As a positive force in the wellness market, Dr. Chalmers is on a mission. That mission is to help others to get the most out of life through knowledge and accountability. Connect with Dr. Chalmers and run down the wellness path with a team. Start with the Chalmers Facebook Group, and check out the wellness tips and tricks. Dr. Chalmers new book “Pillars of Wellness” is available on Amazon and through special promotions.


Motivations behind researching health and wellness. Explains the journey of uncovering solutions for various health issues, including addiction, PTSD, and depression, through alternative methods like psychedelics and proper nutrition. The…

The controversy surrounding meat consumption versus a plant-based diet. The health implications of both, addressing misconceptions about meat's impact on heart health and the environmental considerations of plant farming. The…

The complexities of heavy metal detoxification, highlighting the importance of understanding both active and passive damage from heavy metals. The significance of preparing the body by optimizing liver and kidney…

The challenges of navigating the healthcare system, particularly regarding insurance coverage for medical testing and treatment. The difference between the medical and wellness approaches and emphasizes the importance of customization…

Misconceptions about whey protein, debunking the claim that 82% of whey protein turns into sugar. The biochemical process of protein breakdown and emphasizes the importance of accurate information in the…

The concept of an alpha male mindset. The importance of mindset in achieving goals, shares personal anecdotes about encounters with powerful individuals, and emphasizes the significance of introspection, purpose, and…

Various aspects of depression, emphasize its diverse manifestations beyond self-hatred. The role of testosterone, sleep, gut health, and methylated B vitamins in addressing depression. The potential benefits of psychedelic therapies…

Discussing blood pressure, its underlying mechanics, and holistic approaches to managing it. The physiological aspects, such as fluid dynamics and kidney function, as well as the crucial role of stress…

The role of adrenal health in various bodily functions such as hormone production, managing stress, and addressing conditions like ADHD and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). The importance of proper…

The use of peptides and hormones for various health goals, including weight loss and muscle building. The importance of understanding how these substances affect the body and tailoring their use…

To questions regarding health concerns, including vaccine regrets, calorie misconceptions, and cholesterol myths. The importance of understanding biochemical processes and suggests strategies for addressing health issues such as sleep apnea…

The importance of gut health and its impact on overall well-being. Covers topics such as nutrient absorption, the role of stress, the effects of certain medications, and the influence of…

The intricate world of liver health in this insightful video snippet. The liver's pivotal role as the body's detoxification powerhouse, shedding light on its impact on overall well-being. The importance…

The crucial role of mindset in achieving success and fulfillment in life. The importance of tackling challenges and doing hard things to strengthen one's mental resilience. The personalized approach required…

Providing updates on bodybuilding and wellness practices. Discusses preparation for a bodybuilding competition, including the intricacies of posing practice and adjustments to weight class. Also touches on upcoming changes to…

The "calories in, calories out" model of weight management. Emphasizes that different body types have varying responses to diet and exercise, The notion that a one-size-fits-all approach works for everyone.…

The link between physical health and mental well-being, focusing on testosterone levels, gut health, and exercise. Discusses how low testosterone and gut disturbances can contribute to depression, emphasizing the importance…

The importance of understanding muscle function and joint mechanics for effective training. Workouts tailored to specific goals and body mechanics, avoiding traditional barbell exercises in favor of free weights and…

The crucial role of recovery in training protocols, emphasizing the importance of holistic body maintenance beyond just exercise and diet. His personal regimen, including chiropractic adjustments, massages, and hyperbaric chamber…

The benefits of testosterone supplementation for both men and women. He covers topics such as its role in health, relationships, sexual function, and overall well-being. The importance of maintaining optimal…

The importance of body composition over weight loss. Explains why weight is not an accurate measure of health and shares insights on maintaining muscle while losing fat. Lifestyle changes, quality…

Emphasizing its vascular nature and its impact on various bodily systems. Treatments involving nanoparticles, antioxidants, and medications like quinine sulfate. The controversial aspects of COVID-19 and vaccines. Highlights of the…

The concept of frequency function, emphasizes how the body communicates using electromagnetic frequencies rather than electricity. Understanding these frequencies can impact health and wellness, touching on topics like grounding, muscle…

The body for optimal health. Addressing issues like liver health, parasites, and hormonal imbalances. The significance of his work with the charity Tree of Life Health, utilizing psychedelics and ketamine…

Approach to treating COVID-19 and the controversies surrounding vaccines, cancer risks, and potential treatments such as quinine and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The origins of the virus, the role of government,…

The limitations of the "calories in, calories out" approach to weight loss, highlighting its effectiveness for only a subset of the population. The importance of understanding metabolic processes, the varying…

The importance of maintenance for physical well-being, emphasizing regular adjustments, massages, and hyperbaric chamber sessions for athletes and individuals pushing themselves in workouts. The necessity of amino acids over protein…

The potential benefits of ketamine and psychedelics for mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction. The importance of understanding the proper clinical use of these substances and…

The crucial role of recovery in achieving fitness goals, emphasizes the significance of oxygenation, hydration, nutrition, sleep, and supplementation. The benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, proper breathing techniques, and the…

Discussing misconceptions surrounding LDL cholesterol and the pharmaceutical industry's influence on healthcare practices. The importance of understanding the role of LDL cholesterol in heart health and advocates for comprehensive testing,…

Insights on effective workout techniques, emphasizing the importance of muscle exhaustion rather than focusing solely on sets and reps. He advocates for precision in form, gradual progression in weight, and…

Addresses various health-related questions, including longevity, weight loss, metabolic health, and the importance of setting clear health goals. The significance of focusing on improving metabolic function for overall health and…

The importance of TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic acid) in maintaining overall health, particularly focusing on its benefits for brain health and neurodegenerative diseases. The interconnectedness of bodily systems, highlighting the crucial role…

Addresses questions regarding workout routines and emphasizes the importance of tailoring exercises to individual goals rather than adhering strictly to conventional methods. Advocates for slow, controlled movements to ensure muscle…

The importance of minerals, particularly iodine, in maintaining optimal bodily functions. The significance of understanding hormonal balances, advocating for comprehensive assessments beyond standard blood tests. The critical role of iodine…

Anti-infective supplements aimed at preventing illness, are especially pertinent in the face of emerging health challenges like Covid-19 variants. The importance of supplements like Allison, a garlic derivative, for its…

Unconventional approach to health and wellness, discussing journey and the challenges he faces from critics who oppose his methods. Despite skepticism, he highlights the success of his alternative treatments, challenging…

Aspects of health and wellness, covering topics such as diet, antioxidants, and supplements. The importance of addressing reactive oxidative stress and the role of antioxidants like NAC in combating it.…

The importance of supporting a good cause, as proceeds from purchases aid veterans and first responders dealing with PTSD and addiction. Enhancing cardiovascular health, and aiding muscle recovery. Additionally, the…

The importance of superior B vitamins and minerals for optimal health. He highlights the significance of methylated B vitamins, particularly for individuals with metabolic and genetic issues such as MTF…

The importance of supplementation alongside diet for optimal health. Dr. Chalmers emphasizes the significance of understanding one's body chemistry and individual needs when choosing supplements. The importance of collagen supplementation…

Addresses common misconceptions and questions regarding his profession as a chiropractor and the use of testosterone. Western medicine's approach to healthcare, highlighting controversies around vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and pandemic measures. A…

An informative overview of hormones, particularly focusing on testosterone, estrogen, and their roles in health and wellness. Misconceptions surrounding steroid use, the benefits of testosterone therapy, and the importance of…

The importance of preparing the gut for overall health and wellness. He emphasizes the significance of addressing gut issues, such as ulcers, before focusing on mental health concerns. Sress can…

The intricacies of optimizing health, fitness, and recovery. The significance of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) as the body's primary energy molecule and highlights the importance of transitioning into a fat-burning state…

The principles of fasting, emphasizing the importance of being in a fat oxidizing state before attempting fasting. He delves into the biochemistry behind fasting, ketosis, and glycemic function, offering insights…

Fasting approach and its importance in achieving a fat oxidizing state for health and weight loss. Emphasizes the need for understanding the glycemic function and provides insights into the biochemical…

The physiology of diabetes and proposes a solution through the keto diet. He explains how diabetes affects energy production, the role of insulin, and the transition to fat metabolism. The…

The concept of fat oxidizing state as an alternative to ketosis for weight loss and health improvement. Explains the process of transitioning the body to burn fat for fuel and…

The limitations of the calories in, calories out model and introduces the concept of somatotyping, which categorizes individuals based on their body's metabolic response to different nutrients. He outlines three…

Dr. Matt Chalmers shares his personal journey of weight loss and challenges conventional wisdom about calories and nutrition. Through a scientific lens, he questions the simplistic notion of "calories in,…

Medical experts Sherri Snelling, a gerontologist, and Dr. Matt Chalmers, a certified clinical chiropractic neurologist, recently shared insights on Grabien NewsmaxTV's The National Report regarding concerns surrounding President Biden's cognitive…

Heart-pounding moments and life's unpredictabilities often catch us off guard. Dr. Matt Chalmers joins me to share how this executive's close encounter with mortality sparked a company-wide revolution, emphasizing the…

The Dr. Chalmers Wellness Insights Podcast episode features an in-depth conversation between Dr. Matt Chalmers and Scott Richardson discussing Scott's experiences with ketamine therapy following multiple family tragedies. Scott candidly…

Matt, a first responder, discussed his personal experience with PTSD on the "Wellness Insights" podcast. He emphasized the increased trauma exposure for current first responders and the importance of recognizing…

The most common reason people don't exercise is that they don't have enough time or experience with exercise to go to the gym and work out. The truth is, that…

Maintaining good health involves more than just diet, it's about understanding the link between dietary choices and blood sugar, embracing a positive mindset shift, managing stress for overall well-being, and…

Maintaining bone health is a multidimensional element of overall wellness that is frequently muddled by myths, particularly about the relationship between dairy consumption, osteoporosis, and hormonal impacts. Investigating these factors…

Many of us have been led to believe that the holidays are synonymous with weight gain, causing us to fixate on it more, develop unhealthy habits, and ultimately gain those extra pounds…

During a recent speech at MJ Bicon, a notable advocate dispelled myths about cannabis and its tremendous health advantages. This advocate emphasized the therapeutic potential of cannabis, addressing myths and…

The holiday season is frequently associated with joy, celebration, and a variety of excesses, such as rich cuisine and increased alcohol intake. While we enjoy these events, it is critical…

As the weather drops and the cold season approaches, it's critical to prepare your body for disease. The combination of cold weather, stress, alcohol consumption, sugary meals, and poor nutrition…

Autoimmune disorders, particularly those involving the thyroid, such as Hashimoto's disease, are frequently misinterpreted. Thyroid disorders necessitate a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond simply dosing thyroid hormones. I can help…

Unfortunately, not everyone who works with, talks about, or advises on testosterone is genuinely knowledgeable about it. Yes, there are many doctors who discuss testosterone yet know nothing about it.…

As I conduct study and see patterns, it becomes clear that the body was built to cure itself. My ongoing study indicates that greater LDL cholesterol levels are caused by…

I'm about to start a massive fight with folks, but let's talk about it first. Calories in vs. calories out for fat and muscle levels is NOT the only thing…

Normally, the flu treatment kills out the illness in a few of days 2-3, but this bug is proving to be a bit more difficult. What we're seeing is that…

As I have said in many of my articles and podcasts, weight is not always the key measurement for wellness. In this podcast, I am responding to many questions about…

I've developed a way for delivering Delta 8 cannabinoids to the body in under 20 minutes. I wanted to bring the technology to Texas because I dislike the fact that…

This is a great ruling for the people of Georgia in the fight against the opioid epidemic.  Delta 8, and cannabis in general, are extremely safe as well as providing…

There's a popular belief that sleeping on your back is the best way to sleep. I've never understood why this is taught. This is not only incorrect, but it can…

I know I talk about sports a lot, but it is still the best life training tool I know of. Let me give you a tale to demonstrate my point.…

I had a young man come in the other day, and his main complaint was that he had a lot of internal rotation in his feet. He had been pigeon-toed.…

What is one of the most significant heart, brain, and muscle system supplements? Of course, it's CoQ-10. Now the question is, why is CoQ-10 so beneficial? The explanation is found…

Heartburn may be an unpleasant and uncomfortable experience, and many people seek treatment through numerous methods. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is one unconventional yet effective treatment that is gaining traction. Contrary…

The most common reason people don't exercise is that they don't have enough time or experience with exercise to go to the gym and work out. The truth is, that…

The greatest gift and the heaviest curse ever granted to man was free will. This concept is the foundation of Christianity and the distinction between important life issues such as…

I see a lot of professional athletes, and they're all obviously very accomplished at what they do. The question is how they became a professional. Yes, they are all naturally…

People are frequently perplexed by how I manage the majority of people's care. I've been advised that a patient does not wish to take any medical medications during their treatment.…

When we look at American health issues and then at how we live, it's easy to see the relationship. We are stressed out about a wide range of difficulties, some…

Someone came in a couple of days ago, and they were fatigued, irritable, a little snappy, and felt lousy. They couldn't figure it out and thought they were sick or…

Season 4: Ep 2, Maaxx West, 2023 Miss WBFF Bikini World Champion Maaxx West is a dynamic content creator, influencer, and now the 2023 WBFF Bikini World Champion. In this…

Most men do not consider prostate health until they learn that someone they know has prostate cancer, but they should. There is an old adage that if a guy lives…

We made an interesting discovery concerning metal implants, which many of us have, the other day. While we were all informed that the metal is inert and has no effect…

When it comes to testosterone replacement, one of the most crucial things to keep an eye on is your DHT, or dihydrotestosterone levels. DHT causes hair loss in both men…

This year's flu has been particularly severe and annoying. Normally, the flu treatment kills out the illness in a few of days 2-3, but this bug is proving to be…

So, if you follow me or certain other individuals on social media, you will see this, so I'll discuss it before you do. To provide some context, I lost a…

People appeared to enjoy my essay on Myo-inositol and PCOS, so I wrote on another lesser-known vitamin for wellness. If any of you have herpes, which affects approximately 80% of…

This is a major topic, so I'm going to record a podcast about it, but I wanted to mention something crucial about detoxes: detox reactions. So, exactly what is a…

The most common reason people don't exercise is that they don't have enough time or experience with exercise to go to the gym and work out. The truth is, that…

Physical fitness is perhaps the simplest thing to improve. Depending on your objectives, you can accomplish almost anything, especially at the outset, and you are on the correct track. If…

Ivermectin is a medicine that was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 for its capacity to prevent malaria in humans. Ivermectin has also been proven to slow down the replication…

One of the most essential things you can have is goals. They can mean the difference between feeling lost and uncertain about the future and being motivated and enthused about…

You may or may not be aware, but not all protein powders are suitable for all applications. For example, the finest meal replacement powder, Thorne Mediclear SGS, is not the…

I'll get into specific autoimmune disorders later, but today I'd like to talk about them in general. I have a completely different perspective on them than traditional Western medicine. In…

All we hear about B vitamins in the news is that they are good for energy, but they do so much more. Not long ago, I saw a woman in…

So, I'm ready to start a big fight with certain folks, but let's talk about it first. Calories in vs. calories out for fat and muscle levels is NOT the…

In my TEDx talk preparation, I found out there are common themes across all TEDx talks. Research, validation, and accountability. The questions that are rolling in after my talk are…

Many folks are experiencing menstrual problems. There is a significant portion of this that is inflammation caused by food sensitivities such as seed and vegetable oil, glyphosate (gluten), sugar, and…

In this episode of “The Joy of Living” hosted by Barry Shore, Dr. Matt Chalmers shares his insights on various topics related to women’s health, gender in sports, body types,…

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