There are several major detox organs like the kidneys, liver, and lungs. Each has different expertise in taking toxins out of the body, to get oxygen and nutrients to …
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Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:00:08] This is Wellness Insights with Dr. Chalmers and I’m Dr. Chalmers. So now that we’re done with kind of some of the holiday stuff is looking at New Year’s resolution stuff. The biggest thing that people will try to do is they’ll try to get healthy, will take supplements they’ll start working out the start sleeping more, drinking more water and that’s fantastic. [00:00:25][17.1]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:00:27] I highly recommend that you guys find a guide for that you know, whether it’s a personal trainer, a nutritionist, you know, you talk to a doc who’s qualified and in this type of thing, that would be that’d be great. [00:00:39][11.9]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:00:40] One of the things that I always make sure that we do first and this is this is the beginning of all my protocols. I don’t care if it’s five miles of Chronic Fatigue, Celiac, IBS, Anxiety, Depression, you know, Sports, it doesn’t it doesn’t matter. [00:00:52][12.4]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:00:53] The first thing we always have to do is clean the detox organs. And the detox organs you have multiple actually detox once your skin detox organ, your lungs are detox organ, which is which is a big irritant for me with the whole mask thing. [00:01:09][16.2]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:01:11] Your lungs are a major detox organ, which is why breathalyzers work because the alcohol, which is viewed as a toxin, is being pushed through your lungs, which can get out of your body, not stay it. If you’re highly constipated, your breath stinks because you’re trying to get rid of all those negative chemicals that way. [00:01:25][14.1]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:01:25] Diabetics, when they become when they fall to really bad ketoacidosis to the point where it’s unhealthy, it starts kicking them out of the breath so that they can get rid of some of these chemicals all of these things are expelled through your breath. [00:01:39][14.1]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:01:40] So it’s you don’t want to block that airway you want that you want all that stuff coming out. So that’s a detox worry. [00:01:47][7.0]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:01:48] But the two that we focus on the most are going to be the Kidneys and the Liver. So the kidneys, the livers major job is to filter the blood and felt a little of pull it all the waste, expel the waste and then allow the blood to live, to be clean so they can go back to the tissues, the heart, the brain, the gut, the biceps, whatever tissue it is. [00:02:06][18.6]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:02:07] Pull the inflammatory, inflammatory chemicals out, pull out the the free radicals, pull out anything that’s not supposed to be there, and then take it to the kidneys and to the liver so the kidneys, the liver can push it out of the body. That’s that’s the whole process. [00:02:21][13.7]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:02:22] Now. It with any filter. There’s never been a filter created that doesn’t need to be cleaned or replaced. Think of the oil filter in your car. Think of the air filter in your HVAC system, in your house. You know, if you leave those in for three months, they’re dirty. Leaving it for 4 they’re unbelievably dirty. [00:02:42][19.7]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:02:42] The problem is, is that the more congested a filter gets, the better it works until it breaks down completely. So. One of the most important things we’ve got to do is clean those kidneys, the kidneys in the liver. [00:02:54][11.7]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:02:55] So in Eastern Medicine, we look at kidneys and liver function. Kidneys when they’re weak or they’re congested, we see exciting depression, according to Eastern medicine the kidneys are the wellspring of life, so they’re the strength of a man or a woman. [00:03:09][14.5]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:03:10] So when we have congestion or pressure on the kidneys, that’s outside of where we can deal with it, we start having more stress, more anxiety, depression, that type of thing. [00:03:18][8.0]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:03:19] The liver is referred to as the seat of anger and so your temper is tied to this. So we oftentimes will see when the liver is highly congested, we’ll see people who get really angry about stuff, not that they say or do anything, that they’re screaming and punching things when things really pissed them off. [00:03:37][17.5]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:03:37] And then like an hour or two later when they call them down, they look back. They’re like, Why? That thing made me so mad? That wasn’t that big of a deal what’s going on with me? And that’s we hear that a lot. [00:03:46][8.4]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:03:47] So that’s more or less liver, liver also detoxifies between 2 and 4 in the morning. So if you’re waking up consistently between 2 and 4 in the morning, that’s going to be problem with liver. [00:03:58][11.4]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:03:58] Now, a lot of times people come in, they go, Oh, I don’t like I the only reason I wake up is because I have to pee. I go pee, I come back. I go back to sleep. You don’t wake up cause you have to pee. You woke up because the liver and you peed because you were awake. Had you slept till seven or six, you still would have had to pee when you woke up. So it its the liver. It’s not that you have to pee. [00:04:19][20.5]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:04:21] So the best way we have to detox those two organs are our cancer pack. Kidney cancer packs with far from red heat. Especially if you’re a leaner person or a child. That’s the best way to do kidneys. [00:04:33][11.9]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:04:34] The secondary way is the superior kidney complex or you can do lots of water. There’s a lemon juice, drink a little bit of lemon, some water, pink salt or a high grade salt like Celtic salt or something that that helps. [00:04:50][15.5]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:04:50] The salt is more for the adrenal glands, but the water, the clear water, the the empty water, if you will, helps flush out the kidneys, your body uses water like a dump truck. So water comes in empty water and then it fills that water with waste chemicals. And then until it’s osmolarity points full, and then it shifts that water out of the body, either in sweat and fecal matter or in Urine. So that’s those are the best ways to clean the kidneys. [00:05:19][28.6]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:05:20] The best way to clean the liver is with the coffee enema and people always ask, how are you going to clean the liver with coffee? You know how far that is from your colon? It is the exact length of the hepatic portal system. [00:05:30][10.9]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:05:31] So the job of the colon is to suck all the fluid out of your fecal matter so you don’t dehydrate and die when you move it. And the portal system takes that fluid to the liver, cleans that fluid, pushes the clean water back into the system so you stay hydrated and then the waste is supposed to filter back down and be eliminated that’s how the system works. [00:05:52][20.3]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:05:53] So. We could use that same without a portal system to clean the liver by using different or herbs and oils and chemicals and things like that to help clear the liver. [00:06:03][10.4]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:06:04] So coffee oils, the little what actually gives coffee its flavor is very beneficial to breaking up congealed bile salts in the liver. I like to use things like Billy than. Alison. Lysine that the turmeric with ginger there’s there’s a lot of things I put mine anti-parasitic function so the detox period detox, you know, that type of thing. You know, I’ll put it there so that the the oils from those herbs will also go through and so those are the things that we use a lot. [00:06:36][32.6]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:06:38] The other way you can clean the liver is with lots of turmeric, lots of milk thistle, or the high doses of B vitamins. So, you know, I will do full spectrum, fully methylated, take lots of. Here’s probably going to do that you got to take B vitamins throughout the day you can just take them once they’re water soluble and if you take 15 times that you’re supposed to have, your body will just flush it out in the water. [00:07:00][22.0]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:07:01] So you want to take it throughout the day so take it soon as you wake up, you know, 2 to 3 hours later, 2, 3 hours later, 2, 3 hours later, you can take B1, B2 B3, you can take basically everything but besides B12, you should still be able to sleep pretty well. [00:07:15][14.1]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:07:17] B2 B6, by the way, really, really help with sleep. So. You know, if you can grab those. Most of us are really getting them in a complex. I like the superior complete B that has B12 in it, so I wouldn’t take that one after, you know, if you’re trying to get to sleep 4 hours ago let’s say, you know, don’t take it at 5:00 if you want to be in bed at night outside of that, you’re pretty good. [00:07:39][22.0]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:07:40] So those are the ways that you can kind of keep track of the of the detox organs. Now, the liver packs work great for smaller individuals and children my kids do cashvacks, their liver and the kidneys all the time. [00:07:55][15.1]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:07:56] 90% of the time, whenever my kids start acting in a manner that makes me want to kill them, I test them. And I think your kidneys, your liver are jammed. This is my fault, not yours because it’s my job as your parent to make sure that all of this stuff is detoxed. And I didn’t test you seven or eight, nine days ago when I should have and so this is what happened so cool. [00:08:18][22.2]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:08:19] I would put a movie on you know, I might give you popcorn or whatever it is they want to eat as a as a treat, a snack to sit for 45 minutes to do cashback. Sometimes you got to do kidneys then we got a liver, which if you. If you’ve never done them all, we start with the kidneys. The kidneys, the limiting reagent so do the kidneys, then do your liver. [00:08:38][18.3]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:08:39] Sometimes you get the kidneys for two or three days before you deliver. Just depends on you and your system and what’s going on. But that’s the big thing. So if you’ve never done detoxes and you want to start getting healthy, start detoxing before you start trying to put supplements in your body. [00:08:54][14.9]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:08:54] And the reason is because let’s say you have a room and it’s totally dirty you have all these boxes in there and they’re all nasty boxes are rotting they’re just there’s gross. And you have these new boxes that are full of really good stuff, and you want those to go in the room but the room is already full of bad boxes. [00:09:10][15.7]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:09:11] You’ve got to clean the bad boxes out of the room to make room for the new boxes. So before you start trying to put good stuff in your body, make sure that you’re flushing the bad stuff out. [00:09:21][10.1]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:09:22] So do your kidney. Castro packs, do your Coffee Enimas, drink your pink salt, drink in the morning. These type of things would be very, very beneficial to you and very, very helpful. [00:09:29][7.5]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:09:29] This is one of the reasons that so many people, when they give, you know, exercise plans, is one of the reasons 75 hard you drink the gallon of water. A gallon of water would be not that great for me. I drink two gallons of water, but I’m much bigger than the average person. [00:09:44][14.6]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:09:45] You know, a lot of these women who are £150 and £30 overweight, they start drinking the water is flushes out all their inflammation, flushes out all their waste, and they lose £10 just because of the water. [00:09:56][10.9]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:09:57] So that shows how how messed up our systems can get and it’s funny because I’ve talked to some of these these people after they’ve done sort of hard and they said, you know, the first three weeks were really, really rough. But then I started getting this clarity. I started feeling so much better. My stress was was was just evaporating. I just felt so good. And it’s because they’re moving. [00:10:18][20.8]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:10:18] So they’re doing some other of exercise and they’re drinking all that water they’re flushing everything out they’re not consuming alcohol, which puts pressure on their detox organs, your liver and your kidneys. And a lot of them are consuming a lot less sugar, which puts inflammation all over your body. So just doing those things, they feel phenomenally better. [00:10:34][15.9]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:10:35] And the problem is, is that when somebody when Day 76 of the day of 75 hurt rolls around, most people I know run out of sugar cookies, margaritas, and they don’t drink their gallon of water. And so they do that for about a week and they called me up. They’re like, man, I feel like hell after 75 hard. No, you feel like hell after you went back to Toxified your body after 75 days of cleaning it up. [00:10:58][23.2]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:10:59] So if you’re going to do a detox detox and then recognize that you can’t live your life without put all that stuff back here, if you love margaritas, that’s cool. You know, first I tell you, see if you can do the sugar cookies with monk fruit but outside of that you know, moderation you’ll be fine. [00:11:17][17.8]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:11:17] So if you’re going to start doing detoxes, if you’re going to start cleaning your body up, start with your kidneys, then do liver and let your kidneys and liver really help kind do everything else. [00:11:25][8.1]
Dr Matt Chalmers: [00:11:26] If you guys have any other questions hit us up at [email protected] Thanks so. [00:11:26][0.0]
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