The potential role of medications like Ivermectin and Mebendazole in addressing complex health challenges, including cancer, is explored. Insights highlight how parasitic infections can lead to inflammation, nutrient depletion, and common symptoms like brain fog and bloating. The importance of personalized treatment approaches when tackling diseases like cancer is emphasized, with a focus on the need for tailored solutions.
The significance of balancing effective treatment with quality of life is addressed. A personal story illustrates the need for thoughtful decision-making when considering aggressive treatments and underscores the importance of open communication with healthcare providers to ensure the best possible outcomes.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:04 – Introduction
02:50 – Parasites and Health Issues
05:31 – Ivermectin and Cancer
08:06 – Medication Usage and Side Effects
11:55 – Insurance and Accessibility Concerns
14:18 – Quality of Life in Treatment
15:36 – Closing Thoughts on Alternative Treatments
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So yesterday I was talking with James and James show about various things, and he asked the question of Mel Gibson on Rogan’s podcast, talking about Ivermectin and Menzel and how it cured their his his three friends who had stage four cancer and started taking this and now they’re totally fine. According to Mel Gibson’s account. So he asked me if that’s a thing. From the research we’re seeing. There’s a couple of things I want to make sure that we. Your stand up front, are your doctors hiding this from you? No, I don’t believe that. Typically, whenever we talk about, you know, the medical industry being horrible and terrible and hiding things and doing things only for money and stuff like that, it’s not for doctors. And I know lots of doctors. I know lots of good doctors and bad doctors and lots of jerks are doctors and a lot of great people are doctors. I don’t think a single one of them would hide the cure for cancer from you. I just. I’ve never met. I’ve never met a doctor. I’m sure there are. I’m sure there are those guys out there. I’ve never met them. Now, with the NIH and the CDC and the FDA behind it. Absolutely. Those guys are as corrupt as you could be. Imagine, like ever.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:28] The vast majority, the ones at the top, I assume, are just like, you know, completely corrupt and bent in heart with you. So. Is this information available? Yeah, there’s lots of research on sending and actually breaking up the microtubule function. It allows cancer to form. Ivermectin is very powerful at breaking up parasitic infections. And, you know, as someone who’s been testing people got brain the whole deal for how am I doing this 15 years now since onset of almost 20 years. 95% of the patients that I’ve tested for parasitic infections. I have a mechanism in more powerful medical options for antiparasitic. So, yeah, parasites do all sorts of things to steal your good nutrients. They destroy the probiotics they produce. Basically the feces and the enzymes they used to eat. Both of them are highly inflammatory to the entire body, including your breath. We’ve had a lot of people who walk in and we’ll test them. And it’s funny because one of my things I used to do a little while is I would test people and then I would tell them what was wrong with it. You know, you walk into rooms where you go in there, you lose words, the middle of sentences. You stand up and get dizzy. You have gas, you have bloating. You have a couple of days.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:50] We have live stools equal as we had conservation. I just walk through this and I had you know, I have a parasitic infection because what they do and I go who are clear? I mean, you know, after they’re clear, I’ll you like those things are a lot better. So the vast majority of person infections, the idea that all over America, America is clean like parasites are from the dirty, nasty Africa. So like that not not that there’s giant amounts of parasites in America. Giant amounts comes in, your food comes on your food, you wash all your food. A really good conventional wash. Any restaurant you go to, you know, people are touching your food. So, you know, there’s there’s cross-contamination of all kinds. Now, restaurants for the whole do a really good job with cross-contamination of, you know, you know, raw chicken and support like. So they’re doing great on that. But we still see something from restaurants. And then, you know, not all restaurants wash all their vegetables really well and good clean vegetable wash. So that gives you, you know, good clean food that’s not contaminated as far as gluten and pork and raw fish and raw stuff. But the lettuce they put on there, a person figure, you know, they can’t see and they’re small. So there’s a giant on parasitic function that we definitely are getting in our normal day, normal diet.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:11] And the reason that we are so susceptible to them is because we have high stress. High stress breaks down the body’s ability to produce hydrochloric acid, which is our primary defense system against all these things. And so what ends up happening is that you get stressed out with these foods, you parasitic infection. We go on from there and we do very, very little in our diet to actually push back against her sick infections. And so lots of people get them and they keep getting them. And if they don’t do something, actors, of course, she gets them. The key to. So yeah parasites are we’ve had lots of research on the horrible terrible things that presents to you, including this in your research on cancer and person. So Ivermectin definitely has a place to play there. So we have good research on these two. There’s, you know, there’s ones with, you know, three of them that, you know, three of these the when we will use them. Everyone saw here in the office that will help people kind of move through. Some of these things would be taken over higher doses. But you also get to kind of watch out for, you know, subsidies and things like that. So is this a thing? Yeah, it’s I think I think it’s going to help a lot of you. Yeah, I do. I think you help everybody know there is nothing that helps everybody. You know, everyone’s diet is a little bit different to raise blood chemistries all with different everybody’s functions, all that different. Everyone’s cancer is a little bit different.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:31] You know, look at breast cancer. And we’ve been we’ve been able to identify like 6 or 7 different major different categories of breast cancer, you know. H One positive. H Two positive. You know, we’re words, words, estrogen, progesterone, positive words. There’s lots of different things that make up, you know, different types of cancer. So I don’t want people to think that there is a well, I’ll just take these 2 or 3 things and it cures answers. That’s it’s not really how it works, right? To my wife and I got several on that. It’s not going to it’s not going to cure all. So, you know, there isn’t a you know, one thing that people have been hiding from everybody that’s, you know, fixing the elites. And that’s one thing that’s not a you know, as far as the ivermectin, it’s against all it that’s that’s not being hidden from you. It’s just that from, you know, and used in other groups of people is just one of the things that this is starting to come out is you’ll get more access to more research and you are starting to not believe every single thing the FDA is telling. And as people are starting to realize that, you know, I think as we said the other day there at the CDC is the greatest source of information for health. As long as you do 180 degrees away from or exactly the opposite, whatever they recommend. So, yeah,.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:47] I would I would tell you that the governmental agencies are really, really creating problems. And I don’t know how anybody trusts those guys, you know, paper mache or some of fibers standing six feet apart is totally okay. Like you’ll be 5 or 6ft apart, you know? Yeah. And they come out with, you know, there’s all this research disproving all the things they said. They said Lucky Charms is healthier than, say, sick. So another giant pushback against cholesterol, which is there. They’re bound and determined to make everybody demented. You ever read dementia or a miserable, horrible terror? You know, But then somewhere. Drugs, people, miserable, horrible, terrible stuff. If you guys you guys are looking for something that you need because a lot of this stuff ivermectin and then so you guys can get online, you get some get over the counter. You know, if you’ve developed cancer, it would definitely one of the things I wrong look into. The problem we get into that we’re talking about does the treat sites the problem run into is that it’s a little bit different for everybody. We’ve had people on lower doses of ivermectin and it clear the parasites really well on higher doses that have done a pretty good job. They probably were running into isn’t that we don’t have access to that to the treatment is that we don’t have access to the testing.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:06] I use blood testing and muscle testing and I will tell you that I have always been more reliable and muscle testing who’s more accurate from person. But that’s definitely not something you can find in mainstream medical. So if you guys are looking for these things, one of the things you have to understand about any of the things you’re taking is, you know, if you guys will look up or what percent you know how to do this, look up the the, the side effects from that stuff. So, for instance, one of the things we see liver medicine is we saw this back during Covid. People were taking massive doses. So they get a hold of such resources. We were seeing, you know, neurologic issues. So headaches, your eye strain, you know, some little bit nausea, like, you know, confusion type of stuff. Just, you know, we could see I so my doc buddies who are taking you know, every day you know we are going to take some of that because you guys have to look at half lives. Here’s what happens with a half life. So this is what we talk about with these options. That’s what we’re used to. For example, this afternoon is a seven day half life. So if you give yourself ten units on Monday, by next Monday, you’re at five. The half life is how long does it take for you right process through and get rid of half of the functional access medication.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:20] Ivermectin is. I want to go out and say that recently. I think it’s around 72 hours. So if you’re taking it every single day, what is happening is that you’re like, I’m going to take this dose. Well, then the next thing you see that same dose actually good. And so you get this. The amount that’s actually in your blood is a lot higher than you thought it was. And so that can create some issues and some problems as well. So that’s one of those things that we have to watch out for. One of the things that we’ve been doing is I like to tax things and also the rentals. So we as we were product called Wormwood Workbooks and pretty good. There’s a lot of that. Here’s the thing. I’ll mention some of these things, but there’s a giant trash product out there from different manufacturers is like that. But we’re using Wormwood. That’s been great for personally functions. We’ve been seeing it pretty, pretty good for the flu, everything we’re having going on right now. But there’s a there’s a lot of things that kind of go with it. So one of the things that we’ll do is we’ll add in adding some to bring the body health back up. So more probiotics then I will add in, I love the used to foster the healing hormone and bring those things up, growth hormones. So the peptides we use, there’s a lot of really beneficial.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:31] The things that make your body regenerate and heal and grow the growth hormone testosterone. They regenerate the tissues. And so if you give your body all the nutrients and you give it those those hormones, it can do its job. D3 is a massive one. D3 is actually a hormone that carries iron throughout the body. So if your if your heart or your gut or your bones like that, we need these things. D3 is like the truck that brings it to them. So keeping your D3 really high is also very beneficial. Hello. Yeah. So we’ve had if Amy, we’ve talked to lots of people who’ve been using send and having phenomenal results. Again, it’s not the end all, be all, but it is pretty fantastic. Yeah, yeah, we’ve had that. We’ve seen phenomenal things. So if you guys are, you know, here’s the great here’s a great fact. If you guys are going to if you don’t have insurance, you have our insurance. If you don’t have good insurance again like you are now. And in you got cancer. This would be one of those things. I do like how we work with you on this quite regularly. It’s like, here, tick this. We monitor the dose, figure out what the doses that’s that’s healthy and safe for you. Then we kind of go from there. But the other side of that, and this is one of the things that this is we’re really big on don’t just rely on the idea that I’m going to take them in. I’ll be fine. Okay.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:55] You know, a lot of people are saying, you know, well, the deficit’s 228 years, you know, take that. Well, I’m a 240 pounds and I’ve got like 8% body fat. Get 110 per woman. There’s no chance that we both have the same need. Midwives. So getting these things put together is going to be important. But the other side is, like I said, don’t just take the ivermectin, the sun and that sort of stuff. Do the things your body needs biologically to fight this fight. These natural things, you are all a natural thing to work. You’re a natural thing, like you’re a machine that’s made of natural things. You don’t give the body the natural things it needs to fight. It can’t fight. So, you know, those are that’s kind of where it is. Like, don’t take the things we know are poisonous. Don’t take the high. The hybrid is concerned the high glycemic sugars don’t consume a lot of processed that you know, if your body’s fighting things like you know cancer or a flu or a cold or whatever. Don’t make it. Also fight cereal and processed foods and food dyes and all the other trash that’s going on because you’re like, here, you’re fighting a really bad fight. You have to like, don’t don’t do that to yourself. You know, give yourself all the nutrients you need to kind of fight these things.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:04] So, you know, I realize there’s a lot of confusion just through this mix. But I want you guys to understand you can take these things. The downside to them is actually very, very low. I’ve been looking for it and I haven’t found a whole lot of, you know, person took one milligram with them and died. We haven’t we’ve seen very few, if any actual side effects with it because the way it works is only works on things that your body doesn’t deal with the cancer does this little microtubules like this. So there is a pretty decent safety factor. That does not mean that you’re not allergic to it, like your best friend could take it and cure their cancer if you take it, be highly allergic to it. So if you guys are doing this stuff, make sure that you’re working with somebody who didn’t kind of do the blood tests that you do, all the stuff. A lot of the oncology won’t let you do it because they’re afraid it’s going to interact with the medications or the treatment plans or whatever. That’s cool. That’s their decision. You know, a lot of these guys have school, long time works. A lot of people are work to get to be where they are and they’re confident where they work. That is up to you to decide. You know, one of the things I always like to do is, you know, when we get involved with any type of cancer, you’re working with these doctors.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:18] The question you want to ask is, how many patients have you treated with this cancer? How many of them survived? And the most questions, how is their quality of life after? I have a patient who is not too long ago. This is one of those I’ve known him for. This is actually 6 or 7 years ago. I adjusted her. It hurt a lot worse than it should. We set out for an MRI and the radiologist told me which if you’re a doctor, the radiologist calls you. It’s never good. And I talked to him. He has had a time. This is I don’t see any tissue in her body that isn’t riddled with cancer is like a crust. Her her her colon, her her sacrum. For ilium, this is like its origin, everything. And so I called her and I was like, hey, I got bad news. She has cancer. Is that good? And I said, Yeah. She’s like, cool. And she’s really calm about it. And I was talking to her and she said she said she went through all the Q and everything the first time. And she said it was so bad that she, she decided that she ever got cancer again and she was never going to do that again. She just prefer to die. So your treatment plan needs to be factored in. The quality of life needs to be factored into where you’re going, what what’s going to happen to you and what’s going to be the follow up care? So, you know, talk to your doctor about this sort of stuff. You know, I don’t I don’t know every drug.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:36] The thing you use for you. I don’t know the interactions with all those drugs. And then there was also I can’t tell you if you could take it on the sly or not. That wouldn’t be a good idea with some of the medications and I would be fine with her. So, you know, it’s an individual person, but, you know, these things do seem to work. They do have good research behind them. And, you know, it would be definitely something that we have used with our patients with some pretty some success. And I would recommend, you know, you at least look into because these things, it is a is there a possibility. The the idea that, I’ll just go get on chemo and radiation and that’ll fix it. It’s not that that’s not accurate either. We’ve got lots and lots of people who fought a really hard fight with cancer for a long time. Miserable quality of life. Do the chemo, do the radiation, and then the die. So, you know, do the best you can. If you can make your body super healthy, that’s going to help you.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:16:30] But, you know, if you guys are looking for this soft stuff, worried about this or I’ve read about it in CBC, like we Google stuff, Google and then add in CVI, they’ll get you to the NIH actual research papers on them and you guys to read those. Some of those are difficult to read. And research is oftentimes when you read it, you’ve got to kind of to slice through it and like, well, who paid for that study and who did this study and how many people were involved in the study? So there’s lots of little things to that research. But you guys, you get a whole list, those articles written yourself. That’s one of the great things that, you know now that we have access to information. So check it out. My guess is that this is how you get knocked off. Off the air definitely would get banned on YouTube. But check it out. This research on your own. If you guys have any questions you know about getting healthier and kind of slicing these things and talk to your docs or drop comments or send us some questions and questions at some point like, thanks for your time.
As always if you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness