14 Feb 2025

RFK’s confirmation raises hope for more transparency in healthcare and medical research. He has long challenged institutions that put profits over people’s well-being, advocating for a closer look at issues like diabetes, dementia, and alternative treatments such as psychedelics and peptides. His focus is on shifting from simply managing diseases to finding real solutions that improve overall health.

This approach could lead to more medical freedom and access to better treatments, along with a stronger emphasis on prevention. By questioning mainstream views on topics like cholesterol, vaccines, and mental health, he encourages people to take a more informed approach to their well-being. His advocacy for cleaner food, fewer harmful additives, and updated medical practices could help reshape how we think about long-term health.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 – RFK’s Advocacy & Enemies in Common

01:24 – Exposing Medical Industry Lies

02:54 – Vaccine & Pharmaceutical Industry Concerns

06:11 – Psychedelics & Addiction Treatment

07:52 – Medical Freedom & Cannabis Use

09:11 – Shifting Healthcare Priorities

12:16 – Understanding Body Types & Weight Loss

13:42 – The Impact of Insulin Resistance on Fat Burning

14:59 – Rethinking Nutrition & Hormones

16:14 – Encouraging Critical Thinking & Asking Questions

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] All right. So for questions, I was asked a question actually about a couple of people why I was so excited that RFK got confirmed. So. RFK is an attorney. He’s he kind of helps go after people for all sorts of violations of ethics and stuff like that. He he’s fights for, you know, getting getting the mercury out of fish and, you know, cleaning up the water and cleaning up the food and stuff like that. But the big thing is that his enemies are also my enemies. Like when I talk about the medical community, the medical industry, I’m not talking about the medical doctors down the road. I’m trying to make this very, very clear. I’m not talking about the medical doctors that we all work with. Those are those guys. Those guys are fantastic. Like, those guys have dedicated their lives to helping people I’ve never met one that I thought was trying to hurt people. Every medical doctor I’ve ever worked with has been fantastic. They just have the wrong information. And the reason they have the wrong information is because they were lied to and they were given the wrong information by the guys at the CDC, the NIH and the FDA, because those guys are all focused on making sure that farmer makes more money, not people get better. Like, that’s 100% what’s going on? So that’s why I’m excited about it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:24] The the research that has been done that I have been reading that has led me to figure out how to fix diabetes and dementia and, you know, got me to the point where, you know, I can fix ulcer colitis and say like stuff like this. And we’re using psychedelics for PTSD and addiction. You know, the, you know, all of those things. That’s the research that he’s trying to bring out. He’s trying to tell people that, you know, cholesterol, drugs and certain drugs don’t do any good and that cholesterol isn’t the problem, even though it makes billions of dollars. It’s not what we should be chasing down. You know, he’s a big on peptides. I love the peptides, what we can do with these big on hormones. That’s the way to health and that’s why our government has been so against them, because they don’t want you healthy, they want you sick, they want you needing care because care drives money and it drives power. And so that’s what that’s what the goal has been like. They haven’t been trying to fix disease. They’ve been trying to manage disease. We can fix type two diabetes pretty easily, especially with GOP ones, but it’s worth $120 billion a year to keep around. So they don’t fix it. They keep it around. Same thing with heart attacks and strokes and statins and stuff like that. Like it’s never been the cholesterol. We’ve known that for 40 years or 50 years. The research that proved that showed it was cholesterol was fraudulent. And we knew it from the beginning. The research that showed that amyloid plaque in the in the brain caused Alzheimer’s disease was fraudulent from the beginning, and we know it. But we’ve spent a lot of money trying to go down that road.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:54] So there’s there’s a ton of things that from a research standpoint, we know. But we’re not doing anything with because it’s financially beneficial to go the other route. The you know, everyone’s focused on the vaccine thing and that’s fantastic. We definitely need to get better research into our vaccines because they are not what we are all told. They are not this magical thing that doesn’t hurt anybody ever in any way and only makes does good and prevents you from getting any disease that they decide to throw out there. There are chemical inflammatory agents and inflammation causes damage. They’re not the only reason of autism that they are definitely a contributing factor. So as we get that information out, it’s going to help save people and it’s going to help guide us to better use of medications. It’s going to better, you know, hopefully to the development of some stuff that is better for us and that actually works the way we want it to. So that’s the thing. You know, there’s so many deals, you know, depression, you know, we don’t treat depression very well. We treat it with SSRI, which have been proven not only not to work, which is create horrible, horrible issues for people trying to get off the they’re worse to get off than the problems that they’re trying to solve. So it’s one of those where the treatment is worse than the disease type of thing. You know, the best way to treat depression has always been, you know, testosterone, cleaning up the gut so the guy can produce its own serotonin. Yeah. Instead of taking a drug to help reduce the amount of. So real quick, for those of you who don’t know what SSRI is and what they do. SSRI or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:29] So what ends up happening is that when your brain squirts some serotonin out, it then sucks it back up and recycles it. And what the SSRI is do is they block the ability to remove that from the cleft. It’s the serotonin just sits there in there longer there. Like see more serotonin. It’s better. That’s not what it’s ever shown to be. Now, the thing is, is that instead of trying to recycle and then maintain a small amount, the best idea is to just fix the got something I can produce all the serotonin you need. That’s not the way we’ve been going. We have not, as the medical committee has not even acknowledged really that parasites are a thing. So that’s a problem as well. That’s why ivermectin is becoming such a big, big deal here. Like it fixes everything. It doesn’t fix everything, but a lot of things are based on. Parasitic function. And so when you remove the parasites, all of a sudden your body starts working the way it was designed to work again. And so you’re like, my gosh, this drug might be better. Now the drug just removes the interference back to the right if you go back to original design. You know, so there’s things like that that’s going to come out. You know, like I said, you talked about psychedelics, guys. If you have PTSD, which of a lot of us do I have for a long time? A lot of people you don’t have to get shot at or blown up or see horrible things. The world is enough to give you some PTSD. Psychedelics are a phenomenal way to actually fix the PTSD. The research shows this research is from the 60s. The research shows that psychedelics like MDMA, lysergic acid, zelazny, psilocybin, magic mushrooms, that sort of stuff, have a in ketamine, have a phenomenal ability to break addiction. 85% of the time we can break addiction. We’ve known this the entire time.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:11] So the entire time we’ve had this opioid crisis, everybody’s addicted in that. And the CDC and the NIH, and they’re like, we don’t know what to do about it. They 100% did. They just didn’t want to do it because apparently addiction drives sales. It’s the only thing I can come up with because we’ve known it since the 60s. We’ve proven it out. We proved it out with a lot of a lot of great research and a lot of great testing and maps is doing that again. Thank you. Maps, guys. So like there’s a lot of information that’s going to come out that’s going to make us healthier. And yeah, you know, outside of the drug stuff, you know, teaching people to exercise, teaching people to eat. Right. The idea that, you know, plants and chemicals will always make you healthier is silly and rubbish, and we should get away from that. Again, you live in a big meat machine. The idea that meat is bad for the big meat machine is silly. So, you know, getting those things and getting clean food and, you know, getting the fluoride out of the water, you know, is going to be a really big one. So there’s a lot of things that potentially we could start moving down the road in a very much healthier way. Now, the best thing is that if they just came out with like, here’s all the information, you guys can start making your own decisions. I would like to see them. The only things I would like to see the mandated are the government stuff like pull the fluoride out of the water. I would really, really like to see more medical freedom so we can use cannabis instead of opioids because, you know, while cannabis is cannabis is the way I put it is cannabis is the very best of the bad decisions. If you’re hurting, we’ve got to find a way to make you not hurt. Opioids are not the best way.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:52] You know, Tylenol and Advil are bad on the kidneys. And they’ve got you know, cannabis don’t properly does properly is really, really great. The sublingual strips that we have, we’ve been able to use for broken bones, like when my mom brokers sternum like she couldn’t breathe. So imagine your ribs and your sternum are broken every single time you breathe in or breathe out. Lay on your side. You’re you hurt because you have broken bones. The the strips were great for her. She never ended up getting high, but she just did all the pain. My son had this. I talk about this in my Ted talk when my son had his six screws and the plates removed from his arm. All we used were little strips of the little pieces of strips. He never had pain. He never got high. So it was fantastic. So these things are really, really good. They carry no addiction point and absolutely no death issues. So a lot of the information that we’re working on is because the established the way our medical system has been established and run for so long, we just are choosing not to change things because it makes the right people money. It makes it gives the right people power. And we’ve already started down this path. So, you know, it’s time to shake that stuff up because it’s not serving us anymore. It never really did serve us that well. But looking around like we are the sickest country in the world, we take the most pharmaceuticals. And so the path we’re on must be not must not be the right path.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:11] So if we start altering that path and then like, hey, how about we decrease the pharmaceuticals we take and increase the exercise and increase the hormones we’re supposed to be, take the body back to original design, right? Quit using seed oils, start putting in, you know, high quality, you know, fats for our body recognizes, you know, from, you know, from animal fats and that type of thing, using proper oils, you know, maybe even here’s another shocker for you. We don’t have enough olive trees on the planet to produce enough olive oil. We say we’re producing. So there’s a lot of olive oil that is fake. And so it’d be really nice to have standards where they’re like, Hey, we’ve tested these things. They’re there, you know, seed oils and olive oil or they’re lower grade oils with olive oil or they’re pure olive oil. You know, just more information. Like I’m not a big fan of the government coming out and banning a whole bunch of stuff, but I would like to have the option of, you know, you have to tell people what’s in the food. And as long as they tell us what’s in the food, we can make our own decisions. That’s the free market piece of it. But that’s that’s the thing. The more information, the accurate information getting out, I think it’s going to be able to help a lot of us make better decisions. The downside to it is that, like I said, again, I love my medical guys. I think they’re fantastic. They’ve spent ten years trying to learn the best they could, how to take care of people. They’ve dedicated their entire lives to this. They’re phenomenal human beings. I love them. They’re just like I said, they don’t have the right information As to the problem that comes out is that if we if they disclose all the information tomorrow,.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:45] The problem is that there’s not going to be enough health care providers to take care of people. Now there’s going to be the guys who are still selling the drugs that what the hands are taught to do and those are needed for these people. The problem we’re going to run into is that when people decide they want to get healthy, there’s not going to be enough people to actually walk them through the process of how to get healthy. I mean, the understanding of metabolic biochemistry is so poor that the vast majority of people still think the body runs on calories, which is not accurate. The body runs on adenosine triphosphate or ATP. If you don’t understand how ATP is created, then you can’t help people with their nutrition. You can’t help them metabolically because, you know, I actually had this question the other day, I think, you don’t think if you’re gonna eat 10,000 calories, you’re going to gain weight? Well, it depends on what you’re eating. If you 10,000 calories of sugar. Yeah, you’re going to gain fat. If you eat 10,000 calories of protein, you’re most likely going to lose fat and you’re most likely going to gain some muscle tissue. So you might not gain any weight at all. Or you might, because if you lose fat and you gain muscle, you come back to the same point. Or you might gain some muscle tissue and end up being positive weight that way. If you eat 10,000 calories of fiber, once that fiber passes out of your body, you will have lost weight because you will have lost muscle and fat because your body used the muscle to produce sugar for your blood, because your body would have ATP and it can only run on sugar and your body was burning fat for the brain, for the blood and for the body and everything else. So that’s that’s what’s going on.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:16] So if we if we don’t understand how these things work, you know, we’re going to be giving people bad advice or advice. It’s not all the way there. The other side is that you have to understand some manner of typing. The reason why we all have this friend, right? We all have the friend who can eat whatever they want and never gaining an ounce. They’re called Dr. Morse, the guys who can just cut their calories back for their fuel and take back and lose weight. Those amazing morphs. The guys who don’t eat very much or the women who don’t eat very much. But we’re always fat. It’s where I live, where endo morphs. If you don’t understand how the body functionally deals with these hormones and sensitivity to hormones of insulin and glucagon and grilling and leptin and things like that, you’re never going to get where you need to go from a dietary standpoint. That’s not taught, and I believe that’s not taught. So we can protect the diabetes industry, but that’s kind of where that is. Yeah. Yeah. So like Tammy, who’s 50, and she says she’s worked all this time to figure out that she’s got to really increase her protein intake. Yeah, that’s. That’s how it is. Now, here’s the other problem that people don’t understand about this real quick is what ended up happening is that a lot of the foods we eat have literally broken our bodies. They’re so high glycemic, they’re so chemically altered for glycemic function. When ends up happening is that they start raising they start creating insulin resistance. And I can do a whole hour on this. But what happens with insulin resistance is that you produce more insulin over time. Well, guess what shuts off glucagon, which is the thing that tells your body to burn fat insulin.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:42] So if you have higher fasting insulin, you’re going to have much lower production of glucagon. You have a much lower burning of fat. And so that’s why a lot of times it takes you a minute when you change your diet properly to really start getting things to happen. And the biggest, funniest thing is that if you’ve been in this glucose state for a long time, your body’s not gonna be able to burn fat very well. It’s not going to utilize the glucagon very well because your body’s just not used to doing it. So there’s a lot of things that we to start changing the way we teach people and changing the way we function. And I think our effect is going to be really, really good at bringing the actual research out. I mean, like, look, I know that all these people made a bunch of money and I know all these people made a bunch of power. I know all of these institutions are built on this, but we need we’re obviously going the wrong way. We are substantially less healthy than we need to be. We’re going directly in the opposite in the wrong direction. So we’re going to have to realize the things that we think are accurate are obviously not accurate. And so we’re going to turn around and be like, where else should we go? And so, yeah, it is. It’s once you understand the chemistry. Sorry. Tami said, It’s so simple. Once you get it, once you get it, you’re like, my gosh, now I understand why we’re so messed up and where we need to go. But that’s the thing. We’re going to change the way that we think. We’re going to change the information that we process are going to change the way that we view nutrition, supplementation, hormones.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:59] You know, people still think that testosterone is not natural. Guys, testosterone. Testosterone. Putting testosterone in your body is more natural than putting vitamin C in your body. Your body makes testosterone. It does not make vitamin C, So, yeah. So this is what’s going on. So this is the type of thing I’m really, really hoping where you get this message out. So many people have been listening to Gary Breck. I have been listening to, you know, Dave Asprey has been listening, guys like me and they’re like, my gosh, if we do these things, we feel so much better and we’re so much healthier. Yeah. Again, here’s the other big piece, and this is the thing that I think is really, really, you know, pushing people away a lot. You have to understand, the body was designed in a very specific way. It was created in a very specific way. If we get back to original design, which is physiology, if we get back to how the body was designed and created to function, you will be healthier and you will function better. That’s just kind of where it is. So, you know, that’s that’s where I’m hoping to get from RFK. That’s why I’m hoping we’re gonna get is it’s going to be a big, horrible, terrible like hard shift because if you think everything’s over here and then someone comes in and goes, Hey, all the research that we’ve been ignoring is actually over here. But guess what? This doesn’t make these guys a ton of cash. So they never told you about this?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:16:14] I think we’re going to see a lot of people trying to freak out, having to deal with it. So, you know, it’s going to be an interesting ride over the next year and a half, but that’s where it is. So, you know, my recommendation to you is look at what creates health and start leaning into that. You know, share some of this stuff, have people kind of, you know, ask questions. You know, the best thing you could ever do is ask questions because as soon as you start asking questions, you can figure out if these people know what they’re talking about or not. So just start asking questions and get it going. So it’ll be really, really good. I’ll do a whole thing. People can ask me about vaccines and autism, stuff like that. I think we can. We’re at a point where kids are talking about it now. Vaccines are a contributing factor, not the only thing. And I’ll walk you through some of that next week, but you guys have any of the questions is up [email protected] or drop in the comments. It was it’s going to be a very very interesting but fun time coming up so thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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