14 Mar 2025

Emotions have a bigger impact on health than many people realize. Chronic stress, financial worries, and unresolved emotional struggles can take a toll on the body, potentially contributing to issues like ulcers, autoimmune conditions, and even cancer. Finding ways to manage stress—whether through therapy, coaching, or simply working through emotions in a healthy way can make a big difference in overall well-being.

Traditional healthcare tends to focus on medications rather than addressing the root emotional causes of illness. But taking care of mental and emotional health is just as important as nutrition and exercise. Paying attention to stress levels, challenging negative thought patterns, and seeking support when needed can help create a healthier, more balanced life.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 – Can emotions cause illness?

00:47 – Chronic stress and health deterioration

03:23 – The four pillars of health

04:59 – Flaws in the current medical system

06:32 – Therapy, NLP, and emotional healing

08:19 – The impact of job dissatisfaction on health

09:38 – The importance of emotional self-checks

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] All right, so I got the question. I’ve had this question a couple of times, but I got it yesterday after I talked about. breakthroughs and emotional function. Um, the question is, do I really think that your emotions can cause illness like cancers? Uh, a hundred percent of it. I mean, I think it’s pretty cancer. Isn’t really well documented, but ulcers are, you know, high stress causes the body to shift the way it functions. And when it decreases the function, specifically shifting from parasympathetic resting, digesting to sympathetic fight, flight, freeze. What is it happening? You shut off the production of hydrochloric acid in your stomach. You’re going to allows H Pylori to live there and cause ulcers. So stress, psychological stress leads directly to ulcers. We know that for a fact. Um, and so it would be foolish to believe that you couldn’t create other issues in the body, including cancer, um, from your emotional state, you know, it’s really easy for people to say, Oh, I believe estrogen and progesterone levels. directly increase or directly lead to breast cancers and things like that. And I’ve talked about this before, but yeah, that I think that’s a direct correlation, um, but I think it would be entirely laughable to believe that long -term, uh, negative emotion function isn’t going to create the same problem. Now I’m not talking about like I had a bad day today, and then I woke up tomorrow with cancer. That’s not, that’s not what I’m talking about. Like the long -term stuff, like, um, the things that have maybe been deep seated for a long, long time, like, you know, the breakthrough stuff that helps with.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:47] You know, the people who wake up and they’re constantly in a financial position where they’re worried about losing their house or they’re worried about, you know, not feeding their kids or something like that, like, you know, the, the hardcore financial struggles that people deal with and that are back in the back of their mind, they deal with three or four times a day or loneliness, you know, cause you can’t have a significant other brother, sister, wife, husband, best friend died. You know, or loss of like work family, if you get, you know, if you retire, if you get fired, if you whatever, but this separation from, uh, from people or from things, uh, and these negative emotions that you just sit there and dwell on all the time, the, you know, why am I single or you’re at a bad marriage and you’re, you’re constantly, you know, tore up about it. Those types of things, I think directly will lead to any number of auto immune issues to cancer issues, to all sorts of, uh, secondary issues. We know stress will make you lose your hair. So a hundred percent. And this is why correcting these emotional issues is such a giant part of what everybody needs to do. Monitoring the the way we let our, our emotional state stay in is hypercritical, a major part of your everyday healthcare, you should really, really, really focus on that piece, which is why we look at the pillars of on us. You know, we have our, our chemical piece, which is your nutrition and your hormones and your supplementation, what you’re eating and that type of thing.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:23] Your physical, which is exercise and moving and all that fun jazz and psychological and the psychological is a lot of your emotional piece that is your, you know, then you have your spiritual, which is your legacy and so like that, but your psychological piece, which is how are you thinking about life every day? What stresses are you dealing with on a regular basis? Um, how are you doing? All the little stuff that’s inside you that tells you that you’re not good enough or that, you know, life is bad or that you’ve created horrible things or give you that type of stuff. How are you dealing with that? How are you removing that? How are you moving that out? Uh, this is why I talk about, you know, like a therapy or a coach or a mentor is really, really important to kind of have to kind of work on those things and pop those little seeds out before they grow in a giant trees of doubt. Um, you know, it’s super duper important. This is why like the, the NLP work is why the, the, the breakthrough work is so unbelievably powerful. It’s because it can get rid of the root of a lot of these issues and bring peace and stability back to your life. Um, you know, or like I said, coaching, you know, therapy, you know, going in and just dealing with things as they come up is super duper important to your overall general health. Uh, you know, we have seen, and it’s funny cause No one deals with this. Like, this is not something that we talk about on a regular basis. And I think we really should start bringing this up. I mean, you know, and I’ve made this comment before, but, you know, the things that we poop who in our, you know, oh, that’s not a big deal or there’s not a pill for it or whatever, you know,.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:59] I think that we really should have reevaluate the way that we’re, we’re looking at a lot of this stuff, you know, the way that the medical system that we have now has been in place for longer than 50 years, but just look at the last 50 years that the medical industry has been Completely the way we do it now has been completely entrenched. It’s take the pill, take the shot, you know, that’s it. Um, every single measure of healthcare we can come up with, not just mental health, every single measure of healthcare is substantially worse than it was 50 years ago. So sooner or later, we need to look at the system we have and be like, you know, this just ain’t working for us. We need to start embracing the ideas that aren’t mainstream, you know, because apparently the mainstream function is Definitely not the right road to be on So, you know, I think that we should really start looking at our emotional position and be like, okay What is going on in our heads? What is going on in our hearts? Like what is going on there? You know, how can we address those issues? and the, I don’t think that you could find a bigger departure from this current medical system than we have than that, because there is no drug you can take for that, like, well, we can do SSRIs, we can do this, someone I’m talking about. The, the, and by the way, the SS arise and the pills we’ve taken for our mental health has done absolutely zero beneficial good. And I think if you really look at the state, the data is done substantially worse than it was 50 years ago, because again, our mental health is way worse than it was 50 years ago. So I think we should really start kind of figuring out. All right.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:32] What is the best treatment for these emotional psychological blocks that we have? Uh, therapy is great. Uh, I think it’s, I think it’s one of those things that you should do on an ongoing regular basis, whether it’s therapy with a counselor or a psychologist or a coach or whatever, you should do that on a regular basis to untie the knots when we first make them. But I, you know, my personal opinion is the speed and See you next time. results you get, the NLP work, the breakthrough stuff and that sort of stuff is by far the best option for your psychological worries. But the beliefs we put in ourselves, the things we roll through every day that are destroying us, the NLP stuff is by far the best. You can get, you know, you can get all five negative emotions. You can get major issues in your life dealt with in a weekend. That’s like, it’s a giant process, but you can get it done. So these are the things that, you know, we should really start looking at, you know, think back in your life and think about, you know, how much, how much affected you, what you felt when people lost, when you lost people, uh, how you feel waking up, going to a job you hate, uh, you know, that’s the other thing, you know, the, the heart attacks in this country are highest, I can’t remember the exact numbers, I’ll have to look it up, but We have substantially higher heart attacks, uh, between like six and 10 o ‘clock in the morning on Mondays because people wake up and they’re just like overwhelmed with the massive hatred. depression of going to going back to the work to the job. They hate. So I think that we should really start evaluating that psychological pillar of me and like, all right, hold up.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:19] What’s giving me peace? What’s giving me, you know, joy? What’s giving me? satisfaction and fulfillment and what isn’t, and start moving towards those things that give us peace and satisfaction. You know, working with people who can help break some of these psychological bonds, holding everything back. So, you know, these are some of the things I really think that we should start looking at if we’re really going to start tackling our health care and preventing long -term issues. Not only do we need to fix the biochemical trash and get the we really need to start paying attention to what we’re doing for our psychological, uh, health, because if you’re not doing anything for it, you’re letting it fester and grow horrible, horrible things. So, you know, those are the types of things that we need. I think we should start really kind of evaluating as we’re moving forward, you know, you know, lack of purpose and loneliness are two of the biggest issues that we’ve got, you know, from a mental health standpoint right now. And if we start working on those things, I think we can get, we can turn those around and we can make massive changes in people’s lives. So I would, I would very, very, very stressed upon you the idea that we need to start doing something for psychological.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:38] And like I said, you know, being exposed to all the different varieties. I have lots of friends who were therapists and counselors and psychologists, all those things in there, phenomenal. And yeah, you know, whether you’re using a therapist or a good coach or somebody, you need something on a, on a daily type of thing. So, you know, once or twice a month would be a great fit for that. But going back and untying all the knots and digging all the, all the horrible, horrible seated root thoughts out, uh, from your past is going to be super important as well. If you’re worried about, you know, cancers, if you’re worried about long -term health, if you’re worried about that type of stuff, you definitely 100 % need to check where’s my emotional state on a regular basis and what are the programings, what are the things that have happened to me, what are the things I’ve been thinking over a long period of time that we can start to kind of dial back and start to fix. So if you guys have any questions about that, hit us up at questions@chalmerswellness .com or drop them in the comments and we’ll get them answered. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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