A recent poll shows that public trust in the medical system has dropped by 20%, with many people questioning health policies, treatment guidelines, and the influence of major organizations. Issues like COVID-19, vaccine safety, and the role of pharmaceutical companies have led to growing skepticism. While doctors are still dedicated to helping patients, the system they work within has made quality care more challenging.
As people become more aware of how lifestyle choices impact health, many are looking beyond traditional medicine for answers. Functional medicine and holistic approaches, like better nutrition, hormone balance, and reducing processed foods, are gaining attention. The focus is shifting toward prevention and overall wellness, encouraging individuals to take a more active role in their health.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:04 – Introduction
00:50 – Distinguishing Doctors from the System
01:59 – COVID-Era Misinformation & Public Skepticism
03:54 – COVID Death Statistics & Financial Incentives
05:37 – Vaccine Push & Medical Industry Corruption
07:10 – Lifestyle & Chronic Illness
08:51 – Growing Shift to Functional Medicine
10:07 – Health Recommendations
11:00 – Final Thoughts & Contact Information
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] All right. So I’m getting a bunch of I’ve done three yesterday and I’ve done already done one this morning. I probably have two more today and one more interviews. On the fact that in the past year, the new the new poll came out and about 20% the American people have are are trusting their doctors and trusting medical industry 20% less than they used to 1,719%, some in their. I wanted to make sure that we start off this by telling again, I know I’ve said this lots of times. I just want to make sure I beat this horse completely to death. The the faith. The problem we have is not our medical doctors, our medical doctors care. They want to help people. They went to school for a long time. They sacrificed a lot of stuff, their daily sacrificing things to help people. The running at running a medical practice has gotten significantly more difficult because of what insurance has done. So the battle should not be with your medical doctor. So don’t don’t think your medical doctors are people. They’re good guys and girls. So keep that in mind. However, what is and I’ve said this for a while. The problem comes from the top is the NIH, the CDC and the FDA. Those guys are those guys are twisting and manipulating information to sell more pharmaceuticals and to keep people sick and unhealthy and in the dark. So that’s really where this thing is. So I think people are like, why do you make such a big distinction of that? Because I want you to understand where the problem is. It’s unfortunate, but that’s, that’s that’s where we’re at. So what we’re talking about is, you know, after Covid and a lot of people pointed this out on the radio that all this started after Covid, like people started looking at what was being said, what’s being done.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:59] And they were like, wait, paper mask, are big gaps all over them are supposed to protect us from the virus. That doesn’t sound right. And then they were found out. Oh, that was totally nonsense. Standing six feet apart and helpless. And that was total nonsense. They started looking back. And, you know, if you look at me, if you look back at the Covid issue with, with in hindsight, what you see is, you know, every single thing was done wrong and like, obviously wrong. So for instance, they told everybody stay at home until you’re really, really, really sick and you’ve allowed Covid or whatever. You have to really progress a long, long way and then go to the hospital so that you can die in the hospital. Which is 100% against what we normally do. Normally it’s getting as soon as you can, as soon as you notice something, because it’s everything is easier to fix when you first get it. But they didn’t. They said, wait until it gets as bad as possible, then come in. If you look back at, you know, the rates of flu, flu disappeared during Covid. Like it’s usually like we’ll lose between 50 and 70,000 people a year because of the flu. We lost like 80 people. Like, there was the there was massive, massive reduction in the flu. We had doctors from other countries come and tell us how amazing ivermectin was and how it could be used. And it has been being it was being being used very effectively to help people. Those doctors were not allowed to talk. They were they were shut down. There’s major, major, major censorship over any option outside of, you know, the the non-existent vaccine when the vaccine came in there like, oh, well, this is this is the only way we can go. And the vaccine killed a bunch of people. So, you know, it was when you look back at it, you’re like, why didn’t they use hyperbaric? Why didn’t they use anything else? Why did they just let people die? Why did they lie? Why did they tell everybody that everyone was dying from Covid when they weren’t dying from Covid?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:54] They were mostly dying from the flu? Why are people who are in car accidents being rated as is Covid? Why were we paying the hospitals and doctors $10,000? I think that was the number for everyone who died of Covid, Thus allowing, you know, incentivizing the death from Covid. There’s a lot of questions that came out and people started asking questions. And then if the vaccine came out, the vaccine started killing people. We got Sads, which is an adult death syndrome, and they’re like, this is very similar to SIDs, sudden infant death syndrome. After after the kids get their childhood vaccines. So people started asking a lot of questions and they didn’t like the answers they were getting. And that’s where a lot of this has started to come from. And so with the, you know, when social media came out and the FDA in the medical industry has been pushing this, you know, eat a lot of carbs, you know, carbs are good for you, fat is bad for you. You know, high protein is bad for you. And we did the research. We found that that’s 100% wrong. And then we started looking into cholesterol. We found out that no cholesterol is very good for you. Like it’s you’re taking cholesterol out of your diet is, you know, especially with the SAT and drugs is one of the reasons we’re getting to mention Alzheimer’s. And so we started finding all these things out. And so people started looking at it. I mean, like every single thing the medical industry has told us for the past 40 years has been wrong. And so a lot of people are starting to lose faith in the industry. And then the other thing that people are always mad about is the way that insurance has regulated the system down to you get seven minutes with your doctor if you’re lucky, and your doctor can ask you the questions they need to ask you about what’s wrong with you because they have specific things they have to ask in order to get paid, because it’s now not about the person, it’s about the structure and the flow and the driving the narrative of, you know, sell the drugs, sell the drugs.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:37] And then as people started to find out that the reason their pediatricians were pushing vaccines so hard is because they get giant kickbacks, like the vast majority of pediatric offices would not survive as a business if it wasn’t for the kickbacks they get for for vaccines. And it’s people are starting to find this out. They’re starting to kind of decide that they don’t trust their doctors, they don’t trust their system anymore, which we shouldn’t trust the system. And unfortunately, because a lot of the information the doctors are telling you that is inaccurate and we’ve known it’s inaccurate for a long time, it’s difficult to to trust the care of the medical doctors are giving now again. The information they have is for a lot of part wrong, and the treatment methods they have are wrong. And that’s because of what the FDA and the CDC and the NIH is forcing them to do, and teaching them and telling them and things like that. But it’s still not the doc’s fault. It’s it’s the CDC, the FDA, it’s the it’s the administration that we have problems with. So that’s that’s what’s that’s what’s really going on with a lot of this stuff. So I want to make sure, since I’m going out and we’re seeing this now in the media, I want to go out and, you know, kind of address this a little bit and kind of walk through that one. The, the, the issues that we’re seeing with, with a lot of this stuff is going to start to turn around as we start kind of recognizing that the vast majority of chronic illness is entirely based on lifestyle, you know, not moving, not exercising, not eating properly, eating way too many grains, eating too many toxic stuff in our food, allowing all the dyes and stuff in our food.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:10] And the thing that I think we’re going to see is RFK starts pointing all this stuff out, is that we’re going to see more and more issues come up as the research starts coming out, how bad all this stuff is, and how wrong a lot of our medical opinions so far have been, our treatment plans have been. I think we’re going to get less and less and less. They’re going to they’re going to have less and less faith in what the normal mainstream medical function has been telling them, which is good. You know, it’s bad for a lot of the medical industry, but it’s good for the people. Every once all, we need to kind of shake things up and take another look at it. And the problem that we’re getting it into, and this is where a lot of us is gonna lie, is people are gonna have to recognize, they’re gonna have to do some work, like people ask me all the time, like, can you fix my diabetes? I’m like, no, but I can teach you how to fix your diabetes. You can fix it. I can teach you how to fix it. You know, it’s how do I get healthy? How do I lose weight? How do I do those things? Here’s how it works. Now, when you get the actual information, when you understand the body doesn’t run calories and you get to see the hormonal process, to understand how to walk hormonal process, process back. It gets easier. But you know, the exercise piece, the you know, all these things that we’re starting to kind of get information on and we’re trying to pass these things on that are in direct, stark contrast to what the medical model is and trying to do, which is keep us sick. So we have to, you know, spend more money on pharmaceuticals and do things like that. There’s that stuff starts coming out. We’re going to see even more turning away from our the standard medical model, which is good. But a lot of this stuff is going to create a lot of problems for our medical industry.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:51] So if you guys are looking for ways of getting healthier, it’s going to be there’s going to be work that you guys are gonna have to do. So as RFK starts pointing stuff out, it’s going to get kind of nasty. And we’re going to lose a lot of faith. And in the way things have been going on so far. So if I was if I could make a recommendation to you, I would get in with one of your concierge docs. I would get in with some of the functional medicine docs Docks now, because there’s not gonna be enough a function. Madison doctors not going to enough guys like us to go around and a couple months from where they figure out how bad all this stuff is. So it’s it’s really, really rough. So a lot of this stuff is as it starts to come out, I think we were going to be really, really shocked at how unbelievably sideways our system has been so far. So you guys, I would start I would start trying to work out or start getting with somebody, an actual health care provider who can walk you through and teach you, hey, here’s how you should eat for what’s going on with you, for your body. Here’s how you should exercise. Here’s the supplementation. Because you get are you focus on your sleep properly? Are you focused on your your psychological profile? Are you where’s your stress levels? Things like that. These are the things that make health care functional.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:07] So, you know, watch your hormones, watch your diet, do some things real easy stuff. You can find this I’ve talked about this all the time. Real quick. Get a solid hormone panel done if you’re most toxic do hormones. If you need help with that, get a hold of us. Cut the processing out of your food. I don’t care if you’re eating vegan or you’re eating carnivore or anything in between. If you cut the processing out of your food, you’re going to be healthier. You know, if you guys are, you know, get the seed oils and stuff like that, I’ll start supplementing with your D3, your CoQ10, your methylated B vitamins. That’ll help out. Drink more water. Exercise and start trying to learn to, you know, find time to relax and calm down. Those are going to be some things that, you know, topics can be really, really big. But I want to kind of come out one more time and be like, don’t don’t be too mad at the doctors. They’re not lying to you. They were giving bad information. So I’ll quit. I guess I’ll quit beating this dead horse now. If you guys have any other questions, hit us up. [email protected] Or drop in the comments and we’ll kind of get those stuff knocked out. Thanks for your time.
As always if you have any questions, please send them to [email protected]
Check out Chalmers Pillarsofwellness.com for Wellness updates! And ask me any questions you have at [email protected]. I answer all of them and look forward to hearing from you.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness