Public health policies, vaccines, and societal narratives are examined, focusing on the profitability of sickness and how some systems may prioritize treatment over prevention. The potential for outbreaks to be used as political tools is explored, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking when evaluating health information.
There is a strong emphasis on building health proactively through lifestyle changes like proper nutrition, exercise, and stress management. Informed decision-making regarding vaccines and medications is encouraged, while also recognizing the life-saving role of antibiotics when used responsibly. The message highlights the need for vigilance and personal responsibility in navigating health challenges.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:04 – RFK’s Influence and Health Policies
01:17 – Profitability of Sickness
02:30 – Predicted Outbreaks and Media Narrative
03:55 – Myths About Measles Mortality
05:05 – Antibiotics and Disease Variants
06:14 – Sanitation vs. Vaccination
07:24 – Maintaining Balance in Healthcare
08:30 – Building Health Proactively
09:44 – Preparedness for Future Events
10:51 – Closing Remarks
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] People keep asking me, they’re like, man, aren’t you excited that RFK isn’t come in and do all these great things? Yes, Hunter said, I am. The idea that we’re going to start pulling Florida out of the water is making me super happy. The fact that we’re losing all these guys and I think our food’s going to get a lot healthier and I’m super excited about that. And I hope we get to I want Italian standards, but my my bar is pretty high. I would like, you know, if we just went to Europe standards, I’d be pretty happy with it. And it’s funny because people keep acting like. They won the fight. Like, they won. Like, our side won. And I’m like, Yeah. The fight just started. RFK Starting a fight. He’s not ending a fight. So. I want to predicate this with the idea that we the way we view the world is important. And so, you know, this might sound crazy to some people who might sound 100% sane to some people. So I want to preface this with the idea that this is with the understanding that there is a thing, a deep state. There is a there is a group of people who do want people to be sick.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:17] The idea that there’s nothing more profitable than a sick kid, which is true, that that’s a factual statement, like people will spend all of their money and then they will borrow some money and they will steal some money to help their kids, that their kids are hungry. They’ll sell food if their kids are sick, they’ll do whatever. They’ll sell blood. They’ll sell their car. They’ll sell whatever it can to help get their kids healthy. So the idea that nothing is more profitable, the sick kid isn’t isn’t positive or negative, it’s a fact. The implication from that is that people are choosing to do things to keep kids sick on purpose in order to make money. That’s the implication. So if you were to follow that stream of thinking that people are actively doing things to make your kids and you sick so that they can then profit off of the treatment of that sickness. So follow that vein now. What I would be worried about is sometime later in the first term or in the early middle second term of Trump’s presidency, we have some type of outbreak that normally would be quote unquote, controlled by vaccines.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:02:30] So because RFK is going to come in and say some negative things about vaccines and release information and all sorts of stuff like that, probably just talk about there’s. It’s going to it’s going to. They’re going to say, well, this measles outbreak, it has was or this, you know. The chicken pox outbreak or whatever. There’s going to be an outbreak that we usually get a vaccine for, and they’re going to say this outbreak was caused because RFK came out and did X, Y, and Z, the decreased vaccination rates and thus decreased herd immunity. And so now people are sick. The number one way to know that if, again, we’re walking down a theoretical road based on information that this is a thing, the number one way to know that this would be a. False function is everyone’s dying from the measles. Nobody dies from the measles. This is a this is a massive lie that the American media has actually put out. That irritates me because, like because I was sitting in a room, I had to go to the daddy boot camp when my wife was pregnant with their first kid. And the period the head of pediatrics for Baylor came in and told all of us in the room that if your kids get the measles, they will die. Not they might die. Not measles is bad. If you get the measles, your kid will die 100%. There’s no there’s no question measles will kill your kid.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:03:55] The CDC says that 3 in 1000 people, kids, adults, everybody who get the measles die. They don’t die from the measles. They die from dehydration. 66% of them die from dehydration. The other ones die from pneumonia. So if you get the measles, make sure you’re drinking water, you’re getting clonic irrigations, you’re getting an I.V., you’ll be fine. It’s irritating and it’s problematic. And you don’t want the measles, but it’s not going to kill you. So if measles outbreak comes out and then people are dying from it, that would be my tip off that one. If it happens within the first year or two, then definitely it was contrived. Two people are dying from it. It’s definitely contrived. And if they’re like, well, this new variant popped up because we lost herd immunity. That’s not how variants work. So that’s no, it’s not that it’s not going to it’s not going to do that. Typically what will end up happening is that you see this with antibiotics. When you use too much antibiotics. What ends up happening is that the weak ones, the antibiotics kill, die, the strong ones, the antibiotics don’t kill, survive and thrive and start to grow.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:05:05] So that’s what they’re talking about, the super bacteria that, you know, antibiotics can’t kill. It’s it’s popping up everywhere. Yes. Because you killed off everything else. And the slower growing, much more damaging bacteria now has more food to eat, now has more room to grow. And so it’s more prevalent. So antibiotics are actually creating the make the new strains of bacteria that are highly, highly, highly dangerous. That’s actually how those things work. So that the other thing is, is that if you stopped vaccinating today, you wouldn’t see measles outbreaks for a little bit for only 2 or 3 years because you’d have to that that would only affect the new children that were born. And so new children that were born that then didn’t get those vaccines that it wouldn’t start to surface for a little bit. So it happens in the first 18 months, two years. I would be highly suspicious of any outbreak that we currently have vaccines for that is then turned around and blamed on it. And you can see this right now because, you know, you have to understand CNN and stuff like that are not news organizations. They’re mouthpieces for the government and for the for the establishment.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:06:14] And they’ve already come out and they’re like, well, if our pay comes in, hope you like the measles. Like, that’s that was the that was the statement from the CNN guys. So they’re already laying the groundwork for this type of a thing. So that would be the big thing that I would I would kind of look for is, you know, a lot of the measles and polio and stuff like that is controlled by sanitation, not by vaccination. The cleaner the area, the less disease you have. So, you know, and it’s healthier your patients, your patient population, as are your per population in general, the less dangerous and the less infective communicable diseases are going to be. So, you know, I’m not I’m not saying you should or shouldn’t get vaccines. I think you should learn about them first before you choose to put them in your body. I think if you look at the sides and the sides, I think it’s pretty obvious that systemic inflammation, including instabilities and damaging the ponds, is bad, bad, bad for you. But do your own research. Can you read your own stuff? And if you decide after you’ve read everything and you’ve looked at the actual evidence that you want to get them, you should get them. You should have the right to do that. So.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:07:24] But I want people to understand that the fight isn’t over. The fight is just starting. So we’re going to start seeing some stuff from both sides that are crazy silly. And I think that from our side, we to work with a little bit of restraint. So, for instance, we need to recognize and be respectful of and honor the fact that antibiotics have saved millions of lives. Like antibiotics are hypercritical. Turn to our society. I keep seeing people bashing antibiotics left, right and center, and we overuse them. And that’s not I’m not arguing that we definitely do. But you have to recognize that they save lives all day long. Like every single day. There’s thousands of people who would die if they didn’t get their biotics. So let’s back up off the crazy trade on that just a touch like, yes, don’t ever use them. Yes. Use Alison in his smile and you know coin I like all use use all the other things. But we need to make sure we keep the antibiotics around. Now if you take an antibiotic, you then immediately take an anti yeast as well. Absolutely.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:08:30] Did you then do you know, five times the effort to restore your probiotic function? 100%. But. If you’re dead, your goals don’t matter. So it’s fitting, though, by the way, this amazing drug. My gosh. Like it is. It is the reason we’re so good at surgery now, taking it on the street for fun is a terrible idea. Like, don’t do that. But at the same time, we don’t want to bash on fentanyl too much because it’s the best drug we have for surgery. So, like, I, I want to make sure that from both sides, we don’t kind of go too far on either way because, you know, that’s where we start getting a little bit crazy. So, yeah, there’s a lot of drugs that are phenomenal. There’s a lot of drugs where we’re using there’s a whole bunch of drugs we should not be using. We should be really focusing on education of metabolic function and, you know, how the body actually works and, you know, that type of thing. And radically increasing our nutrition levels and our health levels and exercise levels and decreasing our ah, ah, sympathetic stress. And we should work on our sleep and our community and our, you know, getting together and, you know, radically decrease our glycemic intake. There’s definitely things that we can do to make ourselves substantially healthier.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:09:44] But the problem is, is a lot of the things we do to make ourselves healthier require work. And so. They’re not. They’re not held in high praise or not talked about as much as the negative function of, well, this drug is doing X, Y and Z. So I don’t care that drugs can do X, Y, and Z. Just don’t take it. But be healthy enough. You don’t need it. That’s the thing. So, you know, as we are walking into these new waters of, you know, what’s going on and, you know, we’re stripping things out of the food and water, which I’m definitely a fan of. I recognize that what other people are doing for you is great. However, if you really want to maintain your health, you’re going to have to proactively go out and do stuff. You’re going to have to exercise. You have to put you have to stop getting on your devices before you go to sleep seeking a deeper sleep. You have to start eating better. You have to start again, exercising. There’s things you’re going to have to do if you want to build your health. You don’t get health. You build it. And if you’re not going to actively do the things to build it, you’re still going to have it. Even if they take away, you know, a lot of the bad things that are in the fat. So keep that in mind and understand.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:10:51] Like I said, we’re just starting the fight. And so you’re going to see things happen. Like I point out that during Prohibition, there were times where the government sold alcohol. They knew it was poisoned, and then they turn around was like, look, people drink this alcohol and they got sick. We should ban alcohol. That’s the solution. Governments love to not just hours. Every governments, especially the more tyrannical they are, the more they do this. They love to create problems so they can hand you the solution. So keep that in mind as things are kind of starting to kind of go forward. And I want to make sure we put this out now. Are we called this now so that when we start seeing these these things pop up later, you can be like, okay, I don’t need to worry about that because we’ve already had this discussion. We knew that these things were going to happen. So that’s kind of how that one goes. But yeah, that’s kind of how that plays out. So keep that in mind and remember, you got to build your health. So it’s physiology over pharmacology. So, All right. Thanks for your time.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness