on the incisions, definitely helped, with the process. And people that don’t know me would not be able to tell that I had a titanium plate and on my face not too long ago.

Stuart Turley [00:02:20] That is incredible. Now, what is. Chamber. What? What did you have to do? And what is the benefit?

Rachael Candillo [00:02:29] The hyperbaric chamber, gives you pure oxygen. So all it is, is a tube that you lay in. Have oxygen mask on. And, you did for an hour. And it just I mean, it helps with recovery of any kind of surgery or damage. Also helped a lot of our patients with Covid.

Stuart Turley [00:02:48] Now, the, Doctor Chalmers, mix of supplements, what were some of them and why did he put those on there? Because his logic, he’s got methodology to his logic.

Rachael Candillo [00:03:02] Some of the. I don’t remember so in the names now of the supplements. But we do carry him here in the office and he’s always recommended. I’ve try to remember what they are. Anyway, one of them is great for people who are having surgery or or who have had surgery because it helps with, the building of the cells in the. Whatever has been damaged. Also the peptides, of course, is an injectable. But the combination of 2 or 3 different ones helps with the healing as well. Of the face.

Stuart Turley [00:03:40] And as for the cosmetics, what were some of the things? And again, I want to drive home the point that, normal doctors miss a lot of things that Doctor Chalmers has picked up that I’ve talked to from other patients, as well as my own personal experience. So what were some of the other things that Doctor Chalmers really was focusing on with you?

Rachael Candillo [00:04:05] Well, a lot of it, and still to this day, is I still have nerve damage. On the left side of my face. And then I still have loss of vision in my left eye from it. Plus I also had concussion and whiplash. So on top of all that, just, chiropractic adjustments. Of course, hyperbaric chamber, all the supplements. And also, it was kind of funny because I was out of work for several months because I didn’t want to be seen with my face all swollen and bruised, and I couldn’t open my mouth for a while because it was. It was injured and swollen. So he is fine. Funny. He’s like, you need to get back to work. He goes, you need to get your facial muscles moving again. And so that way it remembers what to do. And that was probably like the best advice as well as, you know, I mean, even though I didn’t feel comfortable being out in public, it was getting back in, in the public and talking and using my facial. My facial muscles again to to teach them again that it was you know, they still work. So I know that definitely helped.

Stuart Turley [00:05:20] Oh, this is so cool because it’s is like, you know, the, the hair care guys that are out there. I’m not just a customer. You you work there, but you had a life changing injury that could have been. Horrific. And. Yeah. Did Doctor Chalmers, medical advice make the difference?

Rachael Candillo [00:05:50] It definitely did. I worked for Doctor Chalmers. Next month will be four years. Like, every time I went to my surgeon, for my follow up appointments with my face, like, he was very impressed. He’s like, what have you been doing? He goes, you look great. He goes. He goes, I know I did great job, but there’s something else that you’re doing. So I like told him what, you know, the other things that I was doing. And he was like, that’s very interesting. So for him to be a surgeon and impressed with my healing, knowing that it wasn’t normal, I mean, he was listening to what, you know, asylum, telling him about, you know, what Doctor Chalmers had me do.

Stuart Turley [00:06:28] That is incredible. And what a great testimony. Rachel, how cool is that? That you’re feeling that great.

Rachael Candillo [00:06:38] That’s awesome. I mean, and if I didn’t work here and I didn’t if I didn’t know Doctor Chalmers, I mean, I would definitely not be where I’m at now.

Stuart Turley [00:06:47] Well, I know for a fact that I’ve had similar, responses with his treatments. So, what a well done story.

Rachael Candillo [00:06:56] Well. Thank you.

Stuart Turley [00:06:57] All right. And let me stop here.

We used: testosterone, IGF-1 LR3, Sermorelin, BPC-157, TB500, D3 + K2, Methylated B vitamins, CoQ-10, Omega 3 (DHA and EPA), Turmeric, Ginger, Cannabis, hyperbaric oxygen, collagen.  We had to treat the multiple fractures to the face and orbit, the trauma from the surgery, and the concussion.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

Check out Chalmers Pillarsofwellness.com for Wellness updates! And ask me any questions you have at questions@chalmerswellness.com. I answer all of them and look forward to hearing from you.

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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