09 Oct 2024

Going beyond just macronutrients like proteins, fats, and carbs is essential for achieving optimal health. Many crucial nutrients, especially methylated B vitamins, are often missing from our diets but play vital roles in supporting hormone regulation, brain function, and energy production. Supplements such as B vitamins, CoQ10, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics are key for improving gut health, reducing oxidative stress, and preventing arterial blockages.

Incorporating collagen into fasted exercise routines helps prevent muscle loss and promotes muscle growth. Additionally, raw milk and fermented foods are recommended for boosting probiotic health. Viewers are encouraged to consider high-quality supplements from Pillars of Wellness, where proceeds support veterans and first responders dealing with PTSD and addiction.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 – Introduction to Nutrition Beyond Macros

01:20 – Importance of Methylated B Vitamins

02:28 – The Role of B Vitamins and Niacin

03:58 – CoQ10 and Its Role in ATP Production

05:27 – Probiotics and Raw Milk

06:35 – Supplement Suggestions for Blood Pressure, Carnivore Diets, and Collagen

09:15 – Collagen and Exercise

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] We talk a lot about diet, what we’re eating, that type of thing for fat loss, muscle gains like that. And that’s super important. Like macros are pretty important. Like I always I write calories are not a thing. Quit listening to nonsense about calories. But the other piece we have to recognize is that there’s a lot of nutrition that we’re critically missing, that we’re not getting from our food. You can look at all the mtf each r m, t, t, r, c, or like all the different genetic deletions that lead to methylation pathway problems. We need to everybody needs to start taking methylated B vitamins. I mean, it’s just there’s so many issues that are resolved by this. The trauma and the stress that everybody has is increasing sympathetic function radically, decreasing our body’s natural ability to methylated to begin with. So taking something a, B, vitamins is a good thing for everybody who’s, you know, alive and breathing. So even the kids making sure they get those things aren’t going to help radically increase the health function and hormone function. You know, you look at even, you know, thyroid function without methylation function, thyroid hormones don’t work properly.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:20] One of the reasons that we get gallstones is the major reason we gallstones is a methylation problem. Pregnancy, fertility methylation issues, colon health, nasal polyp health, gut health in a variety of ways are all methylation issues. So getting your your monthly B vitamins in is really important, and getting them in as a complex is also very important because they work together. You don’t just need, you know, methylated folic acid. You don’t just need method to be sex. You need kind of all of them together. Vitamin B6, help your sleep. They also help with digestion. You know, B12 is obviously an energy thing. Most people know about B12. You know, folic acid is, like I said, really, really important for fertility, but also for mucous membrane health. So that’s your colon, it’s your knees, it’s your nose, it’s all sorts of beakers, membranes. So these are really, really important. The superior B has all those and it has a pretty high level of them. So the vast majority of adults like so I’m a large man, like I’m 250 pounds and six feet tall. You know, two of them a day usually covers the vast majority of all the things I need.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:28] So you guys are going to get plenty and breakfast and lunch. The the thing with that isn’t necessarily be Lyme is also water soluble. So if you get in more than you need, it’s not a big deal. The only one that can sometimes cause a little bit of irritation is niacin. Niacin causes a flushing that looks like, you know, you turn red and splotchy, feel, have sunburn for a minute. That’s what’s in a lot of pre-workout that gives you that a tingle, that skin tingles, that redness, that sort of thing. Yeah. So lot of people like it. I kind of like it. I like it in small amounts. I like to be able to feel it. I don’t like to be read all over and feel like I was under. So that’s a big one. It’s really, really critical for all brain health, all sorts of health. So your methods are super critical. Cocu ten is really, really important When we talk about lipid peroxidation, when we talk about reactive oxidative stress and we talk about the things that cause arterial blocking, that cause heart attacks and strokes, low energy brain function being lowered. It’s supposed to. That’s Koku ten Koku ten is critical for creation of ATP, which is the actual energy molecule the body runs on. Again, we don’t run on calories. We run the ATP. ATP is created in the mitochondria powerhouse of the cell. For those of you who remember high school biology and co-captains critical for the development, the creation of ATP, it’s also one of the more powerful antioxidants.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:58] So all the damage that happens to the tissue from free radicals and oxidative stress and stuff like that, Kurkjian helps to push back against that and help alleviate a lot of that pressure. So cookie changes are really important. One omega three fatty acids as your DHEA, EPA, that’s really, really critical for brain health. One of the things we’re lacking a lot in kiddos, they don’t eat a whole lot like the the brain that we have here. You know, I give my kids, you know, my 210 pound old as my Zane I’ll give him you know. 2 or 3 of my day, my 110 pound younger one. I’ll give one in the morning, one at night, somebody else. And that’s really great. They’re also anti-inflammatory. So when we talk about seed oils, we talk about those sort of things, the bad oils, the inflammatory oils, those were mega sixes. Now you do need some omega six, but not nearly the ratio we’re getting right now. You need a lot more omega three. So getting more omega threes in like the brain health we have here. Super duper important to, you know, for adults, for kiddos, for everybody. The other things, you know, probiotics are always great. I will tell you that raw milk like my favorite thing in the world for probiotic function is raw goat milk for raw. If you pasteurize things, you kill all the positive bacteria and you destroy a lot of the protein functions.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:27] So pasteurization is really not the way to go. We’ve known that for a long time. But, you know, keeping people sick is kind of the thing our country’s best at. So if you can get Ahold of some good, clean, raw milk, raw goat milk, kefir, that’s fantastic. A lot of the fermented foods are really, really good at the sauerkraut. One of them can kimchi, kombucha. There’s a lot of them. If they’re not, you know, sugary processed stuff you buy at the store. A lot of the farmer market stuff, a lot of stuff that, you know, people are just making at home is fantastic. So I lean heavier on that for probiotic function. But if you don’t like the way those things tastes are, you can’t get them. Probiotics are a great thing to take. They’re really important because a lot of the things that happen in our body, the breakdown of the food, the processing of the nutrients that brings them into the body, the functional, all that stuff is actually probiotic driven. The bacteria that’s in your gut, the healthy bacteria that’s in your gut have a giant amount of processing of our nutrients to make us healthy. So having a low probiotic function is really, really bad for you.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:35] So keeping those things up is really important. You know, there’s there’s a host of other things that are really, really good. If you guys have blood pressure issues, dilating blood vessels can be really beneficial. So not. Okay, this is a big I’m a big fan of nanograms. So there there’s I guess there’s there’s a there’s a list of other things that kind of trickle on down. If you’re eating lots of vegetables and saffron seems really, really good for you. If you’re looking for vitamin C from a food source and you’re more carnivore, kidney and liver have a giant amount of it. So remember, the definition of a vitamin is essential nutrient that cannot be made in the body. Vitamin C is not a vitamin for a lot of animals because they make it in their body. So if you’re eating the source, the thing that creates the vitamin C in these animals, it’ll help you tremendously. So liver and kidney from a carnivore diet are really fantastic. And you can take those as supplements, you can eat them. How are you want to knock it out? I know lots of people who tell me that liver is one of their favorite things to eat. So, I mean, if you haven’t had liver disease, you thought it was gross. There’s a lot of people who like it. In fact, faux gras, which is the no, which is actually really good. I’ve had it lots of times. It’s it’s a delicacy. It’s super fancy. That’s duck liver or goose liver.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:56] So, you know, lots of people might have a wrong opinion on some of this stuff. You don’t have to take that one as a as a supplement, but usually people will. So that’s those are some of the big ones. Collagen is probably the number one thing that I think, you know, people who are training need to be looking into more. You guys shouldn’t be doing fasted any type of exercise, cardio lifting anything without taking some college. And first, because your body has to make sugar. It’s going to make sugar no matter what. Your blood can only run on sugar. It has to make sugar. There’s a whole process behind it. Gluconeogenesis. The problem is, is that for your body to make the sugar, it has to use a protein source. And so the protein sources it will choose if you don’t give it something is your muscle tissue. So it’ll tear apart your muscle tissues to make the sugar to fuel your body while you’re exercising. Or you can take collagen ahead of time. You’re still fasting with collagen. It doesn’t create an insulin response. That’s actually what breaks a fast. And so in response, I can get the chemistry in that she has her hair, take a collagen soccer, break it fast, but it will keep you from destroying your muscle tissue and it will help build muscle tissue on top of that because the thing the body wants isn’t protein, it’s amino acids.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:15] And collagen has all the amino acids your body needs. And it’s in this nice little packaged form that falls apart real easy. Doesn’t have to digest very far. So you’re ready. It’s all the amino acids it needs real fast. So I would highly recommend if you guys are waking up in the morning and going lifting in the morning or running in the morning or anything in the morning, and the first thing you guys do is see a couple of capsules of collagen. The survey takes on the pillars while in the store. And guys, remember, anything that you get either supplements you guys buy on pillars of wallet and store. All the proceeds from that go to the charity Tree of Life for Health to help PTSD and addiction and veterans and first responders. And man, with these two hurricanes that are throwing bodies left, right and center, we’re going to need a lot of help for these guys. So, you know, we’re going to, you know, walk through, tear out some of this PTSD. And so they’ve gotten these guys.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:06] So, yeah, if you guys are buying solvents from anywhere and you don’t really care, grabbing from pillars was because at least then, you know you guys get high quality so same thing as I takes some things I give my kids some real high quality stuff, fully methylated, all that fun stuff. But also your money is going to help you, your family and first responders and veterans. So grab it there. It’ll be a whole lot better for society. So there’s a quick overview. You guys need to make sure that, you know, you’re not just watching your your proteins, fats and carbs. You’re actually watching your micronutrients and, you know, all the other stuff that you guys desperately need. And you guys have any questions about that sort of stuff? Here’s some questions at Chalmers. Want to second or dropping in the comments. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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