23 Oct 2024

Long Covid is a serious condition affecting many people, with symptoms ranging from constant fatigue and brain fog to more severe issues like heart strain and vascular complications. The condition impacts the body’s blood vessels, reducing oxygen flow and increasing the risks of heart attacks, strokes, and dementia. Many experience muscle pain similar to fibromyalgia, along with chronic fatigue and worsening memory or energy levels. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which increases tissue oxygenation, is highlighted as a powerful treatment option to combat these symptoms.

In addition to hyperbaric therapy, treatments like testosterone and quinine are suggested to aid healing and reduce inflammation. Reducing sugar intake and monitoring blood oxygen levels are also recommended to improve overall health. There are growing concerns about how both Long Covid and the Covid vaccine may contribute to issues like sleep apnea and blood vessel constriction, leading to long-term complications. It’s advised that individuals who feel persistent fatigue, brain fog, or joint pain seek help before these issues progress further.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 – YouTube Restrictions on Long Covid Content

00:30 – Understanding Long Covid

01:18 – Common Symptoms of Long Covid

02:44 – Impact on Heart and Vascular System

04:05 – Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

05:30 – Additional Treatments and Precautions

07:24 – Concerns with the Covid Vaccine

08:50 – Quinine for Blood Vessel Spasms

10:02 – Long Covid as a “Frog in the Pot” Syndrome

11:22 – Sleep Apnea After Vaccination

12:20 – Long-Term Vaccine Damage

13:55 – Final Advice

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] So I, I can’t put this one on YouTube and I had to mess up the title or you know about long Covid at YouTube bans me there has threatened to ban me every time I’ve talked about this stuff. So long Covid is a big deal. Lots and lots and lots of people have it, but it’s a severity thing. So you have people who have it at a level ten really now and they talk about it. If you have like a 2 or 3 are just tired all the time and are more grumpy and they’re just like, I mean, it’s just harder to get through the day and stuff like that. Some of these people have noticed their heart rates gone up or their blood pressure has gone up and things like that. So remember, Covid is a vascular issue. It’s not respiratory. Which means it affects your blood vessels. Specifically, it constricts them, so it makes them go and tighten up. When that happens, we decrease oxygen flow, we decrease waste removal, we decrease nutrient delivery. And so it creates lots of issues. We’re going to see a giant amount of increased parking in the arteries. So you’re looking for heart attack and stroke. Risks are going way up. Your sleep apnea issues are getting worse. Dementia, Alzheimer’s, mice, those type of things are going to start getting really a lot worse.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:18] General memory, energy, that type of things, and start to really take a hit. You’re going to have usually saw like, you know, if you worked out and your muscles are just cancer, you start getting that kind of, you know, in weird places, you know, an all over type of thing. Kind of like a fibromyalgia type of type area. And then with that always comes chronic fatigue. So that’s kind of what we’re starting to see. So if you guys have pulse ox, grab your pulse ox your ear. The top number is the amount of oxygen in your blood. The bottom number is about how hard your heart has to work to keep it there. You should be 97 or above on the top and 60 to 70 on the bottom. That’s where it should be. If you’ve always been. I got to talk to some athletes. You know, my heart, it’s always been you know, my oxygen is always 98. My heart rate always been 60, but my oxygen is 98. My heart rate is 75 now. Well, it’s because your heart’s having to work harder to get the same amount of oxygen in your blood because that’s the beat more often to push things through tighter pipe. Now, here’s the problem. As as as the pipes tighten, as is, the vascular tissues get worse. Pressure has to go up. So the pressure in the heart, the pressure on the blood vessels are going to go up. This is going to cause all sorts of issues, including myocarditis. It’ll strain the heart, it’ll create damage to the heart, and then it allows for inflammation and things like that to happen at a much higher rate.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:44] So that’s what we’re going to start see research, see more headaches, things like that, numbness, tingling in the in the toes and fingers. That’s a big thing. You combine this with any type of mild, moderate diabetes issues and you’re in a really bad place. This is not one of those things that can kill you today or tomorrow will radically decrease your quality of life and to kill you over time. There’s a variety of things that are really beneficial for this testosterone. To me, a big one, because you’ve got to get you got a lot of body to heal. But if you got to be on testosterone, you got to watch your hemoglobin macro level so your age and age. So hopefully you’re working with somebody who goes for blood every 3 or 4 months to monitor that. If not, get your blood pulled more often. The other thing is you got to start worrying about is I would start decreasing all your sugars in your diet. You don’t have to go chemo, just lower the glycemic function. And if you don’t, if you haven’t met anybody who knows how to work, replacing that function in their diet, which is the vast majority of people, because they’re all based on calories, give us a call or, you know, find a good somatic typing glycemic index resource. Read that. That should help out. But, you know, decrease the overall sugars. It’s going to decrease the inflammation of blood vessels and allow for more blood flow to begin with. The very best thing to do for this is hyperbaric oxygen.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:05] Hyperbaric increases oxygenation of the tissue by 1,000%, because what ends up happening is it uses physics, not anything medical uses physics, Boyle’s law specifically, that shows that gas under pressure, which is hyperbaric emulsified gas into a fluid, thus allowing the fluid to carry the gas. So basically what’s happening is that the pressure is that literally pushing the oxygen in the air into the water, the plasma that’s around your red blood cells. And so your red blood cells and the fluid around them are now carrying oxygen, thus allowing a lot more oxygen. The research shows up to 1,000% more oxygen to the tissue. This is what we were using back in 2020 when you had normal Covid. We give them some quinine to dilate the blood vessels out and then we put them in hyperbaric chambers and people would, you know, go from incoherent and wishing they were dead to feeling pretty decent, still sick. They didn’t they didn’t feel great, but they were coherent. They could talk. Everything was great. Like we had to carry people and because they were there, pulls toxins from the high 70s low 80s like that’s that’s death levels like it’s it’s bonkers. And within 15, ten, 15 minutes of being in the chamber their pulse toxins were back where they’re supposed to be. So hyperbaric is a really, really big play on this.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:30] There’s some other things that oxidase in AC bromelain those things are big players as well. I don’t think that alchemy is important. Now if you’ve also got like him into your NTR and have. Ah, You know, you’re really gonna have to double up on your message to be about it. So you really got to get those things up. If you’re not getting those levels up properly, you’re not, you’re not super issues with methylation function, and that’s going to lead to secondary issues as well. So remember when we start having oxygen issues, which is the whole thrust of this, this issue, we start having a lot more oxidative stress. So lipid peroxidation. So that’s going to be your, your damage to cholesterol that causes the plaque. Remember, the total amount of cholesterol you have has no bearing on cardiovascular function. They’re just trying to lie to you. So statin drugs, however, the damage to that cholesterol, which is lipid peroxidation, has been shown for the last 40 years to be the actual cause of planking, which is cause heart attacks and strokes. And a lot of that has to do with hypoxia or low oxygen, which is why sleep apnea is a big player in this, which is why covid’s a big player in this. So if you guys are having any type of issues with a little bit more fatigue, a little bit more brain fog, your joints are hurting more, you just don’t feel as good. Like you feel like you have a low load version of a cold or a flu all the time. You’re like, you know, I’m like 80% all the time or 85% all the time. I don’t know what’s going on. That’s a lot of times that’s a long Covid issue and you don’t have to have had a vaccine or really bad Covid to have long Covid. You can have long Covid and have gotten Covid, but never really felt it that bad. It’s a progressive issue. Lots of people who got the vaccine are in this position, lots and lots of people.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:24] So if you guys had to have the vaccine, which is the vast majority of people, I don’t know. I don’t know. I haven’t seen a whole lot of people who are super excited about taking the vaccine. The vast majority people I see, it was forced upon them. If you guys are in that boat, don’t just sit there and take the beating that your body’s getting, you know, go get help. Like I said, there’s a lot of things we can do. Quinine is also a really great option for this. We’ve been using quinine. I say we well, we’ve been using point nine since 2020 for this purpose and it’s been great. The research on it straight quinine or quite sulfate was what the research was done on knocking the spike protein off the Ace2 receptor site, allowing the blood vessels dilate back out has been around since about 2021, middle of 21. So if you guys are looking for that, just, you know, search for that ace2 six CII receptor site quinine and Covid for those and you should get the you should get the research articles but that one’s a big one. We’ve been using medical people, been using quite often for Vaso spasms which is the blood vessels constricting too much for about 5060 years. And then right before Covid came out, they forced the discontinuation of that because they said, hey, these people whose blood vessels squeeze down too much, they and we’re giving them quinine. We’re seeing a lot of strokes from this. So we’re going to discontinue the quinine, which is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:50] Because when you give quinine for malaria, you give quinine for any other issue, you don’t see any strokes. Well, guess what? The people whose blood vessels squeeze down and slow down blood to the point where it coagulates, you’re going to see more strokes no matter what from that community like this is this is it’s just that’s what happens when your blood vessels get squeezed down, which is what we’re seeing in Long-covid. And what we’re seeing in Covid is these Japanese vaccine issues, these giant clots, these are blood vessels squeezed out on two ends, slow down the middle and the clot it. That’s what happens to blood when it stops moving. That’s we’ve known that forever. The DVT or the thrombosis come from. So when you’re when you’ve got these long Covid issues where you think you’ve got them, you really just address them right now because it’s one of those things where it’s a slow deterioration. It’s here. This is exactly your frog in the pot type of thing. So, you know, if you’re not familiar with that term, if you cook frogs, if you boil water and throw a frog in, it’s too hot. Frog jumps out. If you put it in a pot of of room temperature, water, frogs, like, all right, that’s cool. And you slowly turn the heat up. The frog were just sitting there until it boils to death because it’s cold blooded. It can’t tell the difference in the in this slow aggregation of temperature. Same thing that we’re seeing with people.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:02] It’s one of those deals where, you know, I feel, you know, I’m 85% maybe I didn’t sleep really well or, you know, it’s winter or it’s, you know, maybe I’m not eating enough or I don’t know, I’ve got more stress, which is definitely a thing, you know? So the problem is that all those things are real. Like, yeah, when the sun goes down, I mean, when you have less daylight, you’re a little bit more tired, You know, maybe you’ve got a little grateful cold for a couple of days. If it’s 2 or 3 weeks, it’s not a low grade cold. You know, things like this are real. Maybe you didn’t eat enough. All right. Granted, maybe that’s the thing. Is it every day because I guarantee you, you didn’t eat you didn’t not eat enough every day because you’d notice that on your you be eating smaller. So it’s would. Those are the things that you’re just feeling like, hey, are more rundown than normal. My body’s aching a little bit more than normal. I’m having more trouble thinking than normal then. Those are things I would 100% getting get checked because especially by somebody who knows what they’re doing, which is going to be, unfortunately, not a whole lot of medical doctors. The medical doctors are still telling you the Covid vaccine is safe and effective. So I don’t know what to say on that one. But getting get your pulse ox checked, get your hormone levels checked. Got to get a sleep study. We’ve been seeing lots and lots of vaccine damage. So people who didn’t have apnea before they got the Covid vaccine, after they got the Covid vaccine, they now have bad sleep apnea.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:22] One of my one of my doctor buddies told me. She was like, I’m having panic attacks at night. I was like, what? And she’s like, yeah, I’m waking up. Heart’s beating real fast. Like, I’m like, I’m being chased, breathing real hard. She’s like, It’s crazy. Like, that’s not it. You don’t have panic attacks at night. And so we did a sleep study on our massive apnea. This is like, I don’t know, a month after she got her first vaccine, she was forced to get her first vaccine. So if you guys have started noticing that you’re snoring more, you’re waking up more tired, your mouth is dry, or you just you haven’t you know, sleep is just not where it was a couple of years ago. After your vaccine, get a sleep study. You really, really want to check in on that because oxygenation is the most important thing you can get to your body. And so if you guys are having issues with any of this stuff or you’re worried about the long-covid issues for you, for family or something like that, give us a call. We can go over it. We can go through some of these things, but there’s a lot of stuff that you can do to push back against this.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:20] The vaccine is super, super potent and it’s going to create a lot of problems down the road. It’s already creating some, including you know, the damn thing is once you’ve if you’ve gotten the vaccine, you haven’t died within the first of all, that usually that’s not going to happen with a long term damage from it is definitely real. We’ve been seeing weird weight gain from it, too. So which is interesting. But, you know, if you start decreasing hormone function, you start decreasing oxygen, the body starts filling up with with more fluid. So that’s that is one of the things that’s happening. So if you guys are seeing these issues and you and a loved one, don’t mess around with it. Don’t wait till it gets better. You know, on the get better thing, if you have a problem, you’re like, I’m going to wait this one out and a week later it’s not better. You need to go see somebody. It’s not going to get that much better after a week. So especially these these chronic things where you’re just like, I’m just kind of blah. Like, you need to get those checked out pretty quick. So give us a call. Check that out. There’s some other guys who are doing pretty good work with Long-covid and stuff like that. They’re just few and far between. So you guys have any questions? Here’s some questions that Thomas wants. I can drop in the comments and hopefully we can get this knocked out. But it’s it’s super serious. And you want to mess around with this because the quality of life you have now will slowly diminish until it just gets terrible. And then you’re like, I’ve got a cancer. I’ve got a lot of arterial blocking or I can’t remember stuff. As your brain starts kind of getting messed up. So anyway, you guys have your questions is up. Hopefully we can help you out. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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