13 Mar 2025

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) helps people break free from negative thought patterns and beliefs that may have been holding them back for years. Many of these beliefs start in childhood and shape the way we see ourselves and the world. By identifying and shifting these subconscious patterns, NLP can help people gain confidence, let go of self-doubt, and make clearer decisions in their personal and professional lives.

Rather than focusing on long-term coping strategies, NLP works by rewiring the mind’s “programming” to create more positive and productive thought patterns. Many people who go through this process describe feeling lighter, more at peace, and better aligned with their goals. It’s a simple yet powerful approach for anyone looking to improve their mindset and overall well-being.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:06 – Introduction to NLP Breakthrough

02:12 – The Impact of Limiting Beliefs

03:58 – How NLP Breakthroughs Transform Lives

05:47 – Releasing Negative Emotions

07:15 – Comparison to Psychedelic Experiences

09:23 – NLP vs. Traditional Therapy

11:14 – The Role of NLP in Biohacking & Wellness

13:12 – Final Thoughts & Psychological Wellness Pillar

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:06] So, uh, a couple of days ago, over the weekend, type of thing. It’s a little bit kind of a blur right now. Uh, I went through the NLP breakthrough process at the master prac, uh, and it was really, really cool. Um, Nathan was giving me grief because he’s like, your tell is interesting. He was like, when something’s impactful to you, you’re like, it was very interesting. And it was, it was very interesting. Um, The process is very interesting. The process is really cool. So what ends up happening is the way that I can explain how NLP kind of works is So it works with your subconscious mind. And let me kind of parse this out in an easier way to understand it. If you’re old, like me, um, you might remember something called DOS, MS DOS, and so DOS was the base operating system that everything else was put on top of, and if DOS got messed up, your game or your word processing or whatever you were doing was also messed up. So you had to go into DOS and fix DOS. Then your programs would run right. Um, the more modern day example of this is the, if you’ve ever Accidentally hit the keyboard or if you know how to get there and you’ve seen the code behind the website you’re working with, right? If you change the code changes the website, we don’t see the code. We see the website, but if you change the code, it changes the website. Same idea. Your subconscious is the, is the part of your mind that is running all the time, it sets the programming for how you function, um, how you think, uh, and everything that you do really and truly. And so, What happens sometimes is you get a bad piece of programming or a bad piece of code in earlier in life through trauma, through whatever, right? An emotional event. Um, well, oftentimes when you’re young, you know, something will happen and you’ll take this trauma on and the subconscious learns when you have emotional trauma, um, it says, Ooh, wow, I did not like that. Um,.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:12] What can we learn and put in place? So that doesn’t happen again, right? It’s more of a survival instinct. It was like, I really didn’t like the way I felt that was, I was very scared. I was very angry. I was very whatever. Um, and so I’m going to put a circle around this and, and be in, I’m going to do this thing to now avoid this pain, right? That kind of an idea, uh, but it’s subconscious. So you look back at it and you’re like, that’s not gonna help. Your subconscious goes, but I’m staying alive. And it is pushing me away from things that may create that issue in the future. You know, we call these limiting beliefs. Uh, there’s other little tiny terms form that we use to further distinguish them, but that’s basically what they are. Um, and so think about this way. This is the best example I’ve got for it. A lot of the people were dealing with the limiting belief or the idea that the most boiled down version was they’re not enough. Um, whether it’s, I’m not tall enough. I’m not pretty enough. I’m not smart enough. I’m not wealthy enough. Uh, I’m not. you know, strong enough, whatever, right? And a lot of those correlate to I’m not worthy, right? And so imagine somebody who has gotten the idea in their head that they’re not enough or they’re not worthy when they were five years old. Uh, and now they’re 40 years old and how that base underlying programming of I’m not enough or I’m not worthy has altered the function of their life from five to 40. And then imagine if you go in, you can be like, Oh, I’m going to flip that switch. So you’re going to go from feeling like you’re not worthy or you’re not enough to feeling like you are enough and you are worthy.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:58] How different your life would be, how different your decisions would be, how different you would feel about a variety of things, the way that you would act and treat people the way that you would do things, the boundaries you’d be able to put up the standards you’d be able to establish. Uh, it, it changes every single part of who you are. Um, and that’s one of those things that. You know, changes how, how a person actually is. Um, and so that’s what the breakthroughs do. Um, there was also a piece about releasing, uh, the five negative emotions, which is spectacular. Um, so we’ve all had those times in our past where we can think back on it and, you know, something was kind of irritating us or, you know, bothering us and we still think back on that time and you’re like, yeah, I’m still pissed. I’m still, or I still feel guilty about the way I handled it or whatever. Right. Um, imagine if you can go back and tell your subconscious mind, Hey, cool. Uh, remember that time that we did that deal and it blew up and you know, everybody got mad at everybody, you know, and it really wasn’t exactly, you know, a hundred percent anybody’s fault, but you’re still pissed and guilty about it. Go ahead and let go of that. You’re cool. You don’t need that anymore. You don’t need the emotions behind that anymore. You perceive the learnings of don’t do deals this way and make sure you vet people better. You retain all that stuff, but the emotion that you’re, that you think back on and you’re still all, you get all pissed off. You get angry. You just tell your subconscious, let that go. Like that’s not serving you anymore. Let it go. And you do. And like when you’re done, you’re like, you think back at the time and you go, I really just, I have no emotions around it anymore. Like I’m not angry. I’m not guilty. Not mad at the people anymore. Like I remember what happened. I just don’t have the emotion tied to it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:47] And when we released those things, everybody’s got those things. Those things are super common. Like if you say, Oh, I don’t have those, you’re just wrong. Everybody’s got those things. And I’m, and some people don’t know what they were there. Like when I went in, like, people were like, what do you think you’re going to do? And I’m like, I have no idea. I have no idea what’s wrong with me. And I found lots of things that were, you know, holding me back and making me think different things. And it was fantastic going through and just, you just ask your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind goes, Oh, this is what I’m dealing with. And like, you’ll, you’ll, you’ll come out and you’ll be like, Oh, Oh, I am kind of that is, I can see that now. And then you can deal with it. You can process it and you can literally release it. That’s part of the technique is release these, these issues, you know, things that happen all the way back to when you’re two and three. It’s funny because when you talk to there, there was a group of people, there was probably 15, 20 people there. And you ask them afterwards, you’re like, how, uh, how do you feel? And the funny thing is, is that, you know, they all had these different, we all had the different things. Like, you know, I had, you know, I was angry about a deal or I was angry about a relationship or I did this thing and I felt guilty or whatever. Uh, and afterwards, the number one thing everyone said was I feel lighter. Like that’s what everyone’s like, I just feel lighter. And my big thing was I feel. substantial amount more peace and I feel a lot. I have a lot more clarity on Where I’m going and how I’m going to get there.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:15] The obvious correlation for me was when I did the Hiawaska, um, the Hiawaska or the DMT really, and this is, you look at, you know, what Brett Favre said, you look at Favre, uh, Aaron Rodgers, you look at all the guys, you know, Rogan, all the guys who’ve done this and they’ve spoken about it, um, Hiawaska for me really kind of gave me, it solidified the purpose. It was like, that’s where I’m supposed to go. That’s what I’m supposed to do. This is why I’m here. This is what I’m going to go do. Um, the breakthrough gave me the courage to do it. So the Hiawaska said good things to me about me and my future. The breakthrough was able to get me to stop saying the bad things that were holding me back from doing the things I knew I needed to do, if that makes any sense. So it is a phenomenal process. I think it’s one of those things that every person needs. Um, it is. It gives you some of the things that psychotherapy would give you in a long term. Um, I think it’s a lot faster than normal psychotherapy, but it doesn’t give you that constant. I have someone to go to, like I have somebody that can work with me. I have somebody I can lean on, which is hyper critical in all life. And so it’s hard to describe it. It is not a replacement. Um, it is you have a car. And you like to get around with your car and you could drive from here to Georgia, but it’s faster to fly. The road trip with your with your wife and with your best friend would be great because it would be a great memory And it’s you know, it’s a great thing. So the road trip would be fantastic It would be fun in and of itself, but if you’re just trying to get there flying is faster That’s the analogy I can make for you But it’s spectacular It is not a replacement. That’s it’s not a replacement for therapy because it’s not They don’t serve all the same purposes Releasing the emotions getting the learnings from them getting over the issues that you’ve got NLP breakthroughs do phenomenal at that, um,.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:23] Having somebody to constantly work through on problems that are going to come up on a daily basis and learning how to then process and deal with things is something that you need to do as well. And that’s, I think, I think the key function of therapy is let’s take a look at the problems you have had and let’s develop systems, how to deal with them when they happen in the future. So not only can we deal with the past, we can deal with the future. That’s more of a therapy or a coaching thing. And that’s desperate, deeper, deeply, desperately needed. Um, so I’m not trying to say don’t do therapy. Uh, this is just, I think a different thing to cut through the trash and get there faster and get rid of the things that you might not even know you’ve got. Um, and so it was spectacular. So if you guys are having, you feel like this was a career one that there’s multiple different like sub categories. This is a career one. You know, if you, if you feel like you’ve got, whether you feel like it or not, it’s you do, but this is for those emotional hangups that we haven’t fully gotten for, we haven’t fully dealt with, um, those things about us, that we feel about ourselves, that we know we shouldn’t, we know isn’t super logical, but they’re there. The, you know, I’m not enough. The reason I can’t do X is because I’m not tall enough or smart enough or fast enough or whatever. I’m just not enough or I’m not worthy or You know, things of that nature, things that we, we either tell ourselves directly or we tell ourselves indirectly, um, that just aren’t true. Uh, the things that kind of hold us back, keep us from being where we need to go, keep us from doing the things we need to do. Um, you know, from a relationship standpoint, the things that are keeping us from fully loving other people and being loved, um, relations from a business standpoint, the things that are keeping us from, you know, knowing our value and charging properly or. Going out and being able to express ourselves properly, uh, it’s, it’s things like that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:14] So, you know, I highly recommend it. It is probably one of the, if you’re looking at biohacking stuff, it is by far according to the greatest things you can do because the emotions that we carry. Kill us like they cause cancer, they cause, they cause, uh, ulcers, they cause all kinds of issues. Um, and the biggest thing is they keep us, they keep us Achieving the goals that we set for ourselves. They self -sabotage So, you know, there isn’t really if you’re doing this or if you have that like it’s super important for everybody I mean, if you’ve got relationships that are important to you, if you’ve got, you know, business or career goals that are important to you. parenting goals, like this is, it’s a spectacular thing to decide to go through. And it’s, I, you know, it’s spectacular. I can’t, I can’t say enough about how important it is. So if you know, you’ve got some of those emotional stuff sitting back there, if you know that, you know, you hear these little, you know, this little doubt voice of, you know, you can’t do that. You’re not enough. What makes you think you can do that type of stuff? You know, who are you to think XYZ? This is the type of thing you need to do. Um, it’s spectacular. So, um, it’s one of those things that we get. So like in the process of getting to this point, there’s, you know, crack, which is, I think, like 50 hours. And then, you know. The first part of master prac is, I think four days of 10 hour, eight hour days. And then we had a bunch of three hour lectures like for five weeks. And then, uh, this was five days of 10 hour days. Uh, and so there’s a lot of education on what this thing is and how to do it and to deepen the weeds. And I loved it. And then we got done and he was like, now that it was like, now that you’ve done it, could you have explained it beforehand? And we’re all like, no, we can’t. And so that’s the best explanation I can give you. but it’s spectacular.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:12] And it’s one of those deals where after you get done, you’re just like, oh my gosh, this was unbelievable. What this has released and given me the peace on and how I feel and how I can just breathe and just, oh, I can just, it’s all kind of baseline calm again. It was funny cause like then Lou and I were like, cause Lou went with me. She’s certified as a coach as well. And she’s phenomenal at this afterwards. They were like, okay, there’s a couple other categories and Lou and I were like, we’re going to do all the categories. We’re going to knock it all out. Cause it was such a big deal. So, um, if you guys have questions about it, I’ll try to answer. I’m dropping the comments or emails at questions at chalmerswellness .com. Uh, this is, you know, this is going to be when we talk about the pillars of wellness. This is going to be the mainstay for what we provide for the psychological pillar, because it is, it is enough that if you just did this thing, I think that it would be a giant, giant chunk of change for, um, development for a normal person, um, also refer out for, like, I send people to Frisco counseling and wellness and Steve Scott and, you know, we’ve got therapists I send to all the time. Cause I think it’s hyper critical that you have some of the, or coaches. that you have somebody to talk to on a regular basis and roll things through and be like, here’s how this happened. And then have somebody be like, what is another way it could have gone or how else is another way of looking at it? I think those things are really, really important, but at the end of the day, uh, this is going to be the psychological pillar. So if you guys haven’t done something to this, to this level, I would highly look at doing it. Um, all right, if you guys have any other questions, hit us up. Uh, otherwise, thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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