25 Sep 2024

This video challenges the traditional understanding of calories, arguing that they are not as relevant to health and weight management as commonly believed. It highlights the damaging effects of chemicals like glyphosate, which are widely used in food production and negatively impact gut health and nutrient absorption. The video emphasizes the importance of reducing toxins and focusing on whole, natural foods such as eggs, beef, and vegetables to improve overall well-being and prevent issues like inflammation and leaky gut.

It also critiques the close ties between government health agencies and pharmaceutical companies, suggesting that profit is often prioritized over public health. The discussion compares U.S. food regulations with stricter standards in Europe, particularly in Italy, where many harmful chemicals are banned. Ultimately, the video advocates for a move away from processed foods towards a diet centered around natural ingredients to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and promote long-term health.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 – The concept that calories aren’t real, promoting.

01:15 – A chemical used in food production, particularly on gluten, wheat, and soy.

02:11 – The importance of nutrients in food to drive chemical processes in the body

03:22 – Discusses inflammation caused by toxins, which leads to nutrient deficiencies.

04:28 – The relationship between government health agencies

05:39 – The difference in food safety standards between Europe and the U.S.

06:53 – The psychology behind food engineering is mentioned.

07:59 – The way opioids were marketed.

08:50 – The importance of checking ingredients and avoiding foods with chemicals

10:05 – The importance of removing toxic ingredients from your diet.

10:58 – Differences in how wheat is produced and treated.

12:53 – Advising people to be mindful of toxicity in their food.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So the big thing is I posted my my deal that cow calories aren’t really a thing. Anyway, so I posted a deal about how. Calories aren’t really a thing. It’s on eggs. I’m having issues with being banned and censored on pretty much all the other ones. I lost my tic tac account. They banned me. YouTube has also threatened to delete my entire account for disagreeing with the CDC. So I mean, I guess that’s where we are with them. But anyway, so it’s on X, it’s the case against calories. Check that one out. It’s talking about how calories aren’t real and how we need to get away from it. Also, if you have any diabetes issues that’ll help you walk through that a little bit. So that one’s a good one. You check that one out, I will lay out the entire case. So it’s not a short video, but it’s pretty solid anyway. So, you know, like I was talking about glyphosate, there’s when we talk about our diet, we’re talking about like outside of the macro function. One of the things that people are having a lot of issues with is the toxins that are in our food.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:15] And the problem that we’re getting into is that like, for instance, glyphosate, glyphosate on a lot of our gluten and a lot of our wheat and soy and stuff like that, and it’s really damaging to the gut. Monsanto has had to pay out $15 billion over the course of the last four years on multiple different cases, multiple different plaintiffs, different class action lawsuits, because Monsanto knew they were causing damage and did nothing about it. It’s not just that, it caused damage. Oops, we didn’t know. They know and they’re still using it and they’re still causing problems. And that’s what the lawsuits were for. And multiple different cases, multiple different things. So the one of the big issues we run into with that is that if you’re poisoning yourself on a daily basis, it’s going to cause inflammation, it’s going to decrease your gut function, it’s going to make it so it’s harder and harder for you guys to get anything functionally accomplished. And so we’re going to see lots and lots of problems with that nutrient deficiencies.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:11] You know, and the thing is that the foods we bring in, yes, they’re there to give us energy to run our bodies. But the vast majority of what we’re actually looking for is nutrients to chemically run us like we have to make the serotonin for our brains function. We’ve got to make sure that we have all the adrenal hormones. So we have, you know, cognitive function. We have, you know, stability. We have all the things like think of think of it this way, like the Snickers commercials, like I’m not promoting Snickers, but when you’re hungry and you act, you’re mean, you’re angry, you’re, you know, loopy or whatever. Yeah. The chemicals that run the body make the body run. And if we put toxic chemicals or chemicals that are against the function of our body or do damage to the body, we’re going to have problems. You know, there’s a lot of chemicals out there that damage, you know, the gut lining. And that is the most important thing. What people don’t understand, I make this point in the case against calories. What you put in your mouth doesn’t go in your body for your mouth hearing this is outside your body to get things in your body. It has to be absorbed across the mucosal membrane of the intestines. And so if it’s not getting absorbed across the intestines.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:22] You’re not going to get in the body. And if you create inflammation so that you decrease the absorption of nutrients or you create holes, and that’s what we’re looking at for leaky gut. So things get through that shouldn’t get through. Well, now we have even a bigger problem. So, you know, if we if one of the things that we want to make sure we’re doing is not only to be healthy, but to be lean and look good and feel good, you’ve got to cut as many of these chemicals out as you possibly can. The dyes, the glyphosate, the atrazine, you know, it’s becoming a full time job just trying to keep the trash that you don’t need in your body that shouldn’t be in your food anyway out. You know, it’s funny because, you know, I make this case all the time. If we can get RFK to come in and start helping make some decisions on who should run things like the FDA and the EPA and stuff like that, we’re going to just from that, you want to talk about radically increasing the health of this country and the health of the world. If we can just say this all the time and hopefully it’s not too simple, if we can get the bad chemicals out and the good chemicals in, you will be healthy. But think about that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:28] The guys who run the FDA, the guys who run the NIH, the CDC, all those guys are hunky dory. Best friends with the with the pharmaceutical guys. They all make money together. They all work together. They all like it’s our government. And the pharmaceutical companies are kind of one at this point. And what increased profits is good. And so guess who else? Like Bayer, like Bayer aspirin. They own Monsanto. So all the chemicals that you’re putting in your food that make you sick, that make you need the pharmaceuticals benefit, the parent company there. So, I mean, do you think they’re really pushing to get all these chemicals out of the food? I don’t. I mean, look at our food. Look at our food compared to Europe. And I say I talk about this all the time, about how, you know, Europe has a better standard than we do as far as chemical toxicity. And people get all pissy about it. But just look at the ingredients like pull up, you know, whatever your packaged food of choice is, Quaker, anything. And look at the difference between the ingredient lists for the United States and the ingredient lists for Europe. It’s radically different. Now, if you really want to go bonkers, where I would prefer to go would be like Italy. Like, look at Italy’s laws around their food.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:39] Like, those are fantastic. They banned all kinds of lab grown meat. They ban all sorts of chemicals like the list of banned chemicals. Like the difference between the banned chemicals between Italy and the United States is pretty large. You know, and I would love to see us trend more of that direction. If we can get more and more and more stuff out of the food, that can be better. But until that point, we’ve got to be diligent and at least know what’s in our food. You know, there’s a lot of the dyes and the chemicals and, you know, these long, you know, 16 syllable words that, you know, that nobody knows what they are because we’re trying to hide what they’re using, you know. So I don’t think it’s because it’s necessarily that much cheaper. When you look at some of this stuff, you know, with machine costs and functions like that, it might be a little bit cheaper, but not substantially. So, you know, I get it from an accounting standpoint, a penny or a quarter of a penny multiplied a thousand times or a million times is a lot. But at the same time, you know, there are a lot of these chemicals are put in our foods not to make them last longer, which is what they always say, but they’re making them the more addictive they’re making them more so like, you know, Lay’s, you know, can’t just eat one.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:53] Well, yeah. So if you eat the whole bag and then you’re like or if you eat half the bag and you set it down because like, you’re like, okay, I don’t need to have this much of whatever. And you get up and, you know, then tennent’s, then you’re like, Man, I really want to I really want more chips or cookies or whatever it is. And you’re like, But I’m kind of full, but I’m also kind of still want chips. Not I’m hungry. I still want more of those chips. I still want more of those cookies. Not that that’s the that’s the big key, is it? That’s how you know that they have addictive chemicals in them and a lot of them do. And it’s funny to read, the psychological research has gone into food. You know, how crispy should it be? Should it be this crispy or that crispy? Should be this color or that color? Should it, you know, have this much spice or that much like like the entirety of it is really, really, really interesting from a psychological standpoint. But when you start to realize they’re not trying to make food, they’re trying to make a profit. Like, I think you start with that standpoint. They’re not trying to make food. They’re trying to make profit. And so what are you going to do to increase profit? You’re going to increase predictability. I mean, and that’s what that’s the entirety of what they’re doing.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:59] Look at, you know, the chemicals they put in Cigarets are there to increase the function and increase the addictiveness. Everybody know don’t don’t let the medical community, not the doctors, but the FDA and those guys, don’t let the leaders of the medical community lie to you and tell you that they didn’t know the opioids were addictive. We’ve known opium was addictive since the railroad days. Thank you to Chasing the Dragon. When the Chinese came in and brought the opium in, everybody, the opium dens. Everyone was addicted to opium. We’ve known for hundreds of years that opium was wildly addictive. And then they came in like, we put a candy coating on it. It makes it not addictive at all. That’s not. Yeah, that was a great sales line for, you know, average people who didn’t know anything. But all the doctors should have known and all the guys in the FDA and you and I did know there’s not a chance they didn’t know. But if you can get people addicted to stuff, you can sell it a lot easier.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:50] So, you know, it gives you money and power so that we then start watching the chemicals that are in our foods. I’ll start putting together list of stuff, but the number one thing to do is the easiest way to do this is just eat normal fresh stuff. Eggs, beef, cheese, chicken, rice. If you’re a rice person, oats. Like, look at the back of the package. And if it has ingredients it that you can’t pronounce, don’t eat it, which is going be most of your box stuff, which is unfortunate, but that’s where most of it is. And so that’s why we talk about, you know, the concept of around the outside of the grocery store, You know, that’s that’s better. Now, we still have some issues with our produce and stuff like that because you can wash some of that stuff off. Vinegar and water works well. I use thieves, which is an essential oil that young living makes. I just put in a spray bottle and sprayed on my stuff and rinse off. There’s a lot of ways you can do that, but. If you if you try to keep the stuff out of your body that’s toxic, all the you know, if it comes in a bag or it comes in a box, it’s probably not going to be toxic. So take a look at that. Start cutting some of that stuff down. The list is gigantic. But just take take the stuff that you guys eat. Look at that. Look at the ingredients.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:05] And how many of those things are real foods? How many of those things are real things? I mean, I’ve been working pickles, you know, red dye, number five, and, you know, all the different, you know, chemical names that you’re going to end up seeing on there. I mean, you know, sweets is now high. I think that’s high fructose corn sirup. But go through it and try to figure out, you know, how much of that stuff’s real. How much of it’s fake. If you start looking at your food, you’re like, Man, I don’t have anything in my house that doesn’t it’s not full of junk. Yeah, that’s most people like that. And that’s where it is. That’s why most people are sick. So keep that in mind. And here’s the problem. It’s additive. So if you have some today, you’re like, well, that didn’t hurt me today. And you have it for six months or six years. All of a sudden it does a small incremental way start chipping away at your health. And so all of a sudden you’re like, I don’t understand. I feel terrible now, but I will eat in the same way for the past five years.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:58] Why do I have to change now? Because the reason that you feel bad now is because of the five years of chemical toxicity you put in your body. So which is also one of the big reasons, you know, when people go either vegan or carnivore, they’re like, I feel so much better. Well, yeah, because you’re just eating plants or you’re just eating meat. There’s not a whole lot of packaging in there. There’s not a whole lot of the trashed stuff we put in our food. So, yeah, you feel better just because you’ve eliminated a lot of the bad chemicals that you’re putting in your body. I hate to boil it down to that level, but that’s where it is. It’s again, you have good chemicals and bad chemicals out. If you don’t put the bad chemicals in your body, then you’ve kind of increased this bad chemicals out function. And so all of a sudden you’re like, one. I’m a lot healthier. Yeah. Because you manage the bad chemicals piece. So keep that in mind. That’s one of the big pieces of our diet. What are the issues with gluten is one of the reasons it’s so bad in this country is because we hybridized our wheat. And I don’t think this was like set up as a as a horrible thing. Like they just got guys together.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:58] Like we need better week because people are starving and they’re like, cool. And so they made this wheat that has 300% more gluten than normal wheat. Well, if you have a slight gluten sensitivity and you increase the gluten by 300%, you have a major gluten sensitivity. And I think that’s what’s happening with a lot of people. You had glyphosate to it. You had psychological stress to it. You had the other chemical toxicity that damages the gut even further. And boom, now everybody has massive issues with gluten. So that’s that’s one of the issues we’re getting into, which is why when people go to Europe and there’s less glyphosate, there’s a lot less gluten. All of a sudden they can eat the bread and they’re like, I don’t have issues. Yeah, you don’t have issues because, one, it’s I don’t know how they actually do it, but according to law, it’s illegal to spray glyphosate on your food, on your feet and stuff right before you harvest it like we do here, which that would mean the highest levels of glyphosate would be here regardless of how much they use it before that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:53] So there’s much higher levels of glyphosate, but because of the way we hybridized our wheat, again, 300% more gluten. So you got chemical toxicity, extra gluten, and then you go to Europe and you don’t have those things and all of a sudden a lot more people can eat the bread. I’ve even had people who are diagnosed with celiac go to Europe, eat the bread and pasta and everything and come back and like, I didn’t have any issues at all. So, you know, again, it’s a sensitivity level. And it’s always funny because people think that, you know, celiac is, you know, you’ve reached the things to be celiac. Yeah, my patients come in here and tell me like, I have I have IBS. And, you know, it gets it gets pretty uncomfortable. And my doctor told me I had celiac and I. Did you do an induction and ask for a colonoscopy? No, I just told them my stomach was upset and he told me I had celiac. So now they’re diagnosed with celiac and there no studies done, No nothing. And so then when they go out and they’re like, I did X, Y, Z, and my celiac was okay with it. Well, that’s because you didn’t actually have celiac. You had a really lazy diagnosis and that’s a thing as well. But this is one of the things that we’re starting to see is that if we can just decrease the toxicity, we radically increase the health. So, yeah, I don’t think that’s the only reason that you should go. Carnivore. You should trend more keto. But if you’re making more stuff in your house out of real, you know, actual ingredients, it’s always going be better for you healthwise.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:14] So. So there you go. Thanks for your time. Check out the video on ABC’s The Case Against Calories. I’m going to be posting as much as I can because, one, it helps people with diabetes. Two, it’s going to have a lot of guys like me who are sitting there trying to figure out, you know, the calorie equation and the calorie function and you know, that it’s total bullshit and that it’s completely made up and they don’t exist at all. It’s one of those things that you’re like, okay, well now it makes sense. Now all the macro stuff makes sense. Now the carnivore guys make sense. Now the fast food guys make sense. Now I understand how people actually fix their diabetes with their diet. Now it all makes sense because once you start looking at the chemistry, everything makes sense. And my question is going to be, once I watch the video and my question is going to be, why is it that you’re taught calories instead of ATP function? Watch that. You think about that as you’re watching through the diabetes piece. So anyway, like I said, it’s on. Check it out. Share it with everybody you can. Like I said, I think it’s going to help a lot of people. But yeah, so there we are. And you guys have a good day. Thanks for your time.

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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