I get lots of questions from my clients on how to pick a local doctor. Listen to Dr. Matt Chalmers for the top things for your health. Send Dr. Matt Chalmers questions at [email protected] and we answer all questions.
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Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] Hey, Welcome to Wellness Insights with Dr. Chalmers. I’m Dr. Chalmers. So a lot of people have been asking me, Hey, when I can’t come see you or I live in a different states or whatever, how do I choose a doctor? You know, that’s going to help me get where I want to go and do. The things I want to do?
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:19] That’s really hard. It’s really hard to find. It’s really hard to answer that question even because I don’t know what your goals are. So when I work with people like, you know, and we sit and we talk and I kind of counsel about different things, I figure out what their goals are and what they need and things like that. It does become easier because I know what they want, what I know, I know what they need.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:38] So just make it easier. Let me kind of explain what I would do, what I look for in doctors to work with doctors, take care of my own family.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:00:46] So a lot of it is who this person is. Man and woman doesn’t really matter who they are. How they make the decisions I like to ask docs a lot of questions and I’m specifically looking for them to say, I don’t know. It’s important to me that a doctor is willing to say, I don’t know, because if someone’s willing to say I don’t know, that means that they’re going to be honest with me. One of the hardest things that comes out of a doctor is now because everyone goes to a doctor for answers. If a Doctor doesn’t have answers. How useful are they? They’re not.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:14] And so a lot of doctors will. Well, for lack of a better term, the lie, you know, they come up and you ask the question, they don’t know the answer and they’ll guess sometimes you don’t know if they’re guessing or if they know. And so when a doctor will admit that they don’t know something that really that’s that’s a big piece for me. I want to hear that out of their mouth. But the other thing is, is that I don’t want to be beholden to any one system.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:34] I know a lot of doctors who are horribly against medical drugs, and I understand that hesitancy. Medical drugs are extremely powerful. They all have major negatives and a lot of people are way overusing them, abusing them. And they’re expensive. They’re they’re all. Sorts of bad things.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:01:51] However, they’re really, really, really helpful I mean, God, if you just like how many lives antibiotics have. Saved, it’s really hard to say that we shouldn’t be using them, you know, at a very high level now, should we? Using them at the level we’re using them? No, we shouldn’t. We’re using or way or we’re using them.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:02:05] But antibiotics are a miracle. They’re phenomenal at what they do. They’re unbelievably awesome. Steroids are awesome as well. I have a giant respect for medical or pregnancy. The things that can do short term or just spectacular. It’s really a bad idea to take long term. It does all kinds of terrible things to you.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:02:24] I don’t think I need to tell everybody how much I love what injectable testosterone can do. It is spectacular. It’s the healing hormone. It makes everything in your life better. So there’s a lot of them that are good a healthy mix of both is always good.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:02:36] But the idea that pharmaceuticals fix all, I don’t like that. And any practitioner, just like I said, neither do I. Like, you know, somebody who says no drugs ever. The the idea that I always look for somebody who looks towards physiology, what does your body need? You know, Are you sleeping well? Are you are you is your mental space where it’s supposed to be? Have you worried about your psychological mental health? What are you doing to relax and decrease stress? How what are you eating? When are you sleeping? How much sleep are you getting? Are you drinking water? You know, all the all the things that work? Are you taking your supplementation see your nutritional levels where they’re supposed to be?. These are all things you should play at.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:03:10] And I’m not saying that the doctor has to know all this I know a lot of medical doctors who have really started to pick up the idea of that chemistry is more than just drugs and they’ve hired nutritionists, they’ve hired health coaches, they’ve partnered with chiropractors, they’ve partnered with people who have a different idea, who bring other skills to the table. And these guys are these guys are phenomenal. I love these guys. You know, we work together. I work with these guys. All the time.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:03:34] And it’s funny because these are the same guys who are willing to say, I don’t know, ask this. Person because we work as a team. Now, if you come in and you ask about diet, I have a lot of medical Doctors will give you my number. You know, if you ask about surgery, I’m going to give you their number. I don’t know how to do surgery. I don’t want to know how to do surgery. I know when to send you to the surgeon and I know when to send you, you know, to get medical drugs.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:03:54] And that’s the way that I like to practice, is that’s what I’m going to try to find if I find a need. You’ve got a massive yeast overgrowth. You know what? We could do this in six months with black human seed and, you know, all sorts of different anti yeast and things like that. Or we could do it in three weeks, but they fluke it.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:04:09] I mean if that’s if that works better and faster and cheaper why would we not do that? So that’s kind of the thing that I look for in a doctor.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:04:17] Now, one of the other things you can do because it’s really hard to just kind of sit down and interrogate so that you might want to be your doctor is look at them. You know, there’s a lot of doctors who try to tell you that they have a mastery of the human body and they’re £100 overweight where they smoke. You want that guy or that woman making medical decisions about your health if they don’t understand how to fix their own body.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:04:37] Because thinking about it, they’re £100 overweight. Do you think they wake up in the morning and go loving this body? This is exactly this was my plan I planned on being so fat my belly hanging over my belt. That was my goal since I was six. I doubt it. I mean, maybe they do. Maybe we all have weird things. Maybe that’s their thing. I doubt it, though.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:04:55] I mean, if you’re a doctor and your whole premise, your whole business, your whole life, everything about you is supposed to be wrapped around the fact that you understand how the body. Works and you can help manipulate that body to get the best health best outcome, best results and your £100, £50, 35, £40 overweight over fat sorry, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:05:16] Because I guarantee you that if you’re £50 overweight or £35 overweight, if you really knew how the body worked and you really had a handle on it and you really could get the body to do what you wanted to do, you wouldn’t be that fat. I don’t know. I realize how horrible that sounds. It sounds like I’m fat shaming and maybe I am to a degree. But doctors shouldn’t be fat if they’re good at what they do.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:05:36] I mean, everyone. Talks about how obesity is a major health risk everybody talks about how you should be in shape to be healthy, to have a long term health risk, how to avoid long term health risks. You know, even with COVID, I think we’ve all. Been set down and we all. Know the term co-morbidity now we all know how bad obesity is.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:05:54] And then we all knew beforehand. But now there’s no doubt we know exactly how bad that is. So if you go to your doctor and your doctor’s overweight now, I’m not talking about like they’re soft. I’m not talking about like they need to get in the gym and tone their muscle up. I’m talking about like they’re rounder than they should be. They’re, you know, it’s they got they are done like going on their belly, done left over their belt, that type of idea.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:06:15] We need to have a serious look at this and be like, is this the best person for me? So I’m not saying that that’s a definitive marker, that everybody has to have a six pack. But the other side. It is something that I look at and I know doctors who need to lose 20, £30, but they’re also good at what they do. So that’s not my only determining factor.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:06:33] However, it’s a big one for me because it shows me a couple of different things. One, it shows me knowledge of how the physiological body functions too. It shows me dedication to health and wellness. And three, it shows me how much they care about themselves, because if you know what you’re doing, you understand the ramifications of what’s going on and you care about yourself, then you’re going to find the time to do what you need to do.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:06:55] And a lot of the time you don’t have to add any extra time in to being lean versus being fat. You should change, which goes in your mouth. So people say, Well, I don’t have time to go to the gym. Do you have time to eat? You obviously have time to eat. Just change. It goes in your mouth and then I’ll do tremendous amounts. So, you know, and that’s that’s kind of where that is.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:07:13] So you know, I realize how horrible that sounds, but that’s where it is. So that’s the other idea that I look at is why we use the drugs that we use. So I’m not actually against vaccines. I think that they’re fantastic when used properly but I also don’t think that every human being born needs every single vaccine that we’ve ever created.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:07:32] One of the ones that irritates me the most is the one that we give in the hospital. Happy. Happy is terrible. Is that not a good thing to have? You do not want happy? I don’t want anybody here to think that. I’m saying that happy is not that big of a deal happy is a big deal. We don’t want it. You got to get rid of it. You got to fix it you got to ask for it. You got to get rid of it that.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:07:49] Having said that, it is a sexually transmitted disease. So you get a flu, sex, unprotected sex, and you get it from dirty needles. So a couple comes together that woman’s pregnant, pregnant for several months, you know seven plus months some babies come early, seven plus months. If you were tested at conception or a month after their conception happened and husband and wife do not have happy unless the wife or the husband starts cheating on the other person acquires happy, then passes it to the pregnancy, to that, to the mother. They’re not going to have happy when the baby’s born.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:08:25] So there’s no need to give the baby a vaccine for happy because the mother didn’t have it when the baby was born the father didn’t have it when the baby was born. And unless you’re expecting that baby to have a lot of unprotected sex before the age of five or do a whole lot of dirty needles before the age of five, baby doesn’t need to be shot, doesn’t have the disease, get the disease. So why are we giving a drug for the disease outside of well, that’s just what we do.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:08:49] And well, we’d like 2000 bucks that the insurance pays us for shooting this to your kid. Neither one of those are good enough reason to give a drug.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:08:56] Now, on the other side of that, let’s say that some person obviously a woman strolls into a hospital and says, hey, I’m in the E.R., I live on the streets no one’s ever seen me before. Yeah, that’s probably a pretty solid idea to give that that child a happy shot because you have no you have no clinical data.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:09:15] But the but the woman who’s been coming to a nobody Jun’s practice three times a month since pregnancy started. Probably if you don’t have blood work on this person, if you’ve been seeing them the entire time they were pregnant and you don’t have bloodwork on them, you’re a horrible practitioner. How have you not done a single blood study on that? And if you do one blood study, just throw in happy. It’s not the worst thing in the world to do. Find out the diseases that you’re trying to prevent and treat, see if the person actually has it. And if they don’t, don’t worry about it as much.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:09:47] So that’s the issue. So I want to make sure that people say, well, I’m going to give you the drugs that you need I’m going to give you the vaccines you need, I’m going to give you the medications you need I’m going to give you the health advice you need. And you know what? I’m not the best at lifting weights. So when I see my friends fell or my friend Rebecca or whoever down the street they’re going to help. You out, you know,.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:10:04] And I’m not really the best at. Long term wellness. I mean, Chalmers That’s his thing. And so this is now your health team you can choose to go wherever you want this is be my recommendation. Those are the docs that I like to work with people who understand that there’s a team people understand that drugs are not the only answer. And people who understand that drugs are an answer.
Dr Matt Chalmers[00:10:24] These are the guys I try to work with. We’ve been building a pretty solid network of these guys and women. Obviously, some of the best pediatricians I know are women actually know several really good surgeons who are women, too. So that should, by the way, I don’t know, I feel silly even having to say this, but from an experience, functions and ability standpoint, you shouldn’t have to choose whether you not a man or a woman for your for your physician.
Dr Matt Chalmers[00:10:47] On the other side of that, I totally understand the idea of like gynecological exams. Some women feel more comfortable with woman Get it? You know, any any urological issues. I understand why some guys would either want a guy or want a woman for that. That doesn’t play into any of the decisions that I make. So that might be something that if you asked me to go see, that might be something you have to deal with on your own.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:11:08] But that’s that’s how I make my decisions, is what what are important to my goals? Do I want somebody who’s going to, you know, make the best drug decision for me, make the best decision for me, Give me information so I can make my own decisions. You know, what are your goals? You know,.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:11:23] I want to me, who’s going to listen to me? I’m I’m the I am the odd duck out there. I do all my own research. And so I go in and I ask a lot of really terrible, terrible questions I hate I can’t imagine being my doctor. But like I said, my guys are really, really good at it.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:11:35] So that’s how I make the decision for me. And so that would be the way I would try to kind of give you guys the idea to look for your own doctor.
Dr Matt Chalmers [00:11:44] If you have any other questions hit us up at [email protected] Thanks.
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