19 Feb 2025

Discover the essential steps for gut health, from parasite cleansing and yeast removal to restoring probiotics and healing the gut lining. Learn about the power of coffee enemas, high-quality supplements, and natural solutions like wormwood and fermented foods. Plus, dive into the role of stress, detox reactions, and the impact of toxins like glyphosate on digestion. Get the full rundown on how to reset your gut for better health and vitality!

Highlight of the Podcast

00:04 – Medical Testing & Parasites

00:47 – Importance of Hydrochloric Acid

01:33 – How to Kill Parasites

02:21 – Coffee Enemas for Gut Health

03:56 – Yeast Overgrowth & Gut Imbalance

05:03 – Restoring Gut Health

06:25 – Healing the Gut Lining

07:21 – Detox Symptoms & Solutions

09:08 – Food Sensitivities & Gut Health

11:01 – The Correct Gut Reset Order

13:26 – Long-Term Gut Health Maintenance

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So I’ve been asked a couple more times to do some more gut cleaning, gut reset stuff. So first of all, a couple of things on this one. Medical testing is terrible at finding parasites. It’s almost as if they’re trying not to find them. So if you’re like, well, my doctor did a stool test. You’re not going to find them. The. The you’re going to continue to get them because when we’re stressed out or we have chemical breaks, you’re on protein pump inhibitors. Remember, when you decrease the hydrochloric acid that’s in the stomach, which happens every time you get stressed out, you should do that sympathetic state shift away from the parasympathetic. You’re right. Quick creates less hydrochloric acid. That hydrochloric acid is not to digest your food. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:47] It’s to clean it, to kill the viruses, the bacteria, the parasites, the parasitic eggs, things like that. So if you do if you do a cleanse one time, you’re probably going to get reinfected the next day or week, month, whatever. So this is something you should do on a somewhat regular basis or you should do something to keep your hydrochloric acid levels high. You can take it mentally, but that’s one of those things. The other thing is, is that this is highly dependent upon the quality of the supplementation that you’re taking. We have people come in all the time and they’re like, Well, I did this one, you know, a week ago, and they bring this stuff in and this stuff’s junk. So a lot of the supplements are on the market’s junk. You’ve got about 90% of them that are basically trash. So make sure you guys are using good stuff. All right. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:33] So when we’re starting to clean the got the first thing we got to do is kill the parasites. The vast majority of people have parasites. I’d say 95% of the population is parasites. We see it all the time. So ivermectin is great at this. The problem with ivermectin, like I said, is you got to take this stuff a lot. And getting ivermectin and getting high quality ivermectin that’s for people is really difficult. The government does not want you to have it, which is why you can’t get it, because the government basically said until this administration, the government didn’t want you to be healthy. So that’s the other side of this. So you can use ivermectin from feed stores and that’s the stuff. And it’s fine. But I would say my first choice for all of the stuff we use Wormwood a lot. We have we make it, we get stuff made for us. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:21] I like wormwood. Hydrochloric acid is pretty solid option for supplemental. We have something called the Spirit Detox, which is really great. Now, coffee enemas are still going to be by far my favorite. The reason why I like coffee enemas is because we can kill the parasites in the colon. We can kill the parasites in the lower intestine, the liver, the hepatic portal system, the entire thing. So for those of you who don’t know, your colon has something called the portal system, which is the job of the colon is to suck all the fluid out of your fecal matter. Take it back to the liver, clean the water, push the water back in the system, the waste comes back down. This is also why colon cancer goes to your liver like that. Because there’s a literal blood vessel system that ties your colon to your liver. So coughing them so clean that they kill the whole thing. They kill all the parasites all the way up and down. And they can also be used as one of my favorite things to use to clean the liver. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:12] So when we start having guys who are doing heavier anabolic Winstrol and ABR or have high stress or they have, you know, gallbladder issues because they have lack of effort, maybe six coffee enemas or a phenomenal option for that. They’re also one of the cheapest things you can do. So coffee enemas are phenomenal. Just make sure that the herbs you’re putting in there are the right herbs such as coffee. There’s all sorts of herbs you put in there for that. So once you kill the parasites, the next thing you got is you guys are killing off the yeast because what ends up happening is the parasites and the stress and everything ends up killing the probiotic. And so you have all these parasites and you’ve got you have all this probiotics. Probiotics are gone, and nature abhors a vacuum. Your body is supposed to have a little bit of yeast in it. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:56] Yeast helps with heavy metals, all sorts of things. So what ends up next is that as the as the probiotic starts to die off, that void is filled with yeast. And so you’re going to use tissues. We’ve see it. We see skin issues from the yeast. We see gas and bloating. We see all sorts of IBS issues from the parasites and from the yeast. So as you clean those two things out, that works out really well. Now, as soon as you clean those things out, you’ve got to really, really restore the body’s probiotic levels. So obviously, probiotics would be great. You want to make sure that you’re maximizing the strains, though. So typically what I’ll tell people to do is we have a couple different probiotics that we use. And then I tell people, if you can stomach it because some people don’t like fermented foods, bring in fermented foods, give me fantastic sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha. There’s a whole list of them. Fermented goat milk. Kefir is fantastic. It’s one of my favorites. So just getting in those things that are functional for the body and lot of times love to go through and like kind of help work people through those. But that’s going to be really important to repopulate the gut. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:03] Now, a lot of times the gut’s actually damaged and we see this with celiac, IBS, ulcerative colitis. We see this with high stress people, things like that. So what you’re going to want to do on that one is increase the collagen. And as far as more than just have an upset stomach, anything further than that, which is about, I’d say 60% of people that we see, it’s hard to regenerate the gut. So the primary thing that I tell people to do is add in testosterone. So testosterone is your healing hormone. And real quick on that, you’re right. It’s not natural. It is more natural to add testosterone your body than to add vitamin C to your body. Your body makes testosterone. It does not make vitamin C. This idea that testosterone is not natural is a giant, giant Psyop. It is extremely important for men and for women. It’s very, very, very important. And it helps the body heal everything. So you got to make sure your testosterone levels are back where they’re supposed to be. What we typically see is women feel the best. Between 80 and 250 men feel the best, between 800 and 1200. And that’s a whole separate topic. But that’s where. It is and then forget stuff I like. This is where I like BP 157 and tbh 500 people use it for joints by NP uses it for her arthritis exclusively. She got off all of her drugs. She just uses that. That’s great. I like a forgotten brain. Those are my two favorite peptides. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:25] Forgotten Brain Regeneration Healing. So we use TB 500 and BP 157 for that. And then it kind of helps for the get back together. You know, lots of college and so your body can regenerate all that stuff. Probiotics are also a great option as the food for your probiotics. There are some fibers that do it. There’s a there’s a list of foods that do it. So that’s that’s to me, one of those things you can kind of find your favorite one. We have a nutritional flakes thing that we put in smoothies and stuff like that that’s really great for probiotic function, but that’s kind of how you have rebuild all those things. Now, a lot of times when we get people who they go through this, they get what’s called a detox reaction. When we work with limes, people, the limes refer to it as a hexamer reaction. But regardless, it’s one of those things where you feel like you’ve got the flu, you have, you know, loose stools, you’ve got upset stomachs, you, you know, headaches, that type of thing. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:21] The best option for those are is castore packing with a far infrared heat source, the kidneys first, and then you can do the liver if you want to. But if you’re doing coffee enemas, you get all that sort of cover for the cup, for the liver. You want to do the you want to the kidney cancer packs. And those are fantastic. If you guys are not if you guys have not learned about kidney cancer practice, they’re amazing, especially when you use that form for a heat source to drive it all the way down. We use these on kids a lot. And so what’ll happen is that in Eastern medicine, the kidney is the wellspring of life, is the power, the strength of a man or woman. And so what ends up happening is when kids start getting grumpy or agitated or angry or whatever, cash back those kidneys and know they’re right as rain. My my oldest man, he would be he just he would have issues. He’d be a jerk. And it will cash back his kidneys. And the next day he’s fine. So, you know, that’s one of the easy ways to tell with my kids, at least if they’re getting sick or they’re getting they’re not feeling good is the way they act and how the kidneys test and will cash for your kidneys. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:22] They feel great. So that would be a definitely a thing that you guys would want to start watching for. You can you can take this stuff and you can go through it and you can feel miserable for a couple of days or weeks and you can get out the other side and feel better and that’s fine if you want to do it that way. I don’t recommend it because why would you want to feel like crap? But that’s some of the stuff is going to happen because when you start killing these parasites, you start killing these yeast. They basically explode and bunch of poison in your body. And she really has to deal with that. If your liver is congested, if your kidneys are congested because they were dealing with all the other trash in our food, water and air, they’re going to get overwhelmed pretty easily. So keep that in mind. And as you clear those out, you clear the detox organs out like that, it helps tremendously. So that’s where a lot of this stuff is. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:08] There’s a lot of components to it. For instance, we have a lot of people who have food allergy issues or food sensitivities, and that’s a giant topic in and of itself. There’s a lot of ways that you can try to deal with those. The fastest way I’ve ever found is with electromagnetic resets, your gut and your body communicates with electromagnetic waves. And so you can actually use electromagnetic frequencies to reset the gut so you’re no longer sensitive to foods we’ve been able to do it with like, you know, anaphylactic issues of peanuts. We never reset that. And so that’s one of the big things that you can do to kind of get everything back together. Because if you’re eating a food that’s causing inflammation, it’s going to create some issues all the way throughout the body, including the gut. So these are some of the things that you’ve got to really kind of watch. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:55] Now, RFK has come out and he’s talking about investigating a whole bunch of things glyphosate, different dyes, all sorts of stuff. And glyphosate destroys your gut like it is. It is a horrible thing for your gut. So that’s one of those things that as these things start getting knocked out, as these things start kind of these chemicals are getting pulled out of the market, we’re going to all be a lot healthier and our guts are going to be better. But until they get that stuff moved out and they make the laws and usually it’s one of those deals where it’s like you can no longer use this chemical starting three years from now. So I don’t know how long that the wait is going to be, but this is me with those things we’re going to do. So I’ll start working on and tell that stuff gets pulled out. And then because you’re going to have stress, we’re still going to have to deal with some of this stuff anyway. So this is a quick run through on kind of what we do and how to do it. So you guys have not thought it that thought through it that way. You need to start looking at that way because you have to deal with parasites. And this is the order that I always do it and let me back up the order. We usually do it in the office is that we’ll check the liver and the kidneys and we’ll start there because your kidneys are already jammed. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:01] I’m not going to give you something that’s going to make you have a detox reaction day one. So outside the kidney thing, the kidney prep that we do with everybody, the next step is. Always kill the parasites, kill the yeast, restore the probiotic levels, heal the gut lining. And then you want to maintain function and you want to make sure that you’re not having foods that are highly sensitive to you. That’s kind of how that one plays out. If you guys have any questions on that drop in the comments or his questions at Chalmers waltz.com. This is a really, really big issue. People talk about the gut all the time, but they don’t really talk about what we need to do and like you should change your diet. And absolutely, the vast majority of us should change our diet. Which also doesn’t mean you have to give up the foods you like. Like it’s the most my most favorite time is when we start trying to find new recipes for people, because that means I get to try them. And we made a we made a protein pancake. That is the goal was a strawberry lemonade. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:58] We had strawberry chips, chocolate like, you know, like chocolate chip idea. But they’re strawberry, not chocolate. The strawberry ones in there. We put some lemon in the batter. It was fantastic. And the batter is, I’m going to mess this up because I don’t make it. My wife does. But it’s. There’s a special vanilla whey protein we use. It’s got eggs and it’s got cream cheese in it. And then we put lemon juice in it and we put these chips in. They were amazing. So you can have all the foods you want. You got to change the chemistry. And a lot of times you got to make them yourself and you can have them do anything you want and have a really, really safe, really clean, good diet. But that’s kind of how a lot of this stuff goes, is we’ve got to the other big things. The easiest way to remember some of the stuff is how is the body designed and created. If you go back to the original design and use the fuel that we were originally designed to run on, you’re going to be a lot healthier. You’re going to be a lot leaner. You’re going to be if you’re going to feel awesome a lot more. So that’s one of those big things. So, you know, really kind of take a look at it and be like, you know what? We designed it. All these chemicals I can’t pronounce or we designed to eat the things that actually come from nature, you know, that type of stuff. So take a look at that. That’ll help out with a lot of your food sensitivity issues. But this is the typical way that we do this. Now, a lot of people are like, I do these hormones well. So people ask me this all the time. When I designed the detox box Friday Life, people ask me like, So we should do this quarterly, like how often you do it? And I’m like, I do it every day. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:26] So like I do three anti-parasitic coffee enemas a week, mostly just kind of trying to keep my my liver as healthy as I can. Ah, you wanna talk about longevity? Liver is the key to a lot of your longevity. So I’ll take the Wormwood every day. The Wormwood Russell using right now to kill whatever this virus is that’s going around, which I don’t ever says is flu. A flu B, guys, I’ve worked on flu for 15 years. 20 years. This is not whatever flu A, flu B is. This is not the same thing because usually any natural virus, high dose lysine, Hades, high dose D three will knock out any normal virus. Whatever this thing is, is, I don’t know. Anyway, the world was working great for that. So I take that pretty much every day. And then, you know, I’ll do HCA, I’ll just maintain stomach acid, my gut. But these are things that, you know, you need to push back against these things on a regular basis. So find the way that you can do it. The most important thing is to find a way to decrease your stress. So people ask me like, why do you work out in the middle of the day? Because exercise is the best way to one pushback against psychological things, depression, things like that, which is not necessarily a problem I have, but it’s also the best way to crash your stress cycle. So if you work out in the middle of the day, all the stress from the day is starting. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:39] Creep up, creep up, creep up. And then you bang, you work out and then the cat comes back up. So, you know, that’s the other thing. If you’re exercising, it’s going to do lots and lots of good for your gut, for your mental function and everything else. So walk through those type of things. If you guys have questions, like I said, hit us up and we can walk you through it if you guys need high quality stuff. Chalmers One of Starcom Pillars, Walmart.com, the stuff that’s on there is stuff we use. I’ve tested it and we know where it’s made, we know how it’s made, and we continually test this up to make sure it’s where it’s supposed to be. If he has any other questions, hit us up. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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