01 Jul 2022

Listen to Dr. Matt Chalmers for the top things for your health. Send Dr. Matt Chalmers questions at [email protected] and we answer all questions!

Video Transcription edited for grammar. We disavow any errors unless they make us look better or smarter.

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:00:09] Hey, I’m Dr. Chalmers and this is Wellness Insights with Dr. Chalmers. Today, when we talk about three, a lot of people don’t know much about the bees except for B12 and the energy. So I want to go through some of these and go and chat about the importance of what some of these vitamins do. [00:00:26][17.4]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:00:27] Niacin or B three things, a couple different forms nicotinamide, tryptophan forms, nicotinamide, adenosine, dinucleotide, or NAD. A lot of people have heard about NAD plus or NAD P, which is NAD phosphate. These are really powerful, really helpful chemicals for cleaning the liver and for hav resetting how the body functions. [00:00:55][27.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:00:56] A lot of people have talked about how testosterone will mess up cholesterol levels and high dose testosterone can do that because it depletes the body of niacin. So again, when we start looking at the body and we start seeing that things are not going the way we want to, we shouldn’t say, well, it’s a mystery. [00:01:19][22.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:01:19] I don’t know. We need to start thinking what nutrients are being used up. What deficiencies do we have in just chemistry? Because health is bad chemicals out and good chemicals in. It’s all chemistry. So if we can figure out, hey, we have this issue over here, if we start saying what deficiencies does the body have that keep it from running the way it’s designed to? [00:01:45][25.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:01:45] I think we’re gonna be a lot better off than just saying, Oh my gosh, it’s a mystery. How how can we figure out a find a drug to give this to offset the symptoms? So I want to go through some of the stuff the B three does, cause I’m a big fan of B three. I use it a lot of my protocols, especially high dose, to kind of clear up a lot of stuff. [00:02:03][17.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:02:05] So they’re niacin is known for being polio tropic, which means that it affects multiple codons, epigenetic codons, and it can change more than just kind of one thing at a time. So epigenetics kind of takes us back to the idea that just because we are genetics have. You know, tell us that it’s going to go left and right. We can we have epigenetics, which kind of sit on top of that and say, well, we go left unless this happens and we go right, unless that happens. [00:02:38][33.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:02:39] And so we can direct our genetics just a little bit. So that’s what we’re starting to learn about with epigenetics, is that we can actually change sotogenic function that we have. So nice is both neuroprotective and can cause neuronal death. So we’ve got to be kind of careful with how we’re using it, when we’re using it and where we’re using it all around. So do make sure that if you’re going to start playing with this, that you do it carefully. [00:03:06][27.4]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:03:06] You do it with somebody who knows what they’re talking about because it’ll be it’s kind of easy to go to go good and go bad. But then again, that goes back to my old saying nothing strong enough to do good. [00:03:17][10.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:03:18] Nothing can do good without doing that. Anything strong enough to help can hurt. So keep that in mind. So niacin has been shown to not only reduce all the bad cholesterol in your body, but can also increase good cholesterol. [00:03:31][13.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:03:32] So when I talk about using this to clean the liver, that’s what I’m talking about. Because, of course, cholesterol is actually created in the liver. And so if we start worrying about cholesterol, we have to talk about the liver, because that’s where it’s made. [00:03:43][11.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:03:44] It’s the factory for cholesterol. So one of the quotes that I pulled from the research I want to give you guys was niacin has seen extensive use alone or with combination with statin medications. [00:03:57][13.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:03:59] You know, coenzyme A, you know, reductase inhibitors, that type of thing in a reduction of total cholesterol, total triglycerides, low density lipoproteins, the LDL is very low density lipoprotein, the VLDL’s, that’s where a lot of the new research is that says the veal deals are worse than the LDL and total lipoprotein levels. [00:04:21][21.7]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:04:22] Moreover, niacin is the most potent agent used to increase plasma high density lipoproteins. hose are the HDL or the good ones or the quote unquote good ones. In patients with diabetes mellitus or mixed dyslipidemia. [00:04:36][14.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:04:37] Niacin has demonstrated in clinical trials that it can counterbalance cardiovascular risk in this patient population, decreasing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. [00:04:48][10.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:04:49] So basically what this is saying is that if we use niacin properly, we can adjust the cholesterol levels, we can decrease heart attack and stroke risk, and we can really help the blood vessels and people who have diabetes. [00:05:02][13.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:05:04] So, you know, if we’re looking for a tool to start battling. arteriosclerosis plaquin, if we’re worried about heart attacks and strokes, you know, giving high levels of niacin is a great way to start treating some of the problems that we end up seeing. [00:05:20][16.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:05:20] So now, like I said, there’s a bunch of different versions. So typically nicotinic acid is used for lipoedema. So we need to kind of watch, you know, if we’re looking for which form to use nicotinic acid is generally the one we’re going to use nicotinamide mostly for nutritional support and, you know, correcting issues of what’s called pellagra, which is, which is basically no light, no niacin, low niacin levels. [00:05:54][34.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:05:55] So the things that we typically see associated with niacin deficiency, cardiovascular events, obviously premature aging, and obviously that one’s going to take effect because any time the liver gets dirty, gets dysfunctional whenever we see it in the skin, acne, wrinkles drying those that age marks for the skin. [00:06:18][22.4]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:06:18] The skin’s not necessarily wrinkle, but it looks like leather and you’re just like, wow, you’re old, that type of stuff. Again, we’re going to see that, you know, from a variety of reasons. But lack of niacin is definitely going be one of them. [00:06:29][11.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:06:29] We also see a lot of neurologic issues Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, ALS, muscular atrophy, Parkinson’s, that sort of stuff. And even some of the cancers like squamous cell, that type of thing, we’re going to see a lot with niacin, low niacin levels, though we should kind of expect that, right, because the liver is the number one filter in the body. [00:06:50][21.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:06:51] And so if we can’t pull out the inflammatory issues, we can’t pull out the chemicals that are creating damage, then we’re definitely going to have problems all over the body because it becomes systemic. Right? [00:07:01][10.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:07:02] The liver is the thing that ends systemic inflammation. So the cleaner, the liver, the cleaner, the body, this is one of the big pieces that we use to get to make sure the liver stays where it’s supposed to. [00:07:11][9.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:07:12] So you can actually shut down the overproduction of cholesterol by increasing niacin levels. So the theory is, is that the body’s supposed to make cholesterol, obviously, because that’s how we make all of our hormones, but it can overproduce it. [00:07:32][19.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:07:33] In the same idea, not the same way, but the same idea where cancer is just in way overproduction of normal cells, the body produces way too much cholesterol as the liver starts kind of going all wonky and as a result of low niacin. [00:07:47][14.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:07:48] So keeping the niacin levels in the right range is really important. And remember, the right range for anything is very self dependent. So what’s the right range for me, for you, for your sister, for, you know, Aunt Becky, all totally different levels. So that’s the thing. [00:08:05][17.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:08:05] We kind of have to recognize that we have issues, symptoms, we have blood results, muscle testing. We have something that says that you need more than the RDA, then that’s okay. [00:08:16][11.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:08:17] The whatever the government says isn’t always best. In fact, 99% of the time it’s not enough. But that’s just kind of where we’re at. So if you feel like you need more than other people, don’t feel bad about it, don’t freak out about it. Don’t think that that’s necessarily wrong. [00:08:31][13.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:08:32] You very well might need five, seven, ten times more than, you know, one of your friends. So we’re all just kind of in a different boat. So keep that in mind. We’ll also be able to see like talk coming back to what we’re talking about with inside with diabetics. [00:08:46][13.9]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:08:48] Niacin has a way of showing that it reduces and reverses insulin resistance. So insulin resistance would be where we have a ton of blood sugar and we’re producing roughly the right amount of insulin, but the body doesn’t recognize the insulin and it’s not utilizing it enough. [00:09:05][17.7]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:09:06] So we can make the comment that either the receptor sites are blocked or there they’ve been what’s called DOWNREGULATED, which means they’re still getting, you know, hit with the insulin. [00:09:15][9.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:09:16] They’re just not working as efficiently. So that’s a really, really important piece is that, you know, as we start adding back in niacin, sometimes we’ll start to see insulin resistance, metabolic disorders and things like that start calming down. [00:09:31][14.9]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:09:31] Now, I’d like to throw out a little piece of this out there, just as a heads up, if you’re using medication to increase insulin function and you decide. [00:09:41][9.6]

[00:09:42] Hey, I’m going to start throwing a bunch of nice in my body, you might want to watch that because if you have insulin resistance and you’re taking medication for it, they take a ton of niacin and the niacin helps fix the insulin resistance issues. [00:09:53][11.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:09:54] You can end up having way too little glucose in your system because your body sucks it all in because all of a sudden you went from a little bit of insulin function to a whole lot of insulin function overnight. [00:10:05][11.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:10:06] And so do kind of play that into if you guys are on medication, if you guys are working on getting your insulin function back up and you decide having to start throwing a bunch of niacin at this, make sure you talk to your doctor and make sure you guys work on it together so that you guys don’t push too hard too fast. [00:10:21][15.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:10:23] So that’s a really, really important piece. So niacin, as you know, obviously that applies helps create an ad which is nicotinamide, nicotinamide, adenosine dinucleotide, adenine dinucleotide sorry. And it was was first shown to start reducing damage of aging because it helps repair DNA from a number of ways without in it the body cannot grow or completely and properly undergo mitosis. [00:10:53][30.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:10:54] So which is that? That’s where the cell divides. So what we’d see is that the cell is supposed to divide the two equal cells and then kind of carry on their own little thing. What we were seeing in the people who didn’t have enough NAD is that they would divide and once that would be pretty good and the other side would not be very good at all, not as in not today in veto. [00:11:14][20.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:11:15] But think of, you know, the movie Twins, where they’re supposed to be twins, and one was Arnold Schwarzenegger and the other one was Danny DeVito. So one cell was awesome. The other cell was not as awesome. So that’s kind of the idea of of what’s going on without the needy. And so increasing the levels of Nadi and then ATP really helps those cells to divide properly. And so when we talk about aging, a lot of times people think, you know, Oh, I look old, I feel old. [00:11:40][25.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:11:41] But in this case, this can actually be one of those things where we start having organ failure. So if the heart muscles divide a whole bunch, if the muscles in the blood vessels divide a whole bunch, if muscles, if cells in the brain divide, but they don’t divide properly, we’re going to have problems as we go along. [00:11:57][16.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:11:57] That could end up creating substantial issues for our health long term. So the needs very, very important. So, the other thing and I know people are going to get sick and talk to me talking about this virus, I really care. [00:12:11][14.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:12:13] The Navy’s really helped to reduce free radicals or as we all know, free radicals. The other name form is reactive oxidative stress or OAS. So this is another big piece because anything I can find that will help the body reduce ROS. I’m 100% on board with it because you know, the free radical damage that we have, that’s the major piece of aging. [00:12:33][19.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:12:34] Whether you want to look at it from a how do I look and feel standpoint or, you know, am I going to die from a heart attack, stroke or cancer free, radical damage is really, really dangerous. We got to knock that out. So we got to get the antioxidants in. We got to get, you know, the support and the repair for our OAS and NAD and niacin are really, really important for that. So, you know, we got to make sure that we get those things put back together. The other thing is, you know, we’ve we see a lot of people with fatty liver. [00:13:02][28.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:13:03] Fatty liver is obviously something we really want to avoid because that shows damage to the liver or at least, you know, if you want to call it damage, we can at least say that it decreases overall function of the liver. [00:13:14][11.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:13:15] And niacin in 80 have been shown to greatly reduce fatty liver issues. So that’s can be really, really beneficial. It’s also increase mitochondrial function all over the body. And so again, mitochondrial function is going to give us more metabolism. It’s going to give us more ATP to run the heart, the brain, the muscles get everything functioning. It can give us more energy. [00:13:35][20.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:13:36] It’s going to help clean things up. We’re going to feel better, have more energy, be able to do more things longer. So again, this is one of those things we really, really, really need to push for and get as much as we can. So, you know, if you have, you know, any of those things, muscle weakness, fatigue, you know, high cholesterol, anything else, we really get an idea. [00:13:56][20.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:13:57] And oftentimes we can just do it by just giving you tons and tons of niacin. That’s really beneficial. The other thing is, is that, you know, one of the worst cancers we can get would be like a glioma, like a brain cancer type of thing and glioblastomas. [00:14:11][14.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:14:14] So niacin has been shown to help reduce that the formation and the growth of those type of cancers. So again, more reasons to get that in. So, you know, I do want to make sure that we go through we cover the whole anything strong enough to do good is also strong enough to do bad piece. [00:14:33][19.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:14:35] So when people have been taking large, large doses of this out, you know, unchecked over a long period of time, we see a lot of people, you know, they do reduce their cholesterol, but we start having diabetic issues. And so that’s that’s highly problematic. [00:14:51][16.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:14:52] So make sure that if you’re doing this, you’re again, working with somebody who knows what they’re doing with some of this stuff. And you can kind of keep keep that in check. We see a little bit of increase in resting blood sugar over time that that gets cumulatively worse. So after a year, you’re fine. [00:15:09][16.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:15:09] Two years, you’re pretty good. Three years, you might see a little bit. Four years, it’s a little bit more by five and six years and you’re okay. Now we’re in a bad place. So what we can do is we can say, Oh, your cholesterol and your blood vessels and all these things are in bad place. [00:15:22][12.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:15:23] Let’s fix them up and then let’s, you know, kind of work on different things to keep the liver clean and then you can cycle niacin through to kind of keep everything functioning. And then we can bring you back down to a lower level to as like a maintenance kind of function. So the idea of taking four or five or six grams for a little while is fine. [00:15:40][17.9]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:15:41] But, you know, you don’t want to do that for a whole long, long time. So if you’ve been taking tons and tons of niacin, you know, for four or five years, make sure you start checking your blood sugars, because that can be an issue we need to start dealing with. [00:15:54][12.4]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:15:55] And again, sometimes we have we have people who have major issues and so we need to stay high, but we balance on the other side. And so there’s there’s ways of balancing blood sugar raising, especially if it’s slow. So we can we can still do that. [00:16:07][12.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:16:08] Just understand that, you know, niacin is strongest to good. So that means it is strong enough to do that. So one of the things that we see the most, the most problematic thing we see, which is not really that big of a deal the one’s going to die from this is what’s called niacin flushing. [00:16:23][15.9]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:16:25] So what happens is that the face and the chest and the shoulders type of thing start getting really red and they get hot. And people, you know, it’s feels like a hot flash type of thing because there’s blood rushes to the service. [00:16:34][9.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:16:36] This is oftentimes temporary. So if you have a really bad cardiovascular problems, this is something that you can just decide you’re going to put up with for a little while and it will calm down. The other thing you can do is this is usually dose dependent. [00:16:48][11.7]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:16:48] So what you can do is you can say, okay, you know, sort of taking, you know, 2000 milligrams or two grams all at once. .I’m going to take, you know, 100, 200, 300 multiple times throughout the day until my body gets used to it. Then I’ll slowly go up. And that’s generally what we do when we start working with people as we start the. [00:17:06][18.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:17:07] Low and we see what the body can tolerate and we slowly increase it until we get to the therapeutic or the the functional amount of niacin without any side effects, like niacin flushing. You can actually use aspirin if you’re if you just can’t deal with it or you you’re in an emergency state. We have to push hard right now. [00:17:27][20.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:17:29] A little bit of aspirin can knock this out. You talk about you take the astronaut 30 minutes at a time and the niacin flushing is really kind of calmed down. So it’s not that bad. You can at least deal with it. [00:17:39][10.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:17:39] So. That we we should kind of see a little bit of alt as T levels come up when we’re taking high dose niacin. Now, remember, alt ast. It doesn’t show liver damage. Alt Ast is Aminotransferase. How many miners are in your blood? [00:17:59][19.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:17:59] And of course, if we’re working on the liver, we should see Alt Ast levels come up. Now, here’s the funny thing. We should be able to balance that if we’re cleaning the liver out. So this is why when I do niacin work, we also do coffee enemas. [00:18:13][13.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:18:13] We also do all this stuff to making sure that the the bile flushing out and things like that. So as we’re using B three, we’re using the niacin. I like to make sure that we’re using high dose, fully methylated folic acid and B6 and the other host of methylated B vitamins to keep everything else the liver is trying to do flushing as well and cleaning out as well. [00:18:33][19.7]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:18:33] So we generally we can maintain not seeing alt AC levels get too out of hand if we’re if we’re doing the coffee enemas, if we’re doing the other work on the liver, you don’t have to do coffee enemas. It’s just much, much easier and cheaper. But at the same time, we can keep our AC function lower. [00:18:50][16.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:18:52] As we clean the cholesterol levels. Because remember, if you’re cleaning out cholesterol, where’s all the cholesterol in your bloodhave to go? , has to go through your liver. So must be cleaned out. So, of course, your liver has to work on that as well. [00:19:03][11.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:19:03] So obviously, there’s been lots of function in the liver at sea levels are obviously going to come up. But if we’re cleaning the liver out at a higher rate, your alt sea levels shouldn’t end up being a place where anyone is concerned. [00:19:14][10.6]

[00:19:17] That’s that’s kind of the biggest piece on that, is that, again, if we look at the body holistically, not just do you have a cholesterol problem going to throw niacin, If we know you have a cholesterol problem, we need to help the liver out. [00:19:30][12.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:19:30] Yes, niacin is going to help the liver out. But so’s, you know, B6 and folic acid and, you know, histidine and all the things we throw at the liver to clean it. And so, yeah, of course we need to work holistically. So if you’ve got art is that there’s certain people I don’t want doing this just like, oh, good idea, I wasn’t doing this. [00:19:50][19.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:19:51] If you have active peptic ulcers, don’t, don’t, don’t start this yet. You’re going to you’re not going to love what happens. It’s going to hurt again. I always tell you will start with clearing the meridian pathways so the body can communicate to the liver and the kidneys, clean them out. [00:20:06][15.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:20:07] Then, you know, quality parasites, you know, kill off the yeast, restore the gut so the body can actually function and detoxify and get nutrients and then start doing stuff like this. [00:20:18][11.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:20:19] So this this is something that you just hear and you go, oh, we start this tomorrow. No, no, Establish the foundation, make sure the waste can get out, make sure the nutrients can get in, because you have to balance everything else that you can get going if you have a peptic ulcer. We got to fix that first and then we can kind of go on if you have active liver disease. [00:20:35][16.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:20:36] So if your liver’s actually all sorts of messed up, we need to get that knocked out. If you had hepatitis, hepatitis ABC, we got to clean that, fix that first before we work in the liver. This should come as no surprise that if you have something going on with your liver, we need to fix that thing before we try to make a holistic long term change. [00:20:53][17.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:20:53] So, you know, obviously liver damage should be one of those things of. You know, you always have to go through and tell the people if you’re hypersensitive to something, like if you if you for some reason, your body just really reacts poorly to niacin. High dose niacin is probably gonna be a bad plan. [00:21:10][17.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:21:12] So just heads up if your body doesn’t respond well to niacin, maybe we need to do something a different form of niacin. Maybe we need to do titrate differently. Maybe we need to do, you know, something to buffer it. But if you have bad, bad reactions to niacin, this might not be the best course of action for you. So, you know, it’s also possible that you can be sensitive to something in the supplement. [00:21:36][24.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:21:36] So it’s not just niacin, it’s something that is a cofactor or something that goes with it. We can desensitizes you to it or we can keep keep going on. So there’s there’s a just a number of other things that we need to work on. What are the ones? I remember reading this in research and just thinking, Oh my gosh, I said, Hey, if you have arterial bleeding, this might not be the best thing for you. [00:22:03][26.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:22:04] Yeah, no joke. Yeah, There’s a lot of things you shouldn’t do if you’re literally bleeding to death on the inside. Yet Let’s fix the bleeding to death on the inside first. That’s literally, you know, when you call a doctor’s office and they say if you’re having a medical emergency, hang up and called, I’m in one. This is exactly the same thing in research. [00:22:20][16.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:22:21] They’re like, Oh yeah, if your blood vessels don’t work and you’re literally leaking on the inside, you shouldn’t do this. You shouldn’t do a liver cleanse. Yeah, no joke. You’re going to die. Get your blood vessels fixed. So, you know, I heard that went in. I want to talk about that just because, like, sometimes I read stuff in research and I’m like, Are you kidding me? [00:22:38][16.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:22:38] Like the who who decided that they need to, like, say this? Like, is this is if you’re on fire, put yourself out before you start taking too much niacin because, you know, fire is more important. Yeah. Yeah. Obviously. I’m so sorry. I thought that was hilarious. One so niacin can pass through breast milk again. Don’t do detoxes while you’re breastfeeding. [00:23:00][21.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:23:02] If you need to detox because you have too many heavy metals or you’ve got, you know, all sorts of other problems, don’t breastfeed. You know, the idea that breast is best is kind of right and kind of wrong anyway, because if you’re eating foods that your child is sensitive to, your breast milk is full of stuff that your baby’s going to, you’ll find inflammatory. [00:23:21][19.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:23:23] You know, if you’re nutrient deficient, your breast milk is being nutrient deficient. So it’s not that breast is always best, and especially if you’re detoxing, it is in no way a good idea if you’re on any other high, high, strong medication. It’s not a good idea to breastfeed. You know, you guys can snuggle up with your babies and feed them from a bottle and get the nutrients your kiddos remember. [00:23:44][20.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:23:45] Same thing with babies, the same thing with adults. We have to get the chemicals in the body.So if the chemicals are not that the good chemicals aren’t in the breast tissue, they’re not in the milk. You’re not going to get the good chemicals in the kiddo. If you’ve got bad chemicals in the breast tissue and thus in the milk, you’re going to put bad chemicals in your kiddo. [00:24:02][17.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:24:02] So let’s let’s think for just a second about what’s coming out of our body, going into the kid before we determine that breast is best. So that’s a it’s a piece. I like to make sure that we all kind of at least touch on. Now, niacin is really good for brain function as as a as a neuro guy, as a brain guy. This is a big, big, big, big piece of this. [00:24:23][20.9]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:24:25] So, the way that it works is niacin helps kind of form what’s called cyclic ATP or ribose and nicotinic acid ATP. It controls intracellular calcium signaling. So basically the way that the neurons talk to each other. There’s a big piece of this with this ATP and it’s really critical for nervous system functions so that the way the brain actually communicates. [00:24:48][22.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:24:50] And so you can see this in the in the deficiencies in when we have low niacin, the problems that are created. So like we mentioned Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and ALS, which is a terrific lateral sclerosis, musculature atrophy, Parkinson’s, those are things. So I mentioned this earlier. I want to go back through this. Niacin deficiency creates what’s called pellagra. [00:25:15][25.7]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:25:17] It’s defined by what we call the four D’s dermatitis, which is inflammation of the skin. It looks kind of like psoriasis almost. I mean, it’s kind of all over the place. You see this in kids. Like they’re all like the cheeks, everything. Dementia. So our brain just doesn’t work, right? [00:25:33][15.9]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:25:34] Loose stools are diarrhea and, of course, death. Because if you have if your brain starts falling apart and you have diarrhea too long, which dehydrates you, all the problems get worse than you die. So that is the thing. It would be very hard for someone to get full on death from Allegra in the US. But just because you’re not dying doesn’t mean the quality of your life is where you want it to be. So,the dermatitis that we see, the I guess the inflammation, it’s a little unique. [00:26:05][30.9]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:26:08] The waves were unique is that when the sun hits the body, it damages the body at a much higher rate. So people get sunburns that are much worse than they should be and they last longer and we see more skin cancer from them. And it’s why I believe that the reason for that is because the DNA repair is so much lower. When we get sun on the skin, the metabolism speeds up. [00:26:33][25.4]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:26:34] And as the metabolism speeds up, we’ve got to have the building materials to actually allow these cells to replicate and divide and clean themselves up and function. So we have, you know, low ATP, then we’re going to have a harder time for cellular mitosis. We’re going to have a harder time for the cells to function on the DNA as we get damaged. I mean, we talked about that earlier, but that is something that’s going to happen a lot. [00:26:57][23.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:26:58] And so that’s one of the reasons why we got to be very careful. Go ahead and feel like you can be in the sun. Just make sure that your nutrient levels are high enough to respond to the increased utilization of cellular turnover and you’re going to be a lot better off. So that’s be the big piece is we have that UV radiation that our body has to have because that’s how we make D3. [00:27:21][23.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:27:22] We also have to have enough nutrients that the chemistry can run. So just keep your niacin close up. So we we talked about neurologic damage. We have a loss of an ad, plus it’s a supplement. I’m sure you guys have seen it. But I was like interviews plus is a great sample to take one take a sidebar and talk about that. If you guys are looking for something to take and you want to take in a plus, that’s fantastic. I mean, I’m not going to knock that at all. [00:27:48][26.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:27:48] I think it’s a fantastic thing to take. However, I like to give the body all the substrates as long as somebody can do it. You know, we have mtf h.r issues and so we have to give the body fully methylated b vitamins. And that’s just the easiest best way to go. [00:28:01][12.3]

[00:28:01] But I generally like to give the body all the substrates and let it go through its normal processes, because just because we know, hey, there’s a chemical over here that we really want to attack, we really want to get. [00:28:11][9.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:28:12] Does it mean the body is not using these these substrates in these secondary primary, these primary chemicals to make something else that we need that we’re not focusing on? So I’d much rather give the body, especially B vitamins cases, a whole lot of B vitamins all the time because whatever it doesn’t want, since B volume vitamins are water soluble, it’ll just get rid of. [00:28:31][18.9]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:28:31] And so, you know, you might be like, well, yes, I’m spending $10 more a month that’s just not getting absorbed. But okay, that’s that’s a question you have to ask yourself. I spent $0.10, $10, $50 a month that I didn’t need to. But I don’t know how much I need. Sometimes it’s $50 a month was wasted, sometimes it’s 30. We don’t know how much anybody needed in that timeframe, so I choose to go a little bit higher. [00:28:57][25.8]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:28:58] We must test everybody else besides me. I take a little bit extra, but that’s one of the big ones and that’s the big thing we talk about in ad low in ad from low niacin Low B three. The worry that I have is that we’re not going to know. We didn’t have enough until it’s too late. Until someone starts presenting with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, things like that. And out of all the things I’m scared about, I would rather have a heart attack and die today than to lose my mind. [00:29:29][31.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:29:31] The the idea of getting Alzheimer’s, getting dementia, that terrifies me more than anything. I’d rather I’d I’d much rather have a heart attack and I’d much rather get in a car wreck and die. Die. Boop dot God than. have my mind deteriorate, not being able to remember my kids or the first date with my wife or. Oh, there’s the stuff like that. That’s. That’s. That’s horrible. [00:29:52][21.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:29:53] So that’s. That’s the big piece keeping your brain functioning. Is that so? The the funny thing about niacin is that it’s a it’s used for a large number of chemical processes. That means that we use it up faster, the higher the metabolism gets. [00:30:10][17.3]

[00:30:11] So that’s why I talk about with testosterone, because as we all know, testosterone, you know, substantially increases your metabolism all over, which is why we lose so much weight, We gain so much muscle, we feel so much better. [00:30:21][10.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:30:21] We have so much more energy. Our metabolisms higher. But again. Higher metabolism, the faster we make stuff. So again, metabolism is, you know, just the speed at which we make new cells. If we’re making a lot more cells, we need a lot more nutrients. You make ten cells a day, you only need a little bit of nutrients to make 10,000 cells a day. [00:30:42][20.2]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:30:42] You need a lot more nutrients. And so that’s why as we start, you know, asking for demanding that we create more more tissue, more cells, we need more niacin. So as your metabolism comes up, as you as you ask your body’s metabolism to come up because you’re pushing against aging, that’s something you’re going to need more nutrition. [00:31:02][20.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:31:03] And definitely niacin is one of the ones you guys need to get at. So if you notice that your cholesterol is not the right place if you do it, you know. If you do a calcium C.T. and your cholesterol blood lipid levels, your blood cholesterol is okay, but your calcium is not. You can still use niacin to clean all this up. [00:31:25][21.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:31:25] Remember, niacin also is a if push against reactive oxidative stress and free radicals. So it’s going to be a good one for that. Now, I wouldn’t use a tremendous amount of niacin unless we’re seeing the LDL come down safely and say the safe place, the HDL is going to weigh up because the HDL is going way up, is going to help break up and carry that packing out of the blood vessel. So niacin can still be used if we have a bad calcium cut. It’s not the only thing I would use, but it’s still going to be beneficial. [00:31:55][30.0]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:31:55] So. You know, I wanted you guys kind of understand what niacin is and how it works. And so, you know, hopefully now you have a little bit more appreciation. If you guys have more questions, you can obviously ask me. You can you can do your own research, but it’s a beneficial nutrient, a remover. It’s still water soluble, so you can’t take a whole bunch of it once a day and be like, haha, I’ve, I’ve corrected the problem two or three times a day. [00:32:19][23.6]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:32:19] Now Niacin is not one of those that’s really, really big for creating energy. So I have a lot of my patients take niacin at night, so it takes, you know, morning, noon, so breakfast, lunch, dinner and then right before they go to bed. Now, if it causes flushing, sometimes people are going, I can’t sleep because it causes flushing. They don’t take it at night. [00:32:39][19.3]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:32:39] Take it to the day, put up with it, take smaller doses all the time. Tell your body its use. The the the niacin. You don’t have the flushing. Then you can take a higher dose at night. But remember the reason this is the reason why people take it at night. Our bodies repair, regenerate and clean themselves at night, especially the liver. The liver cycle is between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. typically in the United States, because that’s when the times are set up. [00:33:04][25.1]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:33:04] So what’s going to end up happening is that if we can take the niacin at night, we know the liver is going to be doing the majority of its work on cleaning itself. It’s going to be able to help a lot more. And so that’s why I give the higher doses, dosages at night. But so it’s a little bit on niacin I to get to in the weeds of the eyes, but this is why I like this. This is how I use it. [00:33:27][22.5]

Dr. Matt Chalmers: [00:33:28] And so if you guys have any other questions, it’s up and we’ll be able to help you guys get where you want to go. Thanks. . [00:33:28][0.0]

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